last day of the 15's in cycle 2, i am mullered!
all exercises done for 2 sets of 15 reps
Squats 90kg
RDL 50kg
Inclined DB Bench 20x15 felt super easy so then did 22.5x15 again solid set
lat Pulldowns 55kg
Dips bw+7.5kg
Kroc Rows 22.5kg (supposed to be seated row, but machines busy)
Skipped OHP and i was totally destroyed by this point
Calf press 175kg, omg loading up the leg press from empty was a workout in its self by this point, totally struggling with the 25kg plates!
BB curl 20x15 only managed one set as the barbells got nabbed between sets and i just couldnt be bothered to go find them
now that my 2nd cycle of 15's is over and done with i think i have learnt a couple of things, the progression of weights from cycle one was good and i will aim for the same next cycle, however the weight targets for each workout was a little to eager, next cycle i am going to go back to staging the weights over 6 intervals instead of 3.
ie if my max is 95kg for squats my sessions would be:
b no squat
a 75kg
b no squat
a 85kg
b no squat
a 95kg
hopefully this should lead to better recovery and i should be able to fit in some additional core exercises/mobility