***The Vapers Lounge***

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23 Jul 2009
At last a thread for the growing trend of vaping. Feel free to discuss and review your hardware and flavours or give tips on mixing up your own juice.


Vaping can be confusing with all the jargon flying about, so to help you get to grips with the gear, this link has all the info you'll need to navigate this thread


Your first kit!

This section is under revision due to rapidly changing products on the market

Choose your juice
As for liquids, it's very much a personal taste. I don't vape many tobacco flavours these days as they all taste like cigarettes smells in the packet (kind of raisin-y), but most starters will want something familiar so ask in the thread for advice on flavours from the guys who've tried them. Generally you can pick up a month's supply of premade juice for about £15 depending on the brand and website. Browse around the websites and read the descriptions to get an idea for what's there, but it's all trial and error. For a starter, I suggest about 11mg to 18mg strength juice, just until you find what suits you. Buy small amounts (10ml) at first until you find something you really like.

Websites to browse:


a big forum full of vaping fanatics




Cheap DIY mixing liquids site

Lots of starter kits, and reasonably noob friendly with lots of videos explaning/demonstrating kit, but usually quite a bit more expensive than other sites.

There are loads more, but will add them later.

Useful tools for the enthusiast

Coil resistance Calculator
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I don't vape. Have no clue what it's about. But I'll be interested to follow as I'm a heavy smoker, so anything that may reduce that and still give me my nicotine I want to know more about.

I started it to cut down on cigs and to save time at work, but ended up preferring it to smoking. That and its way cheaper :) i'll post up some more basic info in the op when I get home
Lol, not quite what we're talking about.

Glad this thread is getting interest from both new and old vapers. For those debating between the 510ml and tornado, you'll find the tornado batteries so much more forgiving and hassle free, and the tank also removes a lot of the maintenance from the equation, allowing you to just enjoy the experience.

I'd be interested to see what strength juice everyone here is on and how long they'd been on it. I started on 11mg, which seemed strong at first, but now I'm tempted to go up to 18 since I've acclimatised to it.
Having used the 510 atty and moved to tank (both with tornado battery) and tank wins hands down in vapour throat hit and consistency. I use the low resistence atty on my tanks so its a double win in quality. I'm not sure about all these crazy huge mods I see, and although I'm sure they smoke great I prefer the simplicity of the tornado tank.
Having a delicious vape in the pub


Woops huge image, will sort later when not on phone
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I gotta say I'm not a fan of the EVO. It was my first shot at vaping and I found the pressure sensor so unreliable and the batteries were useless.

That is a ridiculous amount of vapour btw arthur!
You lot make me want to start smoking, I like gadgets! :o

My cousin smokes some sort of e-cig, with a liquid called Green Cow which smells like Red Bull, lol. :)

I know the one, that's a Decadent Vapours liquid if I remember correctly. I may have to give it a shot, just so I can say I'm smoking a green cow
Yep, good stuff to start on a budget if you just want to try things out before diving in. For better battery life (if you're a heavy smoker you'll need it), and for less hassle filling cartridges etc, I recommend this

btw the platinum one (which I have, looks mint) is £20 off so a bargain

what would someone recommend for me.

i smoke around 20 a day. I would like to be able to buy a kit that comes with instructions and everything i need.

I'd rock that (in fact I already do). Bargain at that price. I used to smoke 15-20 rollies a day and each battery charge lasts me at least 2 days and I only refill the tank once a day. There's a little video on the site on how to use the kit in detail, as well as a dedicated forum full of advice. The only trick is working out your strength of juice. I'm on 11mg, but some people prefer much stronger juices.
I didn't know much but this thread alone has shown me:

Tornado Tank - looks to be the next generation with no faffing about, just pour your liquid into the 'tank', plug it in, vape
Pre made liquids - Seems the obvious thing to get with a new vaper
Self mixing - Get a base which is a flavourless nicotine enriched solution. Go for the strongest one as it will work out cheaper. Then get a completely plain solution to dilute. This is where you get VG and PG - admittedly I've not tried either so don't know their merits but I bought a PG enriched solution and plain VG, combining the 2 seems popular. The nicotine enriched one is 50mg, so if I do half and half I'll get 25mg which seems medium to strong.
Then go get your flavours, there are soooo many.

I found a discount code for liberty-flights, just use ECR69 to get 15% off, just used it so it works

http://www.e-cig-reviews.com/Discount Codes.html

All in all I've spent £100 but I should be vaping for the next few months easy with what I have, probably longer.
Vaping is very similar to smoking but imho nicer, the fact you can tailor make everything adds even more fun.
Admittedly I just want to stop smoking but if I continue to vape then I'll be a happy man, still enjoying 'smoking' but probably only spending £5 a week on it for the same fun without any health risks.

That sums it up very nicely. :)
When you refill carts let the juice soak into the wick so you can get as much in as possible, but don't overfill it or you'll flood the atty and won't get much vapour off of it until its burnt off enough. It's a learning curve and becomes routine quite quickly

Saying that, I got sick of that routine and haven't looked back from my tank lol
If thats true then surely that goes against everything TW state.

Well, they never state that they make a juice that tastes just like burning tobacco with all the crap it comes with. They make tobacco flavours, which in the case of the one I'm using now, taste like cigarettes smell when they're in the packet. Which I should add tastes delightfully raisiny and nutty
I actually prefer the red label tobacco flavour, even though I didn't like it when I first got it with my kit. I tried real tabs and by the time I finished a 10ml bottle I thought it tasted to burnt.
yeah i think i have the wrong ones, will have a moan via email, as it does say its compatible with my one, however i have had a play and no way its going in lol

cheers for the refill thing i will have a little go, still smoking as got in at 5am and proper hung over, will be again tomorrow... :D

so will start on monday, my plan is to have a rolly in the morning and then one at bed time, and vape in-between and see how i do.

I had my bedtime smoke for 3 weeks until I finished off my pouch of baccy, and the last week I could barely finish it. It helped having that comparison I think, because I had to face how rough they tasted.

Maybe I was wrong about the flavours, but red label is what I'm enjoying now anyway. I'm trying to decide what to get in the sale now. I find the sweet juices too cloying for all day so looking for something a bit more tangy or different.
I can't vape on my shop floor, but only because it isn't professional to do so. At least I don't have to walk all the way out of the shopping centre for a nicotine fix. I vape pretty much everywhere else though and have only been confronted about it twice, both times ended with the people asking about them for a friend or family member. At least the tornado doesn't look like a cig, makes it easier. I'd just explain to your co workers and vape away!
I've found if you ask bouncers beforehand they tend to be cool with it and saves the explanation later AFTER they're annoyed at you.

How many people made the 'mistake' of trying Low Res atomisers? I can't go back to old ones anymore.

Oh dude, I can't go back. When I got the tank as an experiment I also got low res. Needless to say my 510 attys are sitting around getting dusty.
been puffing at my desk on the sly with the fan on, its quite amusing i feel like im being naughty but no one has noticed yet lol

lol, I know the feeling. When I ride the bus I usually blow it downwards, but sometimes it all comes billowing up into view and I feel old ladies' disapproving stares on the back of my head. Pretty awesome having a smoke break at your own desk though eh? :p
With regards to nic intake, you'll know when you've had too much (headaches, dizziness, much as if you chainsmoked too many fags).

Sleep, I always have trouble sleeping so can't comment, but things seem no worse after switching to vaping for me, although I can't remember what the first week was like.

Chilli vape: I love spicy food, but I'm not sure if I want to inhale it lol. I reckon that's a "try once and trade it out for some other poor curious bugger to try" job! :o
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