The Syla5 Files

I second delvis, when you have time some advise would be awesome. Also will OH squats be a help?

OH squats will definitely be interesting. ;)

They will definitely show you where the problems are, and give you a dear feel for what you need to tighten up.

I'd just have a crack at them - you are never going to kill your legs doing them, so just go for it. :)
I don't know how else to explain it... you are bending you back when you hit a certain point.

OH squats are not going to help this on their own, but that's not a reason not to do them.
I think he just meant the rotating part :) I'll get a PIC of where it goes if I can

ie at this point:
You can notice it pretty well.

Is it just a case of him being aware of it?
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Well that freeze frame shows how my lower back has rounded out when I go quite low, but this only happens unloaded. Put a load on my back and I can stay more upright and don't round out. I appear to start to tilt forwards around a pivot point just above the start of the back rounding. Also this back rounding looks more apparent then it is due to over developed spinal electors.

What I really need to do is see a physio/coach that knows there **** and can point out where my actual issues are. The run of the mill physio I saw advised that apart from the over developed muscles in my lower back everything else was quite balanced, and my spinal positioning was good. It seems certain movements highlight my areas for development quite well
Told you, Patrick :p

Might be a long way for you but in all honesty though, I learned a shed load from him in just one session than I would have with any of the other physios I've seen for 3+ sessions with them.

The other option is MrThingys coach or what have you, but then that's Cambridge and probably just as far :)
Lol I know how to get there, I have been to Oxford many times and the journey sucks because its mainly single carriageway roads. A 50 mile journey can take over 2 hours, and that's just with slow traffic and no incidents :(.

I don't plan on going anywhere at the minute because both options are to far for any regular kind of visit so its a case of doing a bit more looking around to find someone more local.
the start of week 3 of my new routine.

Bar x10
here is set 5

really starting to gel with these now

Band squats

OH Squats
Bar x8
Bar x8
Bar x8
2nd set vid

DBBSS (weight per hand, reps per leg)

Todays workout felt good.
Good work trying the overhead squats! :)


- Control the descent much more so it's more stable;
- Force your hips to stay between your heels as best you can: you can't "low bar" an overhead squat;
- Bigger chest: look how far forward the bar comes in front of your heels;
- Brace your lumbar, too, as I suspect you're relaxing your abz based on what is happening to it.

However, great work for a first go! :)
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