I thought the grapeberry was a bit deep in flav as in its a fruity mix but its very compact flav and its not as strong. Worried also that it has colouring in as its a purple color. Thats me using grapeberry in my serpent mini ranging from 20-40w trying to find the best watts for it on a .5 twisted wire that came with the serp mini. Sometimes it was ok at 20w but for a few puffs then couldnt find the flav, then i go up, which fluctuates in flav but not a lot. I still have trouble finding the right watts for all the juices and tanks i use. Its a nightmare. As some are ok in my melo 3 on pico at 37 but after awhile i need a diff watt for some reason.
I dunno how u guys cope with that. I know ppl say start low then go up but thats useless for me cos after u find a semi ok watt, it doesnt last at that watt so u keep switching between low and high and medium all the time. Well i do lol.