The Syla5 Files

Bench and OHP day

Bar x20 40x10 60x5 70x3
82.5x6/6/6 slow, heavy, and not sure how much spotter involement, just gonna keep ploughing ahead with weight on the bench, keep adding it, keep doing the rep set structure till i can shift over 100 for reps :mad:
DS 60x6

DB Rows (Heavy)

bar x5


Face Pulls


Reverse Crunches x10
Did you have a spotter on the bar for every rep? 100 for reps at your bodyweight would be impressive.
no the spotter was only helping on the last 2 rest of set 2 and 3, hard to gauge how much input but it was still a grind which was good. Had the same guy spotting me for the last few bench sessions and he seems to know how to spot so its not so bad.
Ah, I make a habit of having the spotter stay off the bar until I fail, then they rack it. Unless you're aiming for forced reps. Otherwise it allows you to apparently lift more.
I want to hit the reps at the moment, i need to push my total up so that i can rep 100 so i can then focus on paused bench totals. If i want to be reasonably competetive i need to be able to pause bench 100 at least.
It'll be interesting to see how you progress with the forced reps. I did them many years ago, but didn't do them consistently enough to know if they were useful. Keep an eye on how many reps you're being assisted as the weight goes up.
i am hitting quite big volume on mondays as well so not sure how much of an impact this is having. I would never let more then 1-2 reps be assisted where i can help it, but we shall see if i can progress :)
the end of cycle 3

Deadlifts - using my belt again, felt some slight twinging in my lower ab section, really minor and wondering if it was pinching/bruising before rather then a pull or strain. Slight adjustment and no worries.

Bar x some
120x2 (one belted, one un for comparison)
125x6 unbelted, felt comfy still

Dips 20x8
DS BW x10

Standing cable rows

Goblet squats with pulse, getting deeper with less tuck and more upright with these, progress is small but noticable :)

DB Shoulder press
18x10 (standing)
20x10 easy!
24x9+22x2 very pleased with these, small pb there :)

Reverse crunches with strict PPT
bw x 10

Happy with the end of the first week of this cycle, hopefully the next 3 weeks go to plan.
Hmm I can post some up later, didn't think anyone is overly interested in them haha. Need to upgrade my chain as I want to try out a bw dip soon
Slow down the goblets, especially the pulse. Also, I'm sure you are, but make efforts to straighten your feet up as you progress.

Looking good bro!
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