What premades are the best? I like cloud and flavour, either or really, mostly flavour, sick of my TFV8 tasting like a horses rear haha.
Saying that I need some new liquids but like end of the month issues...
What website should I get the Troll V2 from? Where is cheapest basically, if someone could provide cheap, nice (pref nice) liquid site, Troll V2 site, Tools for coil building and then some good premade coils it would be massively appreciated
The included is just a simple twisted pair, but what kind of coil you like is up to you, personally i'm quite liking this 26/32 fused clapton build i have in atm although at 150w battery life is nonexistent. Building your own the sky is the limit although a simple plain coil can be pretty solid. Cant help with premades (well, pre coiled really, you still have to wick them) as i do me own coiling.
Tools wise a coil master v2 kit from the rainforest is a good start, it'll have all the winding jigs, tweezers cutters and pliers you need. A good quality hex driver that goes down to 1.5mm at least is a good shout too (although most stuff will come with its own tools, the troll comes with a 1mm hex, 1.5mm hex and small philips) if you only wanna do pre mades then tbh a decent set of pliers, a decent set of sidecutters and some ceramic tweezers will be all you need.
If you do wanna build your own though then optional kit would be a small bench vice, personally i use a rolson clamp on variety which is decent enough for this sort of thing and can be had on the rainforest and if you want to go into making your own clapton wire then some fishing swivels and a battery drill makes all the difference (check out youtube "fishing swivel method" to see what i mean). But this is only really if your wanting to build your own coils and wire from scratch.
As for which version to buy, the 22mm is ok, although the 25mm is obviously bigger (i have the 22mm, thought i'd ordered the 25 but really it isnt lacking for space even on the smaller one) and colour goes without saying whichever you preferr (or can find)
The only other thing to mention is wicking, theres a myriad of methods and opinions out there but here's what i do: cut a strip from the sheet slightly wider than the coil (like 3.5-4mm for a 3mm coil), hold one end and roll the other real tight to make a "tail" to push through the coil. Once its through check tension, there should be some but less is more with wicking, you'll get the feel after a few tries. Cut off the tails at either end leaving just enough to tuck down and touch the bottom. Then soak the whole lot in juice (make sure its finished "sucking up" juice) leave for a few mins then try it out.
Apart from that its just experiment, mess around, find a setup you like and stick with it or constantly try out new exotic wire builds is up to you.