The Syla5 Files

Just wanted to pop up some current maxes so that i can monitor progress not just on the visual side but also on the lifting side.

Current Rep Maxes 15/10/5/1



Bench Press


Having never tracked my RM figures for more then 1 rep this will be interesting to see how they improve
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Nice Squat RM, really wish I could get up there.

Oh yea.. Subscribed! :p

Cheers, i could have done with a little more depth (prob just above para on this attempt, if not para but not sub) on the squat, but it seems to be a strong point for me, i am basing this on lever advantage due to my stature ;) however it does seem to hinder my deadlifts a little :(
Gonna give early morning training a go tomorrow, my daughter is starting school soon and it would be easier if I was home after work and before she needs to go to bed, easiest change to make is going to the gym in the mornings.

Alarm set for 6:00am breakfast shake ready to go, all I need to do now is get up and to the gym by half 6!
Ooooh morning training

I could potentially like the idea of doing this...just never really done it! Earliest I've done it 8:30! :p
well that was a different experience, not as tough as i thought it would be, but still tougher than a regular session:

HST 15's again 2 sets of 15

Squat 65kg
RDL 35kg
Incline DB Bench 7.5kg
Pull Downs 40kg
Seated Rows 30kg
Dips BW
OHP 22.5kg
Calf Press 120kg
BB Curl 10kg
Cable Crunch 15kg

Thats both my 15's workouts run through, i will probably save posting now until the last a and b of the 15's cycle at the end of next week.

Next challenge is to get used to training in the early morning.

I find I'm better in the mornings if I just wake up soon as te alarm goes off, if I keep kitting snooze it just gets worse ;)
I've just got out of early morning training and now do evenings (spend morning doing my mobility perscribed from physio and fasted cardio session). I used to get up about 5.30, get my buzz on, do stretches and then hit the weights.. Saying that, it was fasted too :eek:
I've just got out of early morning training and now do evenings (spend morning doing my mobility perscribed from physio and fasted cardio session). I used to get up about 5.30, get my buzz on, do stretches and then hit the weights.. Saying that, it was fasted too :eek:

have you noticed a difference in performance since switching to evenings?

I am hoping to not see a noticable difference, but time, and diet management (ie eating more before bed etc) will have show if it makes a difference for me.
have you noticed a difference in performance since switching to evenings?

I am hoping to not see a noticable difference, but time, and diet management (ie eating more before bed etc) will have show if it makes a difference for me.

Well its my 2nd week in, so will see how I perform once I get back in to Wendler. I've done morning workouts for over a year now, so if anything, it feels weird in the evening. although my deadlifts performed better in the evening last week, but that cause just be a placebo effect.
I've never liked the idea of early morning training. I like to have a decent amount of food ingested before doing any serious lifting. For example if I don't eat enough carbs during the day my lifts aren't as good.
True. You'll probably find your lifts will be be different for a while, but you'll adapt to that type of training eventually.

As long as you're working as hard, it shouldn't do much, you'll just have to build up extra strength to hit the same numbers as evening training maybe? Who know :p
not sure if my thinking is correct but i was planning on eating a little later and a little more in the evenings before bed, as i dont expect to use vast amounts of energy in my sleep so glycogen stores should be fine by the mornings.

I might do 2 early mornings and evening a week on fridays this may also help
End of the first week of HST and the 15's are a female dog! nothing to strenuous but super strict on the form and rest periods and it really takes it out of you. Great for conditioning.

2nd time deadlifting with slightly wider stance and it still feels this space, hoping this could make a nice difference at the topend!

Also still aclimatising to the morning training. I have got up at 6 since wednesday this week, i just need to get used to going to bed early, and i need to be mindful of what i have to eat/drink in the evenings :( diet coke at 8 last night and i was restless until 12 :(:( damn the caffine. If i can keep getting up at 6 i might start going to the gym 5 days a week and just use tuesday and thursday for light cardio and mobility/rolling :D
End of the first week of HST and the 15's are a female dog! nothing to strenuous but super strict on the form and rest periods and it really takes it out of you. Great for conditioning.

2nd time deadlifting with slightly wider stance and it still feels this space, hoping this could make a nice difference at the topend!

Also still aclimatising to the morning training. I have got up at 6 since wednesday this week, i just need to get used to going to bed early, and i need to be mindful of what i have to eat/drink in the evenings :( diet coke at 8 last night and i was restless until 12 :(:( damn the caffine. If i can keep getting up at 6 i might start going to the gym 5 days a week and just use tuesday and thursday for light cardio and mobility/rolling :D

How wide you been going? I've been playing around with my footing too, trying to find a strong position, a bit like with squats.

When I start Wendler again, I think the conditioning is literally gonna kill me this time around, especially after squats and deadlifts as I normally just lay motionless on the floor :eek::p
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