The TKC how-to and info and stuff

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n00b question. (yes im upping my amazzzzzzzzziiiiiiingggggggggllllyyyyyy huge typing count now, lol sorry)

right i always get "ERROR: Please wait a while before submitting"

How long do you have to wait before submitting again? because its annoying me.

I haven't clicked submit for like 15minutes now and it still says that? (maybe im just impatient)

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1hr :)

Try saving up your kliks over a day or so, then you get to parp a load of people and cakcle madly when you submit your kliks and stomp them to oblivion :big grin:
:cool, that sounds like a plan smiley:

Now, do i resist the temptation of sitting infront of a blank desktop and madly stomping on the keys :an even bigger grin thing, that is preferably not green:

okay doke. im excited now.
Originally posted by TheBeansprout
I'm gonna wait until Gilly catches me before I dump anything serious ;):D

Gilly was at about half your keycount last time I looked. So your looking at about a week in gillys time zone(7 1/2 minutes in ours) untill he builds up that extra million :D
Originally posted by specofdust
Gilly was at about half your keycount last time I looked. So your looking at about a week in gillys time zone(7 1/2 minutes in ours) untill he builds up that extra million :D
I'm back at work now, so output will drop a little.

Until next week, which I have off on leave ;)
I have an idea..

Type your post, then type it again underneath correcting your spelling and English etc.. delete your old version and read through the new version letter by letter by pressing the --> key.

Hey an extra 219 keys and 45 clicks.. 45 clicks.. hmmmm

Or you could just do what I do, make frequent typos and correct them by deleting the entire sentance untill you finally type it the way you want it :D

Or type out the alphabet with alternating bold and italics but type all the stuff out yourself :p
just thought i should bump this thread. dons, maybe a sticky or upgrade to the greatest sticky?

Pwetty Pwetty Pwease?

just joined,

under the name of "dudester" :roll-eyes:
the same name that i was under when i did pulse

though the fact u cant submit every 20 odd mins i dont like :depressed:
Well - That's both my PC and the server signed up. :)

The server's won't be much but it all helps.

We are doing not bad in the rankings either - Still a bit to go to get top though...

Erm... Must type more... Lots more... :heuuuuge cheeky grin smilieeeeeee:

:gratuitos extra winking smiley for no apparent reason:
Yay fizz well done you this isn't unneccesary typing honest govener sir master thing.

EDIT: Ah, a fellow nightshifter, I shalll stawk ye on the internets(well, maybe on OcUK, if I try).
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Originally posted by specofdust
EDIT: Ah, a fellow nightshifter, I shalll stawk ye on the internets(well, maybe on OcUK, if I try).
No nightshifties for meh... Holidays! :D

Might be some later shifts but no extra £5 per hour between 12am->5am for meh. (Only extra moneh you get with CG)
:unhappy smilie which would indicate that the CV (not spelling that out!) is already with several agencies:

:another ramdom smilie -> Insert own from list:
Ooh, I signed up for this ages ago, but forgot to announce my entry. For those who care about such petty things as actual usefulness in terms of keys pressed, mouse buttons clicked, scroll wheels scrolled, and the final scores, I am currently situated at rank number fifty-six within the Overclockers United Kingdom (Esnet Limited) team.

All on a laptop. In case you're wondering why I don't seem to have too many scrolls, that would be because I don't have a mouse.

Also, I advise Tiny KeyCounter users to refrain from using the acronym "OcUK", instead using the more formal "Overclockers United Kingdom (Esnet Limited)", thereby generating more Klicks (TM TheBeansprout).
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