***The Vapers Lounge*** 3.0

Same but with Beach Fruits. God knows what they put in their juices that cause it as I have never experienced discomfort before from eliquids.

Sucks doesn't it!? When it comes to budget sellers I tend to stick to Vapegoo, need a shed load of steeping but they tend to do the job.

Anyone here had any experience with Dragon Rise juices? Got 150ml of their flagship Campfire Custard and it's just wrecking my throat and lungs!
I got some of their grape soda when it was on sale but that absolutely ruins my throat, got them to send some replacements out but they're just as bad!

Anyone had any experience with the Moonshot RTA? Thinking of treating myself and DNA have got them for £15 delivered.

Actually, it was the American Grape Soda one that hurt my throat the most too. It seemed to me all their fruity type ones were irritating my throat and the custard/creamy type ones weren't as bad. Weird.
Same but with Beach Fruits. God knows what they put in their juices that cause it as I have never experienced discomfort before from eliquids.

Got a bulk 10ml order from them a while back and whilst I didn't get any noticeable throat issues, I just thought the flavours where poor. Very muted even after a months steeping. I stick to Jacamoo Juice personally. There Blue Slush is excellent, so unique!

In other news, picked myself up a Cuboid Mini kit yesterday. One of the best devices I've ever used! Got it for a steal at £30 from my local brick and mortar (Bit and Pieces, Bristol Road, Birmingham) and it's just everything I want from a device. Great battery, compact as hell and extremely flavourful with the pre packaged notch coils.
Actually, it was the American Grape Soda one that hurt my throat the most too. It seemed to me all their fruity type ones were irritating my throat and the custard/creamy type ones weren't as bad. Weird.

I was wondering why so many people were unhappy with Rejuiced as I've had no problems at all. The above point may be the reason as I pretty much always vape custard or cream or pudding flavours.

I really like their whipped banana cream (although the last lot I ordered arrived with some kind of fluorescent yellow colouring in it - just don't :mad:). Their creamy vanilla custard is good as is the creme egg. I just opened a bottle of their Blackjacks juice yesterday and I'm loving it - tastes just like Blackjacks.
The only one I've had a bit of a throat hit with is Birthday Cake but, once I've been vaping it for a bit, I don't notice it.

One of the best things with them is that they do 1.5mg juice as standard. I find 3mg a bit much when I'm vaping low resistance with high watts.
Next day delivery on my Jackamoo order.

50ml Blue Slush
50ml Grapeberry
50ml Twister

They look and smell great, can't wait to get home!
I was wondering why so many people were unhappy with Rejuiced as I've had no problems at all. The above point may be the reason as I pretty much always vape custard or cream or pudding flavours.

I've got 150ml of Dragon Rise's Campfire Custard and it's hitting my throat just as bad as the Rejuiced Soda! :(
Next day delivery on my Jackamoo order.

50ml Blue Slush
50ml Grapeberry
50ml Twister

They look and smell great, can't wait to get home!

The Blue Slush is incredible! Been my all day vape for a month or so now. Let us know how the Twister is, been meaning to try it for a while now.
They all contain Koolada, I believe.
Grapeberry reminds me of Heisenberg without the menthol, nice though.

That's actually handy, I would have preferred 1.5% or 0% nic, so if the koolada is going to result in my 3% weakening, all good by me :D
I thought the grapeberry was a bit deep in flav as in its a fruity mix but its very compact flav and its not as strong. Worried also that it has colouring in as its a purple color. Thats me using grapeberry in my serpent mini ranging from 20-40w trying to find the best watts for it on a .5 twisted wire that came with the serp mini. Sometimes it was ok at 20w but for a few puffs then couldnt find the flav, then i go up, which fluctuates in flav but not a lot. I still have trouble finding the right watts for all the juices and tanks i use. Its a nightmare. As some are ok in my melo 3 on pico at 37 but after awhile i need a diff watt for some reason.

I dunno how u guys cope with that. I know ppl say start low then go up but thats useless for me cos after u find a semi ok watt, it doesnt last at that watt so u keep switching between low and high and medium all the time. Well i do lol.
I bounce around a fair bit. Especially with something like the Crown. Agree though, sometimes a flavour can change sporadically if you bump it up and down even 5 watts.
This thread is lacking pictures. Here's my Microstick + Spheroid V4



Vape mail from FT which came 4 days earlier than i predicted based off last order. :)

Some cutters and tweezers, 2 nice sounding anti spitback drip tips, a new bottom for naut mini to see if i get decent airflow again. Coil maker for 3mm coils.
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