The TKC how-to and info and stuff

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I like it, but United Kingdom isn't the full name of the country we live in.

In actual fact, the full, proper and just name of the country me and you(assuming that you don't live in some quasi-dimentional non-klicky uber-tastic yummy but ugly state) is formally known as "The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland", thus I hereby put forward the following suggestion:

That from now on we refer to OcUK as "Overclockers of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Esnet Limited)". I think this brings about a more just and meaningfull existance to the Overclockers of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Esnet Limited) team and helps the Overclockers of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Esnet Limited) team feel more at home in our statistics webpage.
Wise thinking my friend, however I believe you have in your ways somehow happened upon a small error!

The full expansion of the name of the wonderful land in which we live is of course correct, however it must be noted that the name of the team is "OcUK" therefore when expanding, I suggest the following title:

"Overclockers United Kingdom of The United Kingdom of Great Britain And Northern Ireland (Esnet Limited Liability Company Registered in the year upon when such registration forms were completed under the presence of Her Royal Highness the Queen Majesty Herself .....and Her Corgies).
You really want to beat Gilly don't you? :D

Well, I'm taking a hammering in the OcUK league since I was afk for 6 entire days :(

However, I'm back, and ready to get a hundred thousand or more klicks(TM TheBeansprout) done per day. We need to get OcUK onto page one of the league!
I've had to take the server off as there was an incredible amount of key clicks...

O&O Drive LED is installed on it to monitor the drives - It's setup to blink the scroll lock light so we can see when the hard disk drives are accessed.

So every time the scroll lock light went on and off the servers keycount went up by two! :eek:

I thought 30 000 key presses in one day was a bit much!
I take it that would be considered cheating!
Originally posted by TheBeansprout

Are there any rules for this?
YES! Emoticons of all forms are absolutely forbidden! From now on, if you wish to do a smiley face, instead of ": )" you must type "cute happy smilely face". Follow similar rules for the other smileys. This will increase keycount a lot!

Also, TLAs and so on are forbidden! Instead of "roflmao" you must type at the very least "rofl", but preferably "rotating around in a horizontal position on the part of the room which due to the rotation of the Earth is known as the ground or, in common parlance, the floor; while all the time laughing my glutius maximus to many many pieces." With these tactics chaps, we'll be ahead of Seti.Germany (currently in 8th place) in no time whatsoever! Tally-ho you slackers! :D

Also remember to scroll up and down the page or click the downy scrolly thingy to go down and not click and drag the slider.
Talk in good English nice long sentences and use capitals in the right places and all punctuation (hope that's spelt right).
(The capitals will you get you an extra key press for each shift you press :D:D:D)

Also don't worry about making mistakes while typing (the backspace will get you an extra key press, and also the extra letters that were adding in the word you types wrong!!)

Oh yeah, when using questions marks don't use one (?) use lots (??????????) and when using exclamation marks don't use one (!) use lots (!!!!!!!).

Remeber your quote mark things --> ' in words like don't.

And make your posts interesting and good looking with the BBCodes (this will get your more key presses by typing in the code)

And one more -
when deleting some text don't highlight it, press the backspace button over and over till the text is gone!!!
And don't click to go to a certain place in some text, make your way there with the arrow keys!!

Hope these help you get more key presses and hope you remeber to use them!!

Originally posted by Captain Fizz
I've had to take the server off as there was an incredible amount of key clicks...

O&O Drive LED is installed on it to monitor the drives - It's setup to blink the scroll lock light so we can see when the hard disk drives are accessed.

So every time the scroll lock light went on and off the servers keycount went up by two! :eek:

I thought 30 000 key presses in one day was a bit much!
I take it that would be considered cheating!

30,000 key presses in a day isn't much.
I started today at around 4pm and have around 15,000 key presses (haven't cheated at all)
Maky said:
hint: Copy TKC folder before submiting clicks, shut down TKC client, copy back TKC folder, open it and run TKC :D
Hello, hello, old data clicks is back online :)
They pick up on stuff like that might quick fyi :)
robmiller said:
They pick up on stuff like that might quick fyi :)
I know :D, I was recently banned :), I was so little to first position in world :D
So what if everybody start to cheat it's a little bit harder to bann every 4th user :D
Maky said:
I know :D, I was recently banned :), I was so little to first position in world :D
So what if everybody start to cheat it's a little bit harder to bann every 4th user :D
Cheats aren't welcome at OcUK.

Thankyou and goodbye.
TheBeansprout said:
Cheats aren't welcome at OcUK.

Thankyou and goodbye.
Ok, I agree, but how to prevent some users to cheat?
Excuse me, look at some leading rankings, it's pretty clear that some users are cheating, justice is slow :D
Autors of TKC client have to develop new client...
Maky said:
Ok, I agree, but how to prevent some users to cheat?
Excuse me, look at some leading rankings, it's pretty clear that some users are cheating, justice is slow :D
Autors of TKC client have to develop new client...
Of course it does...but we'd rather not be associated with cheating! (ie, you bragging and describing how you cheated)
yo i joined Ocuk now, but im having problems, i try to update my stats but it keeps telling me, TKC-Error, ERROR: Please wait a while before submitting.

how longs a while?!?!?!? :unhappy blue face depicted by the joining of a colon and a closing bracket: :smiley green face sticking tongue out to depict a joke:

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Hey hey its valentines day..

Just signed up to the TKC and am looking forward to parping on you all - :evil grin complete with laughter !!! ha ha ha ha ha:

Parp Parp.

:rolling eyes at himself:

Are there any plugins for TKC that are worth having ?

:not sure which smiley to use for this so will not use one:
marcus25 said:
... i try to update my stats but it keeps telling me, TKC-Error, ERROR: Please wait a while before submitting....
You can only submit every now and then (about 20 mins seems OK - Never paid it that much attention TBH).

And if it is not submitting at all, try re-typing the address of the server - Seemed to do the trick with me. (Couldn't submit on my home PC for a few days - Retyped address - Fine ever since... Even though it didn't change...)
:confusled smileh:

And @ Craig321 - No, 30,000 keypresses isn't a lot... But when no-one is actually sitting at the PC - I personally would say that was cheating, therefore it's not joined to the OcUK Team. (Although the first submission is still in the team stats!?!?)
Just submitted my first statistics, Impressive, In past 12 hours, My statistics were:

Keystrokes: 14,616 *----* Mouse clicks: 10,016 *----* Mouse scrolls: 20,274

Just my average day too! :cool:
marcus25 said:
yo i joined Ocuk now, but im having problems, i try to update my stats but it keeps telling me, TKC-Error, ERROR: Please wait a while before submitting.

how longs a while?!?!?!? :unhappy blue face depicted by the joining of a colon and a closing bracket: :smiley green face sticking tongue out to depict a joke:

60 Earthly minutes :)
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