The Syla5 Files

yeap 60 days is one cycle, so if i was to start now it would take me up to september.

Narrow stance squatter? i am over shoulderwidth apart at the heels, does this really class as narrow stance or just normal?

Also any lumbar control issues i have were not a consideration for considering adding in sumo.
(if i am being honest i didnt realise there was an issue there over and above general form breakage the closer one gets to there RM, which i dont ignore and i try to work on all the time)

With my deadlift, progress has always been slower then most people on here, for example i squat better then many people here who can pull 200kg no problem, but i cant shift more then 170 (180 being optimistic) and i am wondering if it is my odd proportions that are the limiting factor, being all torso and no legs.

As for working on weakness, i thought it was much harder to work on something the closer you are to your RM? My training has been very much focused on the higher end of my strength range recently. I thought movement reporgramming and form corrections were better dealt with at lower weight ranges and higher reps??

75% of RM is hardly light weight either...
Narrow as in not wide :)

You don't have a huge problem with lumbar control, but it still seems to be what breaks first.

When comparing yourself to other people, you need to look at how they are lifting too. Sure, someone might be able to round back 200kg, but you will probably find that there progression slows faster than yours.

As for working with less weight to fix movement patterns, absolutely yes. But that doesn't mean you have to do AGVT.
As for working with less weight to fix movement patterns, absolutely yes. But that doesn't mean you have to do AGVT.

It just looked interesting :) plenty of volume at still reasonable weights, and keeping it simple, I thought that may be worth a shot.

As I would like to do something different I am open to suggestions.

My main areas I want to focus on are:

Squat movement correction
Squat knee collapse correction
Overall deadlifting tightness improvement
Chest volume, while still working decent weight

If not Avgt I still need something that is high enough weight to still keep pushing the strength gains, while being light enough for me to focus on fixing movement patterns, and being able to focus on the weakness in the lift, rather then focusing on the weight being shifted.

I don't feel my current setup gives me enough volume for correcting things which is one of the reasons for changing, as well as hoping a change in stimulus will encourage some extra growth :cool:
I see :) so give it a bash and it is to much volume then do 5x5 instead? I may end up having to do that anyway dependant on time as I have to get to work after training so time might be a factor.

Yeah skills, I would start next week on Monday and my last session would be on the 30th August. The next time I would train after that would be September.
Doms, ive not missed you at all........

Bar x15 haha could barely move
130x4 fatigued to hell, so left the last rep rather then try it.

Bar x5

Front Squats
very pleased with these considering i didnt do any ankle stretching today these went very well

Dips and Curls SS
bw x10+20x10
bw x10+20x10
bw x10+20x10

Still not sure what to do next weekend, I want to do something that will help add some mass while i can work on weak areas of my current lifts, so more volume and slightly less weight, but i want to be progressive still.
Considering a planned routine change, I am going to take the oppurtunity to break away from my current 3 days a week full body routines that i do and go back to a 3 day split. Hoping that a different stiumulus might encourage some good growth.

Goals for my next training block are as follows:

Squat movement correction
Squat knee collapse correction
Overall deadlifting tightness improvement
Chest development.

for the main part i am aiming to add in more working volume. I want to give the following a try and will test it out next week to see how it fits.

Squats 5x5
RDL 5x5
Band Squats 3x8 (to work on my knee issues)
DBSS 3x8
Front squats 3x8


Deadlifts 5x5
OHP 5x5
BOR’s 3x8
Pull Ups 3x8
DB Rows 3x8


Bench Press 5x5

CGBP 5x5
Dips 3x8
Standing Cable Rows 3x8
Flat DB Bench ss Inclined DB Bench 3x8

Forseable issues being to much work on leg days, and potetially the DB SS on the end of chest days might not work.

I plan on starting the compounds at 70% of my current 1RM, and go with what feels good on the assistance stuff. 1 week trail to see how it goes and if it doesnt feel right some changes will be made.

All compounds i will work on a progressive loading plan adding 2.5kg-5kg per session to each lift until stalling. Starting out at 70% will hopefully allow me a few weeks to beat on my weaknesses, and from there on out progress to heavier weights again hopefully with improved movement and form.
Hm...I do Squats, BSS then RDL's normally, that's bad enough :p

No idea if it would be worth rotating Squats for front squats every so often or not?
Low bar back will be a staple and won't change, I may have to drop one of the squat variants, if I was it would rotate the dropped one with one of the others. Most likely will be Dbss and fronties on alternating weeks.
Low bar back will be a staple and won't change, I may have to drop one of the squat variants, if I was it would rotate the dropped one with one of the others. Most likely will be Dbss and fronties on alternating weeks.

Just had some fun with some low bar back squats yesterday and they are completely different, stimulus-wise, to fronties (done properly on both counts, of course).

CNS might get in the way, but as you're pushing volume, I'm not sure how big the impact will be.
Oh yeah I fully expect that if I did both at high weights they would fry me, but the fronties are to keep/help with flexibility rather then for adding strength. My plan is to work them up to comfortably doing 100x8 sets, at the moment sets of 70 are comfortable for that. If it gets to much I will drop something as a fried CNS is not my goal ;)

Oh diet wise I am being more relaxed, I am doing the whole fasting period still and no carbs before 4 pm, but I am not being so strict on my ultra low carb days in the evenings, I think a little extra carbs may help me add some more mass if I am pushing more volume to. If I get to fat I will cut :)
squats not even once...../notsrs

First day of the new training routine, and to say my conditioning is shot is a bit of an understatement! Needless to say it was fun, and hopefully things will pick up again quickly after my break.

Squats - for focus on the tempo, 4x0x0 was the aim, i got more like 2x0x0. Even this felt sloooooooooooow.
Bar x10


Band Squats

Front Squats

BSS (DB weight per hand, reps per leg)

Total weight (excuding warm ups): 8570kg

not my first 10 tonne session after all, fail maths

Thoughts after today, i may swap fronties or bugarian split squats for another hamstring exercise, as i feel they might not be getting enough love on this new routine.
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no, time was my main concern, and it was a smart decision as this session took up all my time as it was. I am hoping i can ramp this routine up a little quicker then AVGT as well, main focus still is strength while correcting issues.
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