The Syla5 Files

Cheers, would be good to see what your doing anyway. I went to cmk? The person isaw was okay, but basically just wanted to use accupuncture on me :o lol
Back still recovering and so took it a little easier today

Some mobility to warm up

Bar x 20 wg x 15
40x5 60x2 70x2 80x1
90x3 90x2+1(finger spot)
87.5x2+1(finger spot damn it)
feeling a little tight in my back so called it there.

Heavy DB Rows
34x8/8/8/8 extra set and 2 extra reps per set for good measure, felt good, focused on PPT doing these to help.

No more lifting now so more mobility/rolling, did my legs and hips/pelvis with the roller, got the ball in to my lower back/glutes/hips. Threw in some Posterior Pelvic Planks (blank but full focus on glute squeeze and PPT) Then spent 5 mins per ankle doing so green band ankle stretches, damn these are hard solo.
Should try the ankle ones pre-squat, see how they feel too :)

I am going to be doing them and some more work that dom has sugguested most evenings. I will also do the ankle, and some dynamic hip openers before squatting as well as they will help with my lower back posture as well :)
I have looked at all of the free weights and have emailed our facilities director to advise on what needs doing to rectify this. (this will probably involve bolting everything down) When I get a date for this I will let you know.

I agree that the unassisted chin needs to be moved and plan to do this at the weekend when I have enough staff in to help!

Lastly with regards to the wear covers, these are all going to be removed as we are changing the way that we brand the machines. For now though they must stay as they are. I will keep an eye on the chest press cover however I think that it may be down to the fact that it is new, this may stiffen up after a bit more use. I have had a few members and staff test it today and so far there doesn’t seem to be a problem with it slipping.

Basically I need to find a rubber shirt or wrap bands around the bench in the mean time :p
Back is starting to feel a lot more normal now, a little tender and tight in spots, but the constant intense dom's feeling has gone and underload there was no pulling or sharp pains.

Soft tissue ball work and rolling, glutes, legs, and lower back 5 mins.

bar x10 70x10 90x5 110x5 70x10 all felt good, encouraged as much ppt as possible.

Bar x10 40x11 60x8 80x5 100x3 bar x10 again ppt as much as possible.

bw x10 20x8 35x5 50x2PB@72kg BW :) very pleased here, would have gone for more but belt only rated to 30kg lol

Standing and Seated DB shoulder press
20x10(stand) 20x5/5 20x10(seat) trying to work up to all 3 sets fully standing.

Oblique twists
Bar x20 10x20

Very pleased with today :). BW at 72kg (159lb)
Start of my official deload week from cycle 1 of my strength routine today, after last weeks dial back this week is going to be a focus on form and working on some exercises to help my core, while still doing most of my normal routine.

Start off with some hip flossing and ankle stretching before squatting, well this worked wonders especially the ankle mobility!

Squats: Focus on the movement without over emphasising the APT as I previously used to.
Bar x 10/10
100x3 (testing the waters)

Inclined DB Bench
32x6 - opps deload week!


RDL's - used straps here to see how they feel, really let you focus on the lift rather then holding the bar, i can see how these will really help at higher weights
Bar x10

DB Row

Oblique Twists
Bar x 20 10x20

More rolling and soft tissue work tonight and some stricter super ppt reverse crunches. Back still has some tight spots, hoping to have these gone by the end of the week so I can reboot my strength routine, being a little more cautious.
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When you push out of the hole, your hips come up first and which is causing you to overextend the belly. Spine shouldn't change under load as you know.
Its not intentional, and is quite likely a bi-product of the fact i previously used to be in that position before due to my APT.
As I said on email. Maybe do some front/goblet squats for a while to strengthen the core.
Ankle mob and hip flossing in prep for some squatting. Ankles definatly need a lot of work.

Bench Press
Bar x20 wgx15
ds 50x15

DB Row 30x8/8/8

OHP SS with front BB raise
ohp 30x8/8/8
Front raise 10x8/8/8

Goblet Squat with pulse

front squat
bar x8

Oblique Twist

some squat vids of my goblet and front squats
40kg Front
60kg Front, both sets
Front squats are being led from the knees it would seem, rather than the glutes.

Also, watch your bum tuck right at the bottom - a fun way of doing this is to REALLY force your knees apart and get the ankles involved.

Top, however, looks great!
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