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6 Mar 2009
In training.
Can you not get tank atomisers that retro fit the 510? It's all a bit confusing tbh

The iatty is the next big thing to hit vaping.
From the lmeo the GoldenGreek.
It will fit most 510 mods and will be available in the U.K. very soon. ;)

I will hopefully bag one for my Megalodon, though there is a limited stock of 200, in the U.K. when released.

If I was not short of cash I would have a GG instead of my megalodon.
Pure RollsRoyce of vaping.
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14 Dec 2010
The iatty is the next big thing to hit vaping.
From the lmeo the GoldenGreek.
It will fit most 510 mods and will be available in the U.K. very soon. ;)

I will hopefully bag one for my Megalodon, though there is a limited stock of 200, in the U.K. when released.

If I was not short of cash I would have a GG instead of my megalodon.
Pure RollsRoyce of vaping.

GGTS is a beast but supply is so scarce folks are flogging them more second hand, crazy.

Don't knock the Megaladon. Having the screwable mid section means it has potential to do a lot more.
6 Mar 2009
In training.
GGTS is a beast but supply is so scarce folks are flogging them more second hand, crazy.

Don't knock the Megaladon. Having the screwable mid section means it has potential to do a lot more.

Yeah, all the GG stuff is like that. I had the UFS on my Megalodon; though had to sell it on, was skint. :(
Still the tastiest vape I have had to date.
I posted it for sale in a forum and had a dozen people fighting for it within an hour.Then when it was sold, dozens of posts congratulating the buyer. :D
Love my megalodon still mind.

The iatty is something else though and as I said will fit the Megalodon and most other 510 mods.
Check the end of this vid to see it vaping.
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20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
I'm lost with all this info on "drips" and "tanks"

I fancy getting one and giving up smoking fags and I have the following requirements

Battery life long enough for up to 12 hours use

Not sure I like the sound of "drips" and filling things up so "cartridge" type sounds good.

Could somebody please recommend me a good one with a tank or explain why I shouldn't and get a tankless one?
6 Mar 2009
In training.
I am not sure about cartidges, I started with them and messed about with them for quite a bit and never got them working well. Always leaking and not wicking properly.
I would say dripping is the simplest, two or three drips from a small bottle of juice in the top does me for roughly a fags worth.
Only tried the UFS (Uniterupted Feeding System.) as far as tanks go, amazing. Although the iatty is supposed to be a lot better. Its own atomiser and tank in one, no need to buy any atties again. ;)

For starting out I would get any 510 mod that takes your fancy.
Infact I would snap this guys hand off.
I just posted I want it so let me know, I would want the little batteries and charger for my trouble. I can sell it on easily if you don't so no problem.
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
I am not sure about cartidges, I started with them and messed about with them for quite a bit and never got them working well. Always leaking and not wicking properly.
I would say dripping is the simplest, two or three drips from a small bottle of juice in the top does me for roughly a fags worth.
Only tried the UFS (Uniterupted Feeding System.) as far as tanks go, amazing. Although the iatty is supposed to be a lot better. Its own atomiser and tank in one, no need to buy any atties again. ;)

For starting out I would get any 510 mod that takes your fancy.
Infact I would snap this guys hand off.
I just posted I want it so let me know, I would want the little batteries and charger for my trouble. I can sell it on easily if you don't so no problem.

Interested. When you mean the batteries and charger, which one specifically?

I'll PM in trust this evening.
6 Mar 2009
In training.
The -2 x 18350 1200mah UltraFire batteries (charged once) the ones at the bottom of the picture.
I have PM'd him and await a response.
Would you want the tanks too, I have asked for them in the PM?
*Edit. Just bought the megalodon package and clearos,attys etc, £80. Including being sent tomorrow, via RMSD. :)
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14 Dec 2010
Approach like a Pc and upgrades and you can't go wrong.

Best advice, the bigger and less like a cig it looks, the more battery life and better the vape. (Generally speaking)

Look up OK Smokey liquids to start with, their tobacco range is the best going. You get a lot of so called "tobacco" liquids that are too sweet and nutty, not what you want when trying to pack up fags.

The OK Smokey stuff is a lot more ashtray but tastes like how tobacco does before it's burnt. (If that makes sense)

The nicotene strength on liquids can be confusing too at first.

Way I rate them is pretty much 26mg upward is normal cig, 18mg is around a B&H silver or stronger light. (Same throat hit)
6 Mar 2009
In training.
I can't stand the tobacco flavours, well RY4 the being the only one I have tried that I liked. Loads of people love 'em so, just a preference of taste I guess.
I've also gone right off all the buttery, vanilla, chocolate flavours too, even though that's all I vaped for months and loved 'em.
I only partake in the fruity and minty/menthol flavours now.
Yeah, I pretty much mix all my juices at 18mg now, although went up to 26mg on my last mix and took me a little to get used to it again. Little girly coughs at first.
27 Oct 2002
At the fulcrum of humdrum
Decision time: Tornado Tank or Titan 510?
Of those two? Tornado Tank.

The jury may be still out on current mainstream tank systems [i.e. not the 'enthusiast' ones mentioned by Arthur, jmc etc], but the extended life/greater power of the Tornado's battery makes it a no-brainer, especially if you plan on using it for evenings out.
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13 Aug 2004
Been vaping for just over a week now, doing well but still have a normal smoke, I've cut down from 20 - 30 a day roll ups to just 8, now heading for just 4 a day.

Got my kit from here http://www.libertyflights.co.uk/ its the Riva 510 starter kit which contains 2 batteries, 2 atomizers, a cone, 10 empty cartridges, USB charger and mains plug (read the info on mains plugs first.

I bought 2 kits one for me and one for my wife, total cost with selection of 5ml juices was 94 quid.

Try this forum for all info http://allaboute-cigarettes.proboards.com/index.cgi? they also have lists of all vendors as well as discount codes.

Thanks for the site - spent all evening reading through and ordered a Riva to start with to use instead of cigs.
30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
Of those two? Tornado Tank.

The jury may be still out on current mainstream tank systems [i.e. not the 'enthusiast' ones mentioned by Arthur, jmc etc], but the extended life/greater power of the Tornado's battery makes it a no-brainer, especially if you plan on using it for evenings out.

Sorted, thanks :) I am on a bit of a high at the moment from being off real fags for so long :) These E-Lites do work, although some on vaping forums would beat the head off you for saying that! Really enjoying having my morning "cigg" from bed or at the breakfast table (wife don't smoke, I don't smoke indoors) and joy of joys smoking at my PC! Haven't done that since I was a student

Just hope I can wean myself down the nicotine levels by self mixing
23 Jul 2009
Having used the 510 atty and moved to tank (both with tornado battery) and tank wins hands down in vapour throat hit and consistency. I use the low resistence atty on my tanks so its a double win in quality. I'm not sure about all these crazy huge mods I see, and although I'm sure they smoke great I prefer the simplicity of the tornado tank.
18 Aug 2007
I've been looking at these for a few days now, or at least toying with the idea. My local pharmacy sell the Intellicig Evo kits for £24 and seem to think they're best (they used to sell something else but switched).

I smoke around 20 or so Cutter's Choice rollies a day with menthol filters, and really 'need' that nice throat and lung hit when I toke. I like to 'know' I'm smoking, so I'm a B&H rather than Silk Cut kind of guy.

With that in mind, what do you all recommend? I've seen that some people think the Intellicig takes like cardboard/****, but others like it. I'm on a tight budget but would pay out a bit more for something that's decent. I just liked the size/ease of use of the Intellicig.

Does anyone have any suggestions? :)
23 Jul 2009
Having a delicious vape in the pub


Woops huge image, will sort later when not on phone
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20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
The -2 x 18350 1200mah UltraFire batteries (charged once) the ones at the bottom of the picture.
I have PM'd him and await a response.
Would you want the tanks too, I have asked for them in the PM?
*Edit. Just bought the megalodon package and clearos,attys etc, £80. Including being sent tomorrow, via RMSD. :)

Email me in trust and lets talk business ;)
27 Oct 2002
At the fulcrum of humdrum
[...] Intellicig Evo kits for £24 [...] really 'need' that nice throat and lung hit [...] I've seen that some people think the Intellicig takes like cardboard/****, but others like it. I'm on a tight budget but would pay out a bit more for something that's decent. I just liked the size/ease of use of the Intellicig. [...]
I have a soft spot for the Intellicig Evo, as it's a decent little thing, discrete, stylish [well, if you get the black one], easily transported and good for dripping/dipping. I certainly don't regret buying mine - in fact, I was chuffed to pieces when I found out how close an experience it gave. Their menthol flavour I found most agreeable, if not 100% accurate. Certainly better than their tobacco attempt.

Having said that, I'd have trouble recommending the starter kit; with just 1 battery and 5[!] cartridges, you'll find yourself needing to get more supplies within a day or two.

You could get a more substantial Evo pack from their site [great service, btw]... but I've just had a look at the prices, and compared to an equivalent Riva 510 kit, for example, it doesn't look like very good value at all [see Rob_J's post above]. And as impressive as the Evo is for its size, it's not in the same league as a Riva.

If you need a throat hit, then that's another minus point against the Evo; it's not the best - though this is mainly dictated by the nicotine strength [so aim high when purchasing!].
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