I think its this, but dont want to be seen to be using my odd proportions as an excuse
Also the dumbbells only go up to 36's
You have odd proportions? How so?
I think its this, but dont want to be seen to be using my odd proportions as an excuse
Also the dumbbells only go up to 36's
Some ethnic groups e.g. East Asians tend to have very short legs relative to torso length, whereas Caucasians often have comparatively longer legs and often leg lengths exceeding torso length.For reference my torso appears to be 54% of my overall height
Calculates by sitting flat on the floor, flat backed against the wall and measuring from floor to head. The dividing that figure by that of total height to get the % of my overall height that is leg.
Height 67.5"
Torso 36.25"
Ratio 54% torso. No idea is this is disproportionate to the general population or not, I can only seem to gleam that men should be 50/50 split
For reference my torso appears to be 54% of my overall height
Calculates by sitting flat on the floor, flat backed against the wall and measuring from floor to head
Sylas, I actually just burst out laughing at that post! Was it a serious one?
Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiii son!!
You just went full retard
Explain why
Well, your measurement is taking in to account your entire glute area, so your measurements are inaccurate.......
Bro in 30 seconds of googling I've already found that the correct way to measure your torso is from the C7 vertebrae to the crest of the hips. So don't know where your Captain Sylas's Always Right book got the information from, but still seems to me that you're not quite on there. Also if your 54% and average is 50%, are you really that abnormal?
No 50% split was gleamed from what I could find on leg/torso ratios. I am happy to be proved wrong, but there's no need to call me a liar.50% is gleamed from sylas, not necessarily the actual average.
Measure it the more scientific way and see what the figures say........