The Syla5 Files

So week 3 of the 5's is over and done with and i think i am happy in saying i have adjusted to morning training. Lifts are feeling better, and now i have lifted heavy(ish) again i am happy that i will make some good progress over the next cycle and beyond.

Todays session:

Warm ups 60-100 some reps

Working sets 115x5x3

Here is the first set unbelted, sets 2 and 3 were belted - i was going to push set 3 at 117.5 but after watching the first set back i decided to focus more on the depth of the squat over the weight today.

Pull ups (changed from pull downs)
bwx5 5x5x2

Dips 25x5 27.5x5 30x5 love weighted dips :)

OHP 50x5 50x4 50x4

Calf press 220x10x3 fell the pump, again love these i have big(ish) calfs possibly due to my short legs.

Next week it will be on to a deload, i plan on making a few minor changes to the work outs, i will post up some updated lists shortly, and i have prepped my new work out and loads to remove cross over, so cycle to looks like it is going to be more fatigue in but hopefully more rewarding.

Weight overall has stayed pretty similar from the start of cycle 1 to now, i have gone from 11st 2lb down to 10st 13lb and back up to 11st 2lb through to cycle, i am hoping that i am still ditching a little fat while adding so lean mass, only time will tell.
That looking nice.

You have the same problems with that that you did with the previous weeks, but that is looking really strong. You would have easily had the 117.5kg and probably 120kg but you know that for next time now ;).
i was looking back through some of my older videos, squatting 120x8, but since then i have dropped over a stone and half in weight! also i am getting a good 3" more depth now as well. I think better aclimatisation to heavy lifting in the next cycle will help.

The lowest weight i will be squatting from 15's will be 80kg and it doesnt go backwards at any point, unlike cycle 1.

Hoping that through 15's and 10's i can work on faults and then build on PB's for 5's
A quick update on my deload. So far i have skipped my monday session, up until 9pm on sunday night i was fine, then out of nowhere, bam, a full blown cold!! first time i have been properly ill since last october. Seeing as this is my deload week, i skipped yesterday, but i am planning on going in tomorrow for some light work and then again on friday.

My overall goals from the gym are a combination of strength and asthetics, currently focusing on the asthetics side of things, looking to add some good clean mass, then i will focus on the strength side, and switch between the two until i get to a size and look i am happy with and then i will probably focus on the strength and general functionality of that strength a bit more.

As for my bulk progress, well i am keeping a close eye on things and since starting this HST routine my weight has hovered around the 11st 2lb mark, i dipped to 10st 13lb about a week in to my bulk, and have since risen back to around 11st 2-3lb. This being week 10 of the bulk i would consider this a reasonable place to be. I can see a visual difference but thats mainly because i am looking for it i guess.
Confirmed my weight this morning, fully dressed 11st 4lb, so I think I can easily say I have gained 3lb in the last 9 1/2 weeks. Gonna stick with my diet as is as already seeing a little added fat and don't want this to get outta control.

Today I went the gym and it felt good even though I feel rough.

I decided to give box squats a go to see if they will help me get out of the hole while keeping my knees out.

Here goes, critique away.
last day of the deload week, went in a did some deadlifts mainly to practice my negative, engage hip hinge first etc.

I think it went ok, lets see what you guys think.

Next week i start cycle 2 and i am actually looking forward to the brutality of the 15's and 10's weeks again should be fun.
5's are tough going......15's are BRUTAL!!

I have been getting over a bit of a cold and so not truely at 100% again yet, and have adjusted both my workouts so that i dont have cross over and dont rather then taking big weight jumps from session to session i just start heavier and take smaller increments.

Example cycle 1 deadlifts started at 70kg to end at 90kg over 3 sessions it was 10kg jump per session over 2 weeks (due to a/b)

Cycle 2 deadlifts start at 85kg and will end at 95kg, so only 5kg increase at the top end but starting heavier!

Everything was good with this mornings session, except i had to lower the weight of the Goblet squats as my starting weight this cycle was the same as my finishing weight on the first cycle and i had slightly miss calculated!

Todays session looked like this, everything for 2 sets of 15
Deadlifts 85kg
RDL 37.5kg
Bench Press 50kg
Goblet Squats 22.5kg (instead of 27.5kg)
Seated Shoulder Press 15kg
lateral Raises 5kg
CGBP 40kg
Calf Raises 40kg

Lots of sweating, slightly longer rest periods then i would have liked (aim for 1 min, but was hitting 1 min 30), i didnt have enough time at the end of the workout for some additional core work, but all in all a good start to my second cycle. Time to start really putting the mass on :D
oversleeping = fail :(

after a late night, and finding it hard to get to sleep, i didnt get up till 6:30 and so rushed around at home and didnt get on to the gym floor until 6:50! squat warm-up was rushed but squats felt good!
Everything else was rushed, and although it felt good, by the time i hit the 5th exercise i was blitzed!
Workout as follows, all exercises for 2 sets of 15:

Squats 80kg
RDL 40kg
Inclined Bench 15kg
Lat Pull Downs 50kg
Dips bw+2.5kg
Seated Row 40kg
OHP 27.5kg
BB Curl skipped these as really running out on time
Calf Press 155kg

Chest wax tonight, oh the manlyness :)
Screw that, I'm keeping my rug for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng time.

Good work though mate, two sets of 15's @ 80kg for squat would have probably broken me in my current state this week
So much good work, undermined in such a sad way. ;)

I quite like it!! i can see much better definition without the fuzz there!

Screw that, I'm keeping my rug for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng time.

Good work though mate, two sets of 15's @ 80kg for squat would have probably broken me in my current state this week

Lol, your recent progress is geeing me on mate, must keep ahead of delvis ;)
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