The Witcher series (Netflix)

I enjoyed it okay but I hope they do a bit better in the 2nd season - if you are familiar with the books and/or game then it was harder to notice this but a lot of stuff in season one made very little sense (perhaps because they had to cut a lot out to fit what they wanted to do into the number of episodes they had?)
Season 1 was a bit awkward to do because they were creating the back story of the main characters and that covered a huge span of years, Geralt and Yennefer are both almost 100 years old while Ciri is in her teens. Season 2 begins the main (5 book) story arc, so there should be a lot less jumping back and forth, although I think there are still a couple of short stories (Nivellen for one) included.
Watched the first 2 episodes of the new series.

Ep 1 . 8/10 - nice mini story arc as well as setting up main theme.

Ep 2 . 7/10 - I liked them going back to an important location. I'm still not a fan of Ciri's casting. She looks far too young and not sure how she will scale later on. Having played the game she just doesn't fit the version I've come to know.
Episode 1 = Fantastic. I’ve been waiting to see a certain encounter ever since we had a Witcher 3 trailer years ago.
Episode 2 = Quite good but they’ve seriously botched two key characters, so certain things just made no sense.
Ah season 2 of the Witcher, that means a bunch of people will need to be reminded again that this is based off the books not the games and the games are not canon.
I read Blood of elves a couple of months ago, i’ve watched two episodes and other than than the nivellan and kaer morhen parts i am rather puzzled. I mean, as a standalone show its great but it is very loosely following the book plot which is a shame.
My wife wondered if they'd keep up their mandatory "boobs per episode" option and, in the 2 episodes we've watched so far, the answer is yes.
Watched the 1st 3, seems to follow the 1st series formula in that Cavill knocks it out the park whenever it's Geralt focused and is not so good whenever the other main characters are priority. Enjoying it tho :) The difference in quality between this and WoT given their comparable budgets is huge.
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