I really need to log in to fb on a picas i seem to be missing a lot of message
I would say your off day seems quite low on protein, I focus on getting enough protein and enough carbs on my backload days. Also I would suggest breaking the fast between 12-14hours, I was waiting up to 17 but apparently this could be to long and actually be detrimental.
What I currently do is:
Training day: 8am post work out shake with30g dextrose, this is my initial fast breaker and can be had with or without carbs, as I am bulking I have the carbs.
11:30 100g chicken and salad ith lashings of olive oil and good oil
13:00 25g mixed nuts
14:00 same as 11:30
16:30 whey shake with leucine, creatine, glutamine
18:00 250g chicken 200g veg (cauliflower and broccili) loads of butter
19:30 whey shake with leucine, glutamine
Off day
Coffee with 10gwhey and 15g coconut oil
Same daily pattern as training day
17:00-20:00 backloading fun hitting 300-400g carbs
Coffee whey coconut oil
Samedaily pattern as other days
Same dinner routine as training day
I backload sun,tues,thurs, and Fridays.
Key principles is stick to:
180g+protein per day (my preference)
No carbs before 16:00
Break the fast between 12-14hours
Use the mirror to stay happy
Don't be ruled by the diet, just stick to the principles
Tonight for example I wasn't upped to backload, but I did, I might skip Fridays backlog instead. If I am feeling podgy I will cutback to 3 back loads. If recovery is slow or I am feeling tight I will do additional backloads
Weighed in this morning at 72 .1kg (159lb, 11st 5lb) which is a gain of 1lb since 6th jan averaging 2.7k cals per day backloading 3-4 times per week.