The Syla5 Files

Interesting (and positive!) to hear.

Let us know how you get on with it, because it's pretty cool to find out what these supplements ACTUALLY do versus what they are pimped as doing... :cool:
Night 2 of OAKG and my sleep felt good, went to bed at 9:15 and was alseep by 10 at the latest, woke up naturally at 5:30 and felt great, except for a massive headache (which i never get), but theres a bug going round, and everyone in the house is suffering them. I nearly didnt go for my session today because of it, but I did. My back is still sore, i couldnt tell if there was any significant improvement over yesterday really, but again my hands have shown signs of improvement.


Bar x 20 (dl's and rdl's) x-band walks
100x5(b) put my belt on for this, after 2 nights of backloading i am back out a hole from monday haha
135x3(b)/3/3/3 took the belt off again to work on keeping things tight.
As always, here is my last working set, all in pleased, especially as i have managed to reduce my head movement, not cured by much less then before.


Standing Cable Rows
36x10/10 these felt great today and was gonna do another set but was pushed for time.

Goblet Squats w/pulse
12x10/10 time running out!

DB SHoulder press SS with Front BB Raise

So my back is feeling tired enough today, after posative signs of recovery up until monday of this week i was hoping for heavy triples next week. I am going to see how the weekend goes and decide on monday morning if i am going to deload next week and push back the triples to the week after, or if i can stick to plan and go heavy next week.
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So back on it tomorrow, also my OAKG supply should arrive tomorrow, I only had 3 doses from LiE (cheers mate :)) and I was seeing posative signs.

My lower back is still tender/sore I am wondering if it is where I am actively fixing my posture and the muscles are getting used to this. There is no sharp pain, not localised pain, it just feels like doms.

Next week was going to be heavy triples but I am going to Deload as per a normal cycle and then start cycle 3 hopefully with a 100% back.
tbh, unless I'm crippled, I still lift heavy ass weights with niggles and soreness. I'm just too stubborn to back off. Maybe I should be cautious, but I know my body well, and you yours.
I was under the impression you had to take OAKG for a while before you saw any benefits? Tried it twice myself and while it didn't do anything for my sleep or strength my stamina on high rep sets shot through the roof.
tbh, unless I'm crippled, I still lift heavy ass weights with niggles and soreness. I'm just too stubborn to back off. Maybe I should be cautious, but I know my body well, and you yours.

I got to the point in jan though where moving was painful, I don't want to go bck there. Also next week would normally be a Deload, so the heavy triples were the alternative to the norm anyway, so skipping them isn't that big of an issue, bless I feel up to it I the morning.

I was under the impression you had to take OAKG for a while before you saw any benefits? Tried it twice myself and while it didn't do anything for my sleep or strength my stamina on high rep sets shot through the roof.

I guess everyone reacts to it differently, also not sure what dosage levels you were taking, but I was on 15g per dose before bed nd I only weigh 72kg. I think you might need closer to 19-20g at 110kg (think that's your weight?)
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Deload week, bit more volume on the big compounds little less weight, shorter rests all round.

bar x10/10
last set of 8

Inclined DB Bench ss Flat DB bench

Pull ups BWx8/8/8

RDL 80x10/10 i am starting to fall out with these, they seem to aggrevate my lower back by the end of the set.

DB Row (light)

Leg Raises
BW x10/10

DB Curls
14x8 ran out of time.
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for some reason i have gone the other way today with my squats, i was in the rack with no mirror, and i think that threw me a little so kept looking low.
Syla, not sure you got my FB message but here's my revised CBL dabble plan....

Training Days (Train 0800-0930)
First Meal @1230-1300 = 30/15/60 600kcal
Snackage (Nuts/Deli Meats/Shakes etc.) = 25/<5/30 350kcal
Dinner @ 1930-2000 = 25/<5/70 600kcal

So totals 80/30/160 & 1550kcal with +/- 10% on each, will make it fit near enough at the time.

Off Days (CBL)
First Meal @1230-1300 = 30/15/60 600kcal
Snackage (Whey) = 4/5/40 200kcal
First Carb Action @ 1830 ish? 7/35/20 300kcal (CNP Flapjacks got these already in abundance)
Dinner + CBL @ 1930 = 50/230/60 1600-1700kcal (oh lawd)

Totals 90/290/180 2700 kcal

What say you? Not sure what to do re: weekends yet as I nearly always go out for food Friday nights but don't train Saturdays.... will worry about that later.

Note: This is basically a 2 week taster block to see if I can do CBL IIFYM style, no prep phase. If this goes ok I'll be doing the prep phase in about 3/4 weeks (get back from holidays)
I really need to log in to fb on a picas i seem to be missing a lot of message :(

I would say your off day seems quite low on protein, I focus on getting enough protein and enough carbs on my backload days. Also I would suggest breaking the fast between 12-14hours, I was waiting up to 17 but apparently this could be to long and actually be detrimental.

What I currently do is:
Training day: 8am post work out shake with30g dextrose, this is my initial fast breaker and can be had with or without carbs, as I am bulking I have the carbs.
11:30 100g chicken and salad ith lashings of olive oil and good oil
13:00 25g mixed nuts
14:00 same as 11:30
16:30 whey shake with leucine, creatine, glutamine
18:00 250g chicken 200g veg (cauliflower and broccili) loads of butter
19:30 whey shake with leucine, glutamine

Off day
Coffee with 10gwhey and 15g coconut oil
Same daily pattern as training day
17:00-20:00 backloading fun hitting 300-400g carbs

Coffee whey coconut oil
Samedaily pattern as other days
Same dinner routine as training day

I backload sun,tues,thurs, and Fridays.

Key principles is stick to:
180g+protein per day (my preference)
No carbs before 16:00
Break the fast between 12-14hours
Use the mirror to stay happy
Don't be ruled by the diet, just stick to the principles :)

Tonight for example I wasn't upped to backload, but I did, I might skip Fridays backlog instead. If I am feeling podgy I will cutback to 3 back loads. If recovery is slow or I am feeling tight I will do additional backloads :)

Weighed in this morning at 72 .1kg (159lb, 11st 5lb) which is a gain of 1lb since 6th jan averaging 2.7k cals per day backloading 3-4 times per week.
I guess I need to try it and see, typically 2kcal average per day nets me 1lb a week loss so that's what I'm sticking with. Difference is the macro timing of CBL. I figure I'll need at least 300g carbs in the backload and I can't fit in much more brotein without going cray cray with the kcals.

Just gonna be a suck it and see I think :p. All of my numbers are 'ish' there will be days where I hit 210g protein (steak on steak days) but the above will likely be my most common macros.

Forgot to mention training days still have 15g BCAA pre / 15g BCAA post workout, and I consume plenty of caffeine at work to keep me awake.
Don't get hung up on the cals, really don't. I only track mine because I am OCD, I don't work the diet around the cals, just the carbs, and protein. Before CBL I was hitting around 2.2k cals per day, and gaining about 1lb per week. Now I am on considerably more food and prob adding closer to 0.25lb per week if that. I am not sure about the Pre w/o BCAA's I am not sure on their effect on insulin, if any, but you want to avoid any early spikes.
Back update, a strange feeling last night, after a constant dull ache all day at around 6pm there was a step change and less aching. It was very bizarre but I wont question it if things seem to have gone that way. OAKG last night and my sleep was more stable, and I am feeling less tight this morning, lets see how the next few days go.

Bench – working on form, trying to bring a little arch in to drive my shoulders in to the bench a little better. I have filmed my form and will upload later, I appear to push the bar diagonally off my chest towards my head laterally while pushing vertically. I need to work on driving the bar straight up, this could be why I have been struggling with bench progress.
Bar x15

DB Row Heavy – Swapped for Standing cable rows to avoid aggravating my lower back at all.
Standing cable rows – Really starting to find a groove with these :D
36x10 41x10/10

Bar x5

Front squats SS with High Bar Squats – really to help with ankle mobility/rom
Lots of ankle stretching then
FS 40x9 60x8
HB 40x8 60x8

Facepulls 36x10/10/10

Pallof Press 18x10/10

Bench form definitely needs work so going to focus on getting the bar moving in a straight line, engage the lower chest more. Would any type of decline benching help here?
That path for the bar is normal. I push off the chest level with the nipples and it ends straight up and level with the top of my chest.
yeap, strengh is my goal, has been from the start of the year. This week is a little more volume esque as it is a deload week, but my main cycle runs from 6 to 3 rep sets on my compound lifts, over the 4 week cycle.
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