***The Vapers Lounge*** 3.0

Well today i got my eleaf istick 60w after giving up with pen ecig.

Being a temperature control mod with the NI200 coil just trying to get my head around adjusting the wattage.

Got a nice vape at betweem 480-500c but what affect does changing the wattage do? Is it just how quick it heats the coil up or am i totally wrong there?
Can anyone recommend something like the Council of Vapor Mini Volt V2 but one that actually works? Looking for something small.

I also have eVic VTwo but find that too big.

Happened to me man. Try getting a little flat head screwdriver and push the o-ring around the 510 down a little. Always happens with Joyetech mods, the 510s they use are appalling.

Seems to have done the trick for now, cheers!!

Kinda wanna replace the mod anyways, 213 tickles my pickle a lot!
Afternoon Gents, and Gentettes,
I Got a Kangertech Dripbox kit yesterday from my local vape shop, came to £50 in total with a 3.7V 18650 battery and a £9 bottle of liquid (really small but tastes amazing, need to find more online)

I just turned 17, I havent smoked but I like having it there to play with as it keeps my hands busy and have used friends vapes for a while, albeit much more expensive setups.

Is there anything i could do to make my experience better? What websites can i look on for liquids and such, and is there anything to watch out for in the world of vaping, and my Nana was giving me a huge song and dance yesterday about it being so harmful, COPD etc as she has to do take all these inhalers and pills to keep her going at 65 because she smoked for many years, and being around fires etc.

When questioned about it being harmful etc what can I say? Also, how do I get peoples heads around why I am doing it, because I enjoy iy, but that doesn't seem to cut it with them...
Well today i got my eleaf istick 60w after giving up with pen ecig.

Being a temperature control mod with the NI200 coil just trying to get my head around adjusting the wattage.

Got a nice vape at betweem 480-500c but what affect does changing the wattage do? Is it just how quick it heats the coil up or am i totally wrong there?

Yeah, it's just how fast it vamps up. Most of my mods have temp control, I just don't use it.. Tired it with serveal atties, mods and types of wire; It's just not my thing.

I just turned 17, I havent smoked

Yeah don't vape... The legal age is 18!
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Then why are you asking about heath issues then? no shop should be serving you as it's as illegal as selling cigs to minors. all groups should be refusing you membership.

I am questioning other users of vapes a health related question out of curiosity and what to look out for to make it as fun and healthy as possible, i dont use nicotine so there isnt anything illegal to me in the actual usage of it. I am perfectly informed of the law, so unless you are going to answer my question why interrupt without a point?
I am questioning other users of vapes a health related question out of curiosity and what to look out for to make it as fun and healthy as possible, i dont use nicotine so there isnt anything illegal to me in the actual usage of it. I am perfectly informed of the law, so unless you are going to answer my question why interrupt without a point?

The point is the idea of using vaping an act of fun, rather than the nicotine delivery system that it's suppose to be is a crazy one.. and I guess you are not perfectly informed of the law as vape can be fined and closed down for have a minor which is what you are; on their premises regardless if you are using nicotine or not.

No responsible adult is going to encourage a minor in breaking the law!
got some slime concentrate to make 100ml worth, anybody used vapingkings concentrate? love slime myself,hope its the same!

My local B&M is stocking Vaping Kings concentrates, I made up 50ml of Slime last weekend along with 100ml of Mdv66, 50 ml of Kings Custard & 50ml of Bean flicker.

Had the Kings juices in the past and yes it all tastes as it should do & much cheaper making them up yourself.

Wanted to give the juice a few days to steep, vaping the Slime as I type tastes really good :)

Cheers all
I am questioning other users of vapes a health related question out of curiosity and what to look out for to make it as fun and healthy as possible, i dont use nicotine so there isnt anything illegal to me in the actual usage of it. I am perfectly informed of the law, so unless you are going to answer my question why interrupt without a point?

So you want to vape, starting off with no nicotine?

Seems kinda pointless to me, after all you will be doing damage (albeit probably nowhere near as much as by smoking, the jury's still out on that one) but not getting pretty much the one thing most people who start vaping want.

Sure you hear great things about vaping, and it is great, but remember we're mainly smokers who've tried to quit before and didnt succeed until this came along and suddenly at the very least our pallete of hopelessly addictive chemicals is expanded beyond eau de ashtray.

There are two sides to every substance addiction, first is the chemical dependancy, and sure you plan to avoid that side (until you think sure i'll try it, see what everyones on about sure a little wont hurt yada yada yada, been there done that) but the other and to me the more vital one is the habit of doing something regularly, and thats what your taking on here. You wonder why vaping is popular? Because it allows you to keep the habit whilst breaking the chemical addiction, and its success just goes to show how many people want that, but breaking the habit first rather than the addiction for many is so much harder.

So i'm kinda surprised that you dont understand our viewpoint, i dont think i've ever met an old smoker, or ex smoker, who didnt tell me they had massive regrets that they didnt just say no when the had the chance and never start at all, and whilst i'm not that old, funnily enough i am telling you the same thing now- dont start, it'll be easier to stop.
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Feeling a wee bit adventurous this morning, so my first attempt at a quad coil build!

4 x 10 wrap, 2.5mm 22g kanthal packed neatly into the troll V2...0.12ohms.


Hits like a train and needs a good 110w+ to get going, a juice guzzler but a really nice warm vape :)
I'm in need of a recommendation for a menthol flavour I can order online. I've tried loads and the only one I like is 'Infinity mist' but I'm having trouble sourcing it. :(

Any liquid that is menthol / eucalyptus based with a strong nasal hit is what I'm after :D

Can anyone recommend something like the Council of Vapor Mini Volt V2 but one that actually works? Looking for something small.

I also have eVic VTwo but find that too big.


Innokin Cool Fire Pebble? not used once myself but it looks about the same size and Innokin stuff normally works..
SO got an email from Vaping King saying they are now not selling any eliquids pre made because of new laws coming?
Can anyone recommend something like the Council of Vapor Mini Volt V2 but one that actually works? Looking for something small.

I also have eVic VTwo but find that too big.


Try the Evic Basic. It's tiny, does 50W, does TC with all wires, has a 1500mAh cell internally, and looks the business. I have one myself and it's my stealth vape. Love it.
Rejuiced now send stock in 10ml bottles to skirt the TDP, so me ordering 150ml could be an interesting sized package.

Back to self mixing it is.
So what the actual rule they are skirting? What's the new TPD actually say? I did a google but couldn't find anything newer than May/June.
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