The Syla5 Files

You got told off for doing weighted dips or for putting the weight on the pad to keep it down?
You got told off for doing weighted dips or for putting the weight on the pad to keep it down?

Putting the weight on the pad to keep it down.

There is a normal dipping station across the other side of the gym but the handles are further apart. It would make sense to move it as Syla5 says, think I'll badger them too.

EDIT: Syla5, in the vid, it actually looks like the bar travels towards your shin when it leave the ground? Not sure if that will do anything negative, might need to shuffle your shins forward maybe?
Surely all the carbs etc for the other 5 days should restore you? I'm pretty sure recovery doesn't take place only in the immediate day or two after training a muscle group? Or am I completely misunderstanding you here?

I dont backload every night, i backload Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday currently (giong with an extra BL on fridays to help). My lower back isnt getting back to 100% before its being hit by another exercise, seeing as i do full body i am hitting my back with some kind of exercise every day so this compounds the problem.

Syla5, in the vid, it actually looks like the bar travels towards your shin when it leave the ground? Not sure if that will do anything negative, might need to shuffle your shins forward maybe?

good spot, possibly due to getting used to round plates and the bar rolling about a little pre-lift.
What gym is it you use? If I attended a private gym and was told off by the staff it would get my back up, I'd gob off back and I wouldn't return, immature sulky style. I know there are rules in place for a reason but **** them, if it's something that is commons sense, like in this instance it just winds me up. I'm glad we basically own our own gym and can do what the hell we like with it!
its just a new Pure Gym. It was hardly a telling off, more a case of "we have been told by our manager that we are to stop this if we see it happening" they are only doing there job really.
If they act on my sugguestion of swapping the dip stations over then no problem.
Yeah they should do, seems daft having the non-assisted station near all of the assisting machines, then the assisted dip machine next to the weights room :p
Morning session, i was supposed to start 3's week but i have deceided to deload, and do some rehab type work for my lower back.

Over the weekend I did plenty of rolling, ball work, and band work and it has helped. Plenty of sledging hasnt really been benefial, overall i think my back is healing up, it feels more tender but less painful if that makes sense.

Foam roller and ball work for 5 mins before doing anything.
Good Mornings
Bar x 20 40x10/10/10

Comments on form appreciated as i know GM's are an easy exercise to get wrong.

Bar x 20 40x20/10 60x10

Inclined DB bench

Pull ups
bw x 10/10/6

Bar x 10/10

DB Rows

Oblique Twists 5ft bar (added for abdominal rehab)
bar x 10
bar x 20

More rolling/soft tissue/lacrosse ball/stretching work 15 mins

Weight this morning 11st 6.25lb after last nights backload. Happy with how i am looking, and how easy the diet is to manage.
Physio visit today for my back and I am very pleased with the outcome.

Positive sides no underlying issues, just need to dial it back and work on the movement of the lifts and the muscles will recover, no serious knots or sticking points which is good.

My hamstrings are coming along nicely, there is some additional flexibility that I can aim for but compared to the majority of the populous I am in a very good place already, so another posative.(that's to all the mobility advocates here :))

Showed a few of my form videos so that she could see how I am moving under load, again posative. I have good form and only a couple of points to focus on to reduce any undue strain on my back (will go over these in a sec)

In general I have a stiff pelvis and lower back, not a concern more a point that I could work on this to loosen it up.
My erectus spinaee are very developed compared to the rest of my back. This is a postural abnormality that has come from years of me putting my right leg under my left when I sit down, this also appears in the form of a very pronounced hump in my lower back as I bend forwards. Thankfully this is nothing to be concerned about, as long as I sit with good posture this will be corrected with continued training.
I have very tight ankles, especially my left ankle so gonna give them some love!

My pelvis is anterioraly tilted (butt out) which apparently is a lot more common in women, so there you go I have a girly pelvis.

Things to work on:
Actively working against my anterior pelvic twist.
Ankle mobility/flexibility gotta smash these mothers in to shape.
Seating posture, no more sticking that right foot under my left leg

Course of action in the gym, as per my plan to Deload and focus on the movement and just relearn the movements taking in to account what the physio has said.

No need for a revisit to the physio so all is good :)
Interesting, where did you go? Sometimes if i stand it feels like my pelvis tilts like you describe as well, that pretty much equates to most of my pain i think.

Is tgat caused by tight hams or quads do you know?
MK Therapy, bradwell common.

She advised that the tilt is postural, not caused by anything tight, and I just need to be mindful of countering it until it becomes second nature.

I apparently don't have tight hamstrings, at least nothing that would cause any knock on effects which is a sign that my mob work is doing its thing.

I have noticed that you hyperextend a fair bit at the top of your deads, she spotted that I do this a little in mine also saying how it becomes more extreme when I fatigue. This hyper extension and anterior tilt compounds the effect on the lower back curving in and causes extra tension.
It would do you no harm to counter the tilt, and stop hyper extending :)
Physio visit today for my back and I am very pleased with the outcome.

My erectus spinaee are very developed compared to the rest of my back. This is a postural abnormality that has come from years of me putting my right leg under my left when I sit down, this also appears in the form of a very pronounced hump in my lower back as I bend forwards.

Very intredasting. I have the same thing but the other way around, I always sit with my left leg underneath me. This gives me loads of glorious hip mobility with my left leg but not my right, and I also feel generally lop sided sometimes. To make it worse I sit with my wallet in my back right pocket, and used to carry my bag to school everyday on just my right shoulder.

Is this just an NHS GP referred physio or something proper? Would be nice to spend some time with someone that knows what they're doing (and won't tar it with some 'weightlifting is bad mmmkay' tosh).
Not nhs no, I self referred as they call it and paid for the session. £38 for 35 mins and we talked for the first 5 then she was hands on for the rest. No anti lifting comments made, and actually quite supportive of if.

Would be nice to see someone who specialises in weight training physio though.
Haha yeap got to work loosening up my lower back, worked quite nicely. Might have to swap the chest waxes for some sports massages.
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