***The Vapers Lounge*** 3.0

The included is just a simple twisted pair, but what kind of coil you like is up to you, personally i'm quite liking this 26/32 fused clapton build i have in atm although at 150w battery life is nonexistent. Building your own the sky is the limit although a simple plain coil can be pretty solid. Cant help with premades (well, pre coiled really, you still have to wick them) as i do me own coiling.

Tools wise a coil master v2 kit from the rainforest is a good start, it'll have all the winding jigs, tweezers cutters and pliers you need. A good quality hex driver that goes down to 1.5mm at least is a good shout too (although most stuff will come with its own tools, the troll comes with a 1mm hex, 1.5mm hex and small philips) if you only wanna do pre mades then tbh a decent set of pliers, a decent set of sidecutters and some ceramic tweezers will be all you need.

If you do wanna build your own though then optional kit would be a small bench vice, personally i use a rolson clamp on variety which is decent enough for this sort of thing and can be had on the rainforest and if you want to go into making your own clapton wire then some fishing swivels and a battery drill makes all the difference (check out youtube "fishing swivel method" to see what i mean). But this is only really if your wanting to build your own coils and wire from scratch.

As for which version to buy, the 22mm is ok, although the 25mm is obviously bigger (i have the 22mm, thought i'd ordered the 25 but really it isnt lacking for space even on the smaller one) and colour goes without saying whichever you preferr (or can find)

The only other thing to mention is wicking, theres a myriad of methods and opinions out there but here's what i do: cut a strip from the sheet slightly wider than the coil (like 3.5-4mm for a 3mm coil), hold one end and roll the other real tight to make a "tail" to push through the coil. Once its through check tension, there should be some but less is more with wicking, you'll get the feel after a few tries. Cut off the tails at either end leaving just enough to tuck down and touch the bottom. Then soak the whole lot in juice (make sure its finished "sucking up" juice) leave for a few mins then try it out.

Apart from that its just experiment, mess around, find a setup you like and stick with it or constantly try out new exotic wire builds is up to you.

Think im just gonna go for it, I have all you lads to keep me right, and then YouTube ofc... Thanks for the help mate, gonna refer back to it when its here...
Gonna try get the 25mm just for the sake of it and try get something like the DIY kit to help me get started.
Personally - I would, a quick look shows a 3-5 day lead time on it being dispatched from there delivery (UK epacket) will be approx 6-7 days to your door, you could buy 2 for the price most UK vendors have them listed for :p

I have the 25mm and love it, though I'd consider my self quite an experienced builder so I often use the extra room for beefy coils, the 22mm should be ideal to start out with.

By all means buy premade Clapton wire etc... By the spool, learn to wrap it's probably the easiest part of building and lets you customise your build and vaping experience, check out wireandstuff, you'd get enough exotic wire to last a couple of years for £20 :)

I should have time on Sunday, I'll make a fasttech using/buying guide as I plan to make a purchase or two for payday.

My brain hurts at the thought of figuring out how to make my own coils, but will no doubt try it anyways because of how much ill end up saving :p
Yup, I have been putting this off for way too long due to nothing but laziness. gonna order the nic/pg/vg from darkstar tonight and get some flavour concentrates from flavourart. I am that big of a fan of fruity vapes i prefer biscuity flavours more. Do you have any recommendations? I suspect these sorts of flavours are harder to get right? Might be a better if i try and get a fruity flavour right first, as you say, they don't often need much steeping.

Also, yes your post does need to be made a sticky :)

If you're getting into it. PLEASE start off mixing by weight. Get the scales I linked in my quoted post above.

I can recommend you a ton of concentrates, but it depends on what flavour you're after.
If you're getting into it. PLEASE start off mixing by weight. Get the scales I linked in my quoted post above.

I can recommend you a ton of concentrates, but it depends on what flavour you're after.

I work in a laboratory so I have access to very accurate and precise scales, I wouldn't dream of measuring by volume.

The is my biggest issue with DIY, the vast number number of concentrates and recipies out there gets a little overwhelming. I looked back at some your your posts and picked out some ones you had on frequent rotation. Planning on ordering:

Cola, black cherry, mandarin, Vienna cream, apple Fuji, forest fruits.

My ultimate dream is to one day is to find something that tastes like hobnob :)
So today is my first day of vaping full time after giving up smoking. Been awake since 3:30am and have vaped about 3 tanks worth in that time. Refilling it is a bit of a pain but it has helped an awful lot with my cravings for smoking. I've felt pretty relaxed all day which doesn't normally happen. I think this could work out really well for. I've got another batch of liquids due in the post tomorrow to make sure I don't run out. So thank you to everyone who has helped me. You might have just helped me finally give up smoking :).
So today is my first day of vaping full time after giving up smoking. Been awake since 3:30am and have vaped about 3 tanks worth in that time. Refilling it is a bit of a pain but it has helped an awful lot with my cravings for smoking. I've felt pretty relaxed all day which doesn't normally happen. I think this could work out really well for. I've got another batch of liquids due in the post tomorrow to make sure I don't run out. So thank you to everyone who has helped me. You might have just helped me finally give up smoking :).

Well done man! First steps are the hardest and sounds like your doing well so far!
So today is my first day of vaping full time after giving up smoking. Been awake since 3:30am and have vaped about 3 tanks worth in that time. Refilling it is a bit of a pain but it has helped an awful lot with my cravings for smoking. I've felt pretty relaxed all day which doesn't normally happen. I think this could work out really well for. I've got another batch of liquids due in the post tomorrow to make sure I don't run out. So thank you to everyone who has helped me. You might have just helped me finally give up smoking :).

Keep it up man, its a great day when you realise you've been off them for a year and barely noticed :)
So today is my first day of vaping full time after giving up smoking. Been awake since 3:30am and have vaped about 3 tanks worth in that time. Refilling it is a bit of a pain but it has helped an awful lot with my cravings for smoking. I've felt pretty relaxed all day which doesn't normally happen. I think this could work out really well for. I've got another batch of liquids due in the post tomorrow to make sure I don't run out. So thank you to everyone who has helped me. You might have just helped me finally give up smoking :).

Congrats, the first week-10 days can be tough, make sure to invest in a backup device too.
Hi All, I have been vaping for a while but have only ever bought cheap starter kits. I really don't want one that throws clouds of vaper all over the place as my wife would not be happy! However I do want to invest in one that will last the test of time and give a nice vape. Can you guys suggest some for me please?
Congrats, the first week-10 days can be tough, make sure to invest in a backup device too.

Yeah. I'm thinking about buying a second device. I'll do some research and either buy the same device I already have or get something a bit better. I really bought what I've got now because I didn't understand what I was doing. I mean it works well but it is still not a great unit.
Just about to come up on my 3rd year of vaping.

A lot has changed. Going to give it another couple of months and go down to 0mg and see if I can kick it.
vape mail!

istick pico arrived, code seems to check out legit so cracked it open and chucked in a knackered old battery i had lying spare. seems to be simple enough, although why they feel the need for a "stealth mode" when your fingers cover the screen is beyond me.

came with a melo3 tank which wasnt listed, its ok, nice as a freebie i guess although i doubt i'll be using it much, serpent mini due tomorrow which is what i really want to pair this with.

handy enough, fits the hand kinda similar to the tesla, pretty much fits the bill for what i was after. fingers crossed it stands the test of time given the sigelei is the only mod i haven't broken within 6 months :D
Not built a mod in a good long while, but i still had a DNA200 with a blown fuse, so i tried to replace it and failed to even get the old fuse off, so instead i joined up the fuse ends and added a blade fuse in line on the + Battery sled lead.

Next i prepped my Moonshot box, yip, the box my Moonshot came in... has loads of room, the alignment was a tad off and so had to enlarge the USB hole... so i give you, my Moonshot DNA133...

First i wired the board and battery sled to test it still worked:

Next i fit it all in the moonshot box:

And its working great:
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