The µ43 thread - welcome to the really dark side

I’m thinking you might be out of luck even with your 135mm. If you take a look at the air show threads in the Micro Four Thirds forum on DPR, you’ll see people are using much long FLs than 135mm for this.

Ah okay I guess I'll wait on air shows until next year, I should have got that long lens I want by then, although saying that, I do have 2x teleconverter which would fit on the 135mm which would make it 540mm after 4/3 crop would that be too much ?
So I learned that the 135mm even with 2x converter wasn't enough to get decent shots of the planes, the low light didn't help matters either

Also seems the 2x converter I inherited is junk and has issues with some weird blotches on it and a weird diamond looking shape in the centre

I also suck at trying to find the aircraft in the sky

The weather wasn't very nice either ended up leaving early because of cold westerly winds blowing in off the sea and rain

Guess I'll have to wait until I get a longer native lens until I try that type of photography again, a terrible experience but lessons learned
Olympus EE-1 Dot Sight is what you both need. Still kept mine after moving over to Sony. (buy a used one on ebay)

Hey µ43 master race. How is the format looking these days? Part of me was thinking my em5 was looking a little long in the tooth. But it still produces decent photos. I had toyed with the idea of a new camera, but if their is still life in the µ43 range then maybe a new lens is what I'm after. Maybe something like the Olympus12-40 pro.

Or is it pretty much dead and should I see about joining the Sony alliance?
It’s looking pretty lively from where I’m sitting. New bodies and lenses being released regularly - there’s a new version of the EM-5 due out soon.

Huge range of bodies and lenses to all style and wallets.
@Kobi M43 is alive and well from where I and many others see it. You'll find that those that portray the death of a system often do this to cause a stir as it helps their article / YouTube views.

If you are looking at some of the top of the range bodies in M43 look at the new Olympus EM5 Mark III or the mature Olympus EM1 Mark II or the Panasonic G9. The later of the two have had firmware updates this year which brought improvements and new features to their bodies.

In terms of lenses there is a plethora of lenses available to suit every budget and need within M43.

What is it that you'll be taking pictures of? This will help you decide and others to better advise you on a system.

I myself have a Panasonic GX80, GX9 and an LX100. I am looking at a G9 with the view to sell the GX80 as it is surplus to needs.
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