The Syla5 Files

If you're going to do CBL properly you'll have to get used to low carb days (below 30g). The ULC days you'll certainly need to eat more than 100g of fat.

Sorry, missed out a key word in my post. He only recommends 30g fat (for my BW). That seems crazily low. Seems like Syla has done something closer to what I was suggesting, which is boost the fat cals and lower the carb cals.

Not quite sure what to do on non-training days either. If I need ~3000K cals to start growing, I'm going to need about 200g fat to make that up.
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two weeks holiday has begun, most likely no training while i am away!!

Pre holiday weigh in 76.2kg, lets see if i can break the 80kg barrier :D
well my holiday was awesome! shockingly lost 1lb so still around the 76kg weight :D

planning on doing avgt from next week, so today was really just a welcome back to the gym workout after nothing for 2 1/2 weeks.

Plenty of strecthing and mobility work
Bar x15
DS 100x5

Bar x20
DS 60x6

Standing 1 arm rows

Leg Curls


i was hoping for a little more on squats but overall it was a good session back, nothing felt outragiously heavy, but nothing felt light either.

It feels great to be back and lifting again.
So i am after a bit of a change with my training, goals still the same achieve strength. Having heard some posatives about submaximal training, and the fact i have spotted some weaknesses i would like to work on in some of my big movements, I am going to give AVGT a go.

Much thanks to FF for firstly bringing it to my attention, it looks awesome, and brutal, and full of feels, and also thanks to the OCUK choo choo as well here, jumping on board and hoping to smash it.

Seeing as i want to focus on key movements, there are not many changes in the 6 workouts for each session.

Session 1 workouts look as follows:

Squat (low bar)
Front Squats

DB Incline Press

Standing Cable Rows
DB Shoulder Press

Squats (low Bar)
Front Squats
Walking Lunges

Pull Ups

DB Row
DB Shoulder Press

I would love to fit in sumo deadlifts in there somewhere, as i feel that they would hit some weak areas, thoughts on doing them in place of one of the conventional deadlift blocks, or instead of something else would be great.
As FF has said, doing squats/bench/deads on the 5x10 might take it out of you in the end. Up to you though.
indeed they might, if they do thought i will just swap them around for their respective alternatives, except for bench, ive just got to smash that...

with deadlifts i would sub in sumo's, and squats i would sub in fronties, as i would be doing both at much less weight
You and your sumos... ;)

Also, while lifting submaximally is good for some aspects of strength training, AGVT is a hypertrophy routine. It's useful for someone like PK who is finding a lot of inconsistency between reps and sets, and where it's a massive change of pace and stimulus.

You will no doubt put on mass, but it's not what I'd suggest for someone looking to move into powerlifting.
They should only be seen as a deadlift variant that allows people with a certain combination of limb lengths and intrinsic strengths/weaknesses to lift more weight for 1-3 reps.

With this in mind, should they have a place in most peoples developmental (hypertrophy, movement pattern, flexibility/positional) training? Not really.
hmmmmmmmmm all taken on board, maybe a rethink is in order.

I was of the understanding that althought AVGT is not strength focused, it is not as mass specific as GVT.

Do you think 1 cycle will be of benefit, considering i want to use the volume to focus on weaknesses? Or is there a better way i could go about fixing things?

Very open to sugguestions, as if i cannot find something by next week i will just start another cycle of what i have been doing.

Yeap powerlifting is still my goal, but i want my top end lifts, especially squat not to have as much weakness as it does. Overall lift total is good but knee collapse and right leg dominance is really promient at the top end.

Haha indeed me any my sumo's ;) not even low weight 3x8 as an assistance?! i gave them a little try and i really feel it on the insides of my legs, possible weak area?
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How long is an AGVT cycle? For the sake of self education (which I rank as being pretty important in lifting) having a play around won't do you any harm and could be interesting. I also like to break my training up with different things occasionally.

Sumo relies much more on your adductors, so that's what you're feeling. This does not mean that your adductors are weak! Don't forget the various factors that cause knee collapse. Also, while you might find that sumo is right for you eventually, you won't get as much training interplay between your squats and deads because you are a narrow stance squatter. The problem with your deadlift is just that you haven't trained it enough, and that you have non-perfect lumbar control. These things are not fixed by doing sumo.

And, for example, if you don't feel like your hitting your glut. med. enough when you squat there are all kinds of assistance exercises to do.
One full cycle is 60 days I believe looking at the tnation article, its basically 6 phases (10x5, 10x4 etc with varying percentages) each phase lasting 10 days / 2 weeks...or in Dave's case, 6 training sessions.
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