First verdict of the Fuchai 213 squonk mod is the RDA it comes with is utter cack. Throw it in the bin. The mod it's self for a regulated squonker so far (24 hours) is very solid and great. The battery safety is amazing! Menu can be a bit cumbersome but thankfully I found a details article on how to navigate it easily so it wasn't too much hassle.
The Drop RDA is amazing, no lie, it's a little tall because of the coil mounting position but other than that, very nicely made, cool air flow adjustment and overall I'm impressed.
The ONLY downsides are the tank with the Fuchai, it's 5ml (if that), super small so I'm having to fill it up twice as often as most other tanks. As for the RDA, you need HUGE wicks to get the cotton to sit in the pool if you're squonking. Meaning the moment you squonk, you've got a good 30 seconds or so for that juice to work it's way up to the coil. Other than that, I'm just tinkering with temps to find the best range as I got my new zample box with 11 flavors to try. As it stands, I'm sitting around 65w (on KA1 Alien coils, so no temperature control), anything higher seems to destroy flavor.
I'm on Tyrant Assassin right now, it's very mellow but tasty, I'd say it focuses on clouds more than taste. Next juice I'll grab from the pack is Alien **** II. It looks and smells horrible so figured I'd start with the worst now.