The Syla5 Files

this is how this cycle is looking:

Weight targets
Week/sets/reps squat Deadlift bench OHP
1. 3x6 100/115/80/45 (squat and DL roughly 66% rm)
2. 3x5 110/125/85/47.5 (squat and dl roughly 73%)
3. 4x4 115/135/87.5/50 (squat 76% dl 79%)
4. 4x3 120/145/90/52.5 (squat 80% dl 85%)

I am cautious of how to deal with my deadlifts as I don't want to risk my back again.

If everything goes well with back rehab then week 5 is hopefully going to be testing as follows

Reps/sets. squat/Deadlift
1x3 130/150 (squat 86% dl 88%)
1x3 135/160 (squat 90% dl 94%)
1x3 140/165 (squat 93% dl 97%)

next cycle i plan on doing roughly
week 1 60-70% rm
week 2 70-80% rm
week 3 80-90% rm
week 4 90%+ rm
oh they are there, i just cut them from those numbers for less fluff (the figures on on the previous page about half way down :))

OHP rm is 67.5kg but i havent done that for a long time, i havent even tried an OHP max for a long time. Bench is also a weakness for me, annoyingly i cant seem to get anywhere with it. I have done 100kg once and that stopped a good 2-3inches from my chest :( in dec last year i did do 95kg from my chest but still not the 100kg.
Could always add in some Paused Benching; It should help with getting it off your chest. Never know, you could get away with heavier reps on each :).

Mine will probably be loltastic this week too!
Squat is looking much better, much less extension. Won't be long before it's completely gone.
Could always add in some Paused Benching; It should help with getting it off your chest. Never know, you could get away with heavier reps on each :).

Mine will probably be loltastic this week too!

I am throwing in some paused benching during my warm ups, paused 80kg last week not a problem.

Squat is looking much better, much less extension. Won't be long before it's completely gone.

Cheers dude. The mobility work + stretching + soft tissue work is definitely starting to pay dividends. Also my back is almost 100% again which is great. I now only have the slightest of tenderness, i mean i am really having to push down hard on a spot the size of a 50p to feel it now so really happy :)
Lol log on the second page, it's nice to see this sub forum so active :)

Afternoon training as got a disturbed nights sleep, food all out of cycle and felt a bit drained by the time I got to the gym :(

Bit of foam rolling, bit of mobility, some hip flossing, and a few kb swings to get the joints moving.
Bar x 20
72.5x11 (body weight challenge, so much fail)

DB flat bench drop set
20's x10

DB rows (heavy)

Bar x10
47.5x5/5/5 these felt heavy today

More ankle stretching to open things up
Front squat
Bar x 10
60x8/8 second set vid, form better then first set, need to work on not rounding at the bottom, but they are feeling much better, now just need to learn the other grip.

Face pulls

Core superset to finish things off
Pallor press 14x10 per side
Plank 1x45sec
PPT Reverse crunch
BW x10

More foam rolling and stretching to finish things off. Back is feeling a little iffy today, think I slept terribly, no serious pain so hoping i just need loads of protein and a good nights sleep.
So fridays is deadlift day, woke up, my back felt a little tight but no pain and no pump so i was feeling good.

Foam rolling, ankle mobility, 8kg KB swings to wake up everything!

Back feeling good, Grace is on, gotta get it done at least once.

Bar x 5
DL bar x 5
Bar x5
60x2/2 omg this is going to be tough why am i even trying this!!!
60x5/5/5/3/2/3/3/2/2 oh lawdy!
120x5 stopped here, everything felt really solid especially after grace, but i was uploading the vid so couldnt film my sets to be sure, so didnt want to risk anything.

bw x 5
no rest in to ds 15x5

Standing Cable Row (per arm)

DB Shoulder Press (standing + seated) - Forgot i had done grace lol
18x8 (standing)

More rolling to keep my back open.

Now nearly 3 hours after grace my back feels fine which is a posative sign. Right glute is a little tight so gonna hammer that tonight.
Thought i would check my 2012 gains:

Syla5 85kg / 130kg / 140kg @78.4kg 355kg Jan-Feb12 (post 30Mar12 old PL totals thread)

By December 100kg/150kg/170kg @ 72kg 420kg

Damn me and my hard gains /sarcasm
Week 3 has begun and its 4's week, things are getting heavier again, getting back to pre-backgate numbers.

Bar x 10
4th set, was only supposed to go for 4 but went for a 5th, it was a bit messy but i think my mind was set on racking!
I am going with a narrower grip on the bar to help me really keep tightness in my back. This helped.

Inclined DB Bench/DB Flat Bench super sets
20x10+10/10+10/10+10 PUMPAGE

Pull ups

Bar x5
90x5 to much back not enough ham's

DB Rows (light)

Ran out of time, so some core work will be being done at home later.

For some strange reason on squats i felt really nervous getting under the bar today every set! I psyhced my self up a little on the 4th set and it made a big difference.

Progress wise i am pleased with where i am in my recovery with my back, and i am also pleased with my squats, Cycle 1, 4's week was my last week before i stopped due to backgate and my Squats then were 120x4/4/4 but all belted. Staying away from the belt as much as possible to help me focus on really using my core more efficently. Also these 115's were tighter and much better controlled then the 120's of cycle 1.
Thats the plan, now lets see if my body plays ball. No 1RM testing planned for a little while, but i want to hit some new triple's PB's soon
Great. Im hoping to start triples at end of the month too, once I've gone back through the 5 rep phase, just to get body used to it again.
hmm bench day :( Hoping that some extra volume on mondays, and some drop sets after my heavy sets will help with bringing my bench up.

Bar x 20
60x6 50x10 speed reps, explosive off the chest

DB Row (heavy)

Bar x5

Front squats ss with Deficit BSS
40x10/10 60x5
10x10/10 (no third set)
60kg Front squats

Face Pulls

Pallof Press 14x10/10
Landmines Oly Bar x20
because i have a fat neck if i dont have my head back a little like that it starts to crush my windpipe. Would rather complete the sets without blacking out! I think i really need to learn snatch grip for these :(
because i have a fat neck if i dont have my head back a little like that it starts to crush my windpipe. Would rather complete the sets without blacking out! I think i really need to learn snatch grip for these :(

Snatch grip front squats? Well that WOULD be interesting... :)

You still using plates under your heels? I can see bum-tuckage there... I apprecaite you're going for improving your mobility, but no point hammering your lower back if you don't have to. :)
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