The Ups and Downs of high-bar squatting

27/3/15 - Friday

Solid session. Light squats, "heavy" bench.


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
70kg x 2x2
80kg x 5

Felt brilliant. Shame I only have one squat session next week but the following week I'll be working on a solid volume phase as that has seemed to have helped my technique and power out of the hole dramatically.


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
60kg x 3
67.5kg x 7x4
67.5kg x 3+1

The working sets were tough to begin with and then I had someone help lift off the bar which really improved how tight I could be under the bar. Tad annoyed about missing the very last rep but also rather happy that I've only missed 1 rep so far.

Chest Supported Rows

Bar + 5kg x 8
Bar + 10kg x 8
Bar + 15kg x 8
Bar + 20kg x 8
Bar + 25kg x 4x12

Holding back from heavier sets since I'm deadlifting tomorrow.

Tricep Pushdowns

35kg x 5x20

Damn tricep pump and fatigue all at once.

And that's that. One more bench session scheduled for either Sunday or Monday depending on how I feel and then a light session on Wednesday and that's it until the competition. Time to prepare for Sumo deadlift block pulls tomorrow!
28/3/15 - Saturday

Sumo deadlifts :cool:

Sumo Deadlifts 5" blocks

60kg x 5
80kg x 3
100kg x 3
112.5kg x 4x4
127.5kg(B) x 2
140kg(B) x 2 - Boom!
112.5kg x 8 - Lawd.

Not bad at all! Everything was worked nicely and the back-off set really helped with pulling quick and efficiently.

Chin Ups

BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 8

Oooh. Lats are getting stronger.

Face Pulls

23kg x 12
29kg x 3x12

Nice improvement. I shall do these each session leading up to the competition.

Hanging Knee raises

BW x 3x20

Last "heavy" session. Last bench session on monday, light session on Wednesday and then nothing until Saturday.
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30/3/15 - Monday

Absolutely horrid session. Shoulder was giving me so much grief benching but after doing lots and lots (more) of mobility and stretching all was good.


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
70kg x 2
75kg x 3x5

Easy enough. I'm really looking forward to working on progression from next week.


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
50kg x 4
60kg x 3
70kg x 1
70kg x 2
70kg x 1
70kg x 3
70kg x 1
67.5kg x 8x3

Left shoulder was just not working properly and I could not generate enough stability to move 70kg efficiently. At least the weight wasn't an issue. Dropped down to 67.5kg to be safe and that was relatively easy but after the 70kg attempts the 67.5kg were a bit harder than what they should have been.

Finished with lots and lots of mobility and stretching.

That's my final bench session now. Just a light day on Wednesday and that's it.
1/4/15 - Wednesday

Nice light session before the comp. Lots and lots of mobility work and light sets.


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
50kg x 4
60kg x 3
70kg x 1 (Competition pause)

Absolutely flew up and my shoulders are feeling miles better. Felt like I had another 10kg in me. As long as I stay ontop of rolling, stretching and mobility then I should be fine.

Sumo Deadlifts

60kg x 5+1+1
80kg x 3
100kg x 3
112kg x 1,1,1

Felt a smidge heavier than I anticipated but still super easy.

Tricep Pushdowns

32kg x 5x20

Kneeling cable crunches

55kg x 5x20

Full body sports massage tomorrow to help remove any niggles. Lots of food, rest and mobility work now and hopefully a good competition!
4/4/15 - Competition Day - Northern Universities Push-Pull

No weight PB's but body weight PB's instead as I weighed in at 63.6kg BW.

Attempts are as followed:


70kg - Boom
75kg - BW pb, matched previous weight pb.
80kg - Nope, needed a tad more control onto the chest and I would have had it.

I genuinely feel that if I had another attempt I would have got it.


140kg - Nope, crazy spasm at the top prevented shoulder lockout apparently.
140kg - Yay, may have muttered "Thank **** for that" and got a little giggle from the judges.
150kg - Sumo PB :cool: Not best of techniques but fatigue was strong and rest was stupidly short.

If I didn't have to do 140kg twice my 150kg may have been better and I like to think there was another 5kg in there as the technique would have been more efficient.

At the time, I was so frustrated that I only matched previous personal bests. But on reflection I match them at a lighter bodyweight and the technique and the power was better too so that's always something. I'm now feeling much better about the attempts and rather please by how they looked.

It also turns out that the spasm on my first 140kg attempt might have been due to my sumo being a bit too wide for my build. The other attempts I narrowed it ever so slightly and the issue vanished so that's something I'll work on. I now have my numbers for my next training block so I'll plug those in and see how things go. If I'm feeling good tomorrow I'll go for a squat max just for an idea of where I am.
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5/4/15 - Sunday

I wanted to get a rough idea where I was squatting, so I did exactly that. The day after a competition probably wasn't the best of ideas but I was feeling good so I went for it anyway.


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x 2
70kg x 2
80kg x 1
90kg x 1
100kg(B) x 1
107.5kg(B) x 1
115kg(B) x 1 - 8kg high-bar pb.

Happy with that. I could have squeezed out a 120kg without too many issues but I wanted these numbers for my squat cycle starting tomorrow and the numbers produced from a 115kg or 120kg were identical so I thought I'd play it safe and save the energy.

6/4/15 - Monday

Start of a new training block and it feels good :cool: Just squats and bench today as the gym was closing early.


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x3
70kg x 3x8
77.5kg x 5
82.5kg x 2x2
87.5kg x 1

Felt great. My stance has become narrower as it does't cause any clicking in my left knee and to getting depth is fine.


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
60kg x 1
62.5kg x 6x2

I wanted to do all reps paused but because of the gym closing early my recovery times were shortened so some were properly paused, some weren't.

Really happy with that session everything, is feeling good so far. Bring on Wednesday, similar session with some deadlifts.
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8/4/15 - Wednesday

The big three. uugggghhhhh.


Bar x 1 bajillion (srs)
40kg x lots
60kg x 3
70kg x 3x8
77.5kg x 5
82.5kg x 2x2
87.5kg x 1

All was good, I'm hoping the extra but of volume, albeit at a light weight, will come in extremely useful over the next few weeks.

Bench (Paused)

Bar x lots
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
60kg x 1
62.5kg x 6x3

Took a while to get right as they felt heavier than they should but never mind. They were still easy enough and form was fine.

Sumo Deadlifts

60kg x so many
80kg x 3
92.5kg x 5
105kg x 3
120kg(B) x 8

Lawd. I am done.

That's the last high rep deadlifts for a while. Actually it's the last high rep deadlift work for the entire training 12 week training block as it happens but I'll still be hitting a set of 5, 3 or 1 as a main working set each week.

Happy with the session, sumo technique needs a tidy up as I'm starting to pull from a slight higher position (as it should be done) but I'm working on finding that sweet spot.
Squats and bench are fine and not much to comment on.
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10/4/15 - Friday

Lots of squats, rest bench day. Niceeee.


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
70kg x 2
77.5kg x 4x5
82.5kg x 3
87.5kg x 2x2
100kg(B) x 1

Everything just felt ever so slightly off but overall it was all pretty decent. I think the muscles were a bit fatigued from doing lots of deep tissue massaging about 2 hours before training, and then doing more rolling and warming up prior to squats.


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
60kg x 1
62.5kg x 6x2

Getting easier every time.

Chest Supported Rows

Bar + 10kg x 10
Bar + 20kg x 10
Bar + 25kg x 4x12

That's enough after all the benching.

Tricep Pushdowns

35kg x 5x20

So much pump.

Shattered by the end of the session but a decent session overall. Shame I missed out some back extensions and core work but the core was pretty fried anyway.
12/4/15 - Sunday

Had to shift the entire week by a day but had an absolutely amazing session!


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
80kg x 2
87.5kg x 5

Pleased to do these high-bar and beltless as I remember that before when I was close to this weight a belt was required. Progress.


Bench (Paused)

Bar x lots
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
60kg x 1
62.5kg x 6x4

Felt incredible, even more so that they were all paused reps too!

Sumo Deadlift Block Pulls 4-5"

60kg x lots (not off blocks)
100kg x 3 (not off blocks)
117.5kg(B) x 4x4
130kg(B) x 2
145kg(B) x 2 - So happy!
117.5kg(B) x 8

Block pulls felt absolutely amazing and I'm really pleased that I pulled 145kg x 2 just a week after the competition. Form was near enough identical to how I pull from the floor which is exactly what I was trying to replicate.

Incredibly happy with that session as, for once, just everything went in my favour.
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14/5/15 - Tuesday

Reintroduced OHP and Dips... It was a good session.


Bar x lots
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
80kg x 2
90kg x 5

92.5kg on Thursday.

Bench (Paused)

Bar x lots
40kg x many
50kg x 3
60kg x 1
62.5kg x 6x2

Really comfortable for once, maybe things are coming along finally.


Bar x lots
25kg x 6
30kg x 1
32kg x 3x5
27.5kg x 2x10
27.5kg x 8

My body was confused with doing these again, general strength was fine, motor pattern deteriorated towards the last reps of the last two sets but still good enough.


BW x 3x6

I have missed these <3

Pretty simple session. I shall look into working OHP and dips back into the routine properly as I'm trying to use OHP as an accessory and not a main movement in order not to take too much away from benching. It will also make the end of the session more interesting from just doing millions of tricep pushdowns every session.
15/4/15 - Wednesday

Just Sumo deadlifts and technique work.

Paused Sumo Deadlifts

60kg x 5
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
112kg x 2 (2" Deficit)
112kg x 3x3

Paused Sumo Deficit Deadlifts 2"

112kg x 2x2

Deficit Sumo Deadlifts 2"
100kg x 3x3

And that is enough.

It was only intended to be a light session anyway but I figured I may was well do some work to prevent my hips shooting up on heavy pulls. It turns out that Paused sumo deadlifts are the answer and the deficits were just to help improve the speed off the floor. The deficits were made a lot worse when I decided to try them paused. And by worse I mean amazing.
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