The Suez Canal is currently not blocked

Please let it be Michael Bay. Then the film can be non-stop scenes of the Suez exploding, for no apparent reason. Water on fire, tugs exploding, hell even the birds explode as they fly overhead. Boom.
The first film will be the dangerous loading of the ship.
Second will be the dramatic cruise to the canal.
Then the third will be entering of the canal with the ending just as it grounds.
The fourth will be all new actors pretending to be the old ones, stock for a week with the crew running out of food.
The fifth will be the rescue attempt.
The sixth will be the insurance wrangle to release the ship.

Ok i need to get this sent off to Hollywood asap and copyright it:D
Top man! Please do!

Unusually we had an afternoon transit of the canal, which just shows the lengths they’re going to to try and clear the backlog (that the SCA says doesn’t exist).

Usually when you transit the canal you’ll get a call as duty engineer to get the engines ready around 3.00am, so that they can begin heaving up the anchor around 4.00, to be at the pilot station around 6.00, and by 8.00 you’re just entering the canal. This time they called at 8.20 yesterday morning, meaning it wasn’t until lunchtime that we actually entered the canal, so by the time we reached the Great Bitter Lake, it was already dark, and Ever Given was basically a row of lights imposed on a background of other lights, and I couldn’t make her out.
Big smile for the camera, all friends again :)

Given how steeply the public demands for compensation fell it's possible that even the second number was still posturing.
How funny would it have been if the driver had stacked it into the side at Felixstowe :cry:
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