The Witcher series (Netflix)

I quite like Triss, she seems far closer to the book counterpart. She also doesn't have red hair in the books so not sure why you think red hair is her signature.
I quite like Triss, she seems far closer to the book counterpart. She also doesn't have red hair in the books so not sure why you think red hair is her signature.

I’ve only read the last wish & blood of the elves. The majority of my Witcher experience is from the visualisation of the game.
This series has been exactly loyal to that, as I said even including the lighting which was brilliant both in this series and the games.
It all felt very familiar.
Shame it was over so fast.
5 episodes in, bit average unfortunately. I've read the books and also listening to it audio format currently. It's very loosely keeping to the books but I knew that from season 1. I think you need to watch it for what it is and that's a pretty good fantasy with average storytelling. I hope it gets more people reading the books and playing the games, I could do with a Witcher 4.
Not read the books gave up on the first game and not got the stomach to play the last more.

But I am really liking this show, Cavill is brilliant have to say.
Finished the series, it's gone in quite a different direction to the book but I still think it feels like The Witcher. I guess with 8 episodes a season they had to pick and choose which bits to include and also the difficulty of keeping a cast all involved.
Phew, thank F for that! I just got to the end of my 2 day binge and am delighted to report that S2 is FAR superior to the disaster than was S1, which after the great first 3 episodes really went to **** and turned into a confusing mess of chronologically disjointed and very differently directed episodes. There was little cohesion throughout Season 1 and much of the writing and acting performance were simply awful.

In S2 not only is there a decently written and coherent story arc running through the entire season, but the acting and casting are nigh-on perfect, with a particular stand-out performance coming from Freya Allen as Ciri.

Yes, there are a couple of annoying moments in S2 where character act a little out of character for what they are supposed to be, but overall this was a riveting watch. I would say it really felt more like the TV equivalent of Witcher 3 the game, as opposed to the TV equivalent of the drearily written and terribly translated books.

Plus, it just looks gorgeous on my OLED and the sound was also excellent. Netflix is so much better than AMazon Prime for streaming quality in its new series, with Wheel Of Time (which I am also enjoying) looking like crap compared to this.

I really, really enjoyed Witcher S2 and consider this easily one of the best fantasy series released in 2021. :)
@Richdog was always going to be hard to adapt the first two books as its just a collection of short stories. Can imagine season 1 was very confusing for non book readers.

season 2 may as well be called “ a series inspired by the witcher world”. Its fine as a standalone show but its so different from blood of elves, a shame really as i was looking forward to seeing it all unfold during this season.
I agree, in fact I think it’s the best thing I’ve watched in a very long time.
Just loved episode 1, but I also did in the last wish.
Only problem is only 8 episodes.
I want more…
@Richdog was always going to be hard to adapt the first two books as its just a collection of short stories. Can imagine season 1 was very confusing for non book readers.

season 2 may as well be called “ a series inspired by the witcher world”. Its fine as a standalone show but its so different from blood of elves, a shame really as i was looking forward to seeing it all unfold during this season.
I tried reading the books and I gave up as I just couldn't enjoy them due to the horribly awkward prose which I am guessing was due in part to the arduous task of translating everything to English. If I give up reading a fantasy book, then it's not for want of trying as I generally devour any good fantasy setting and I do love Witcher 3 the game.

I am fine with them adapting the story if it translates better to a seasonal TV format.
the series certainly looks pretty to the eye and the action scenes are enjoyable. i find the Yennifer character quite annoying though and have started skipping scenes that she is in.
Season 2 was excellent. It’s really hard to condense such a wide universe into a relatively easily digestible show, and I think the team did an incredible job.

It’s interesting to see Wheel of Time and how they’ve basically gone the opposite direction - it’s so boring, which is a pity.
I must be alone in thinking this is pants, I just can't get into this second season so far, I've just done 4 episodes and just can't bear to watch anymore. Season 1 was OK at times but overall I don't get the hype for this at all, exactly like the game funily enough.

Ciri is bloody brilliant though as is Henry Cavill, it's just the story is totally meh.
I'm a few episodes in and am really enjoying S2. Most of the complaints I've seen seem to be about how it isn't faithful to the books but as I've never read them and have only played the games, I've no idea if it's going off-piste. Yen is still as annoying as season 1, however Henry Cavill is excellent as Geralt!

My wife wondered if they'd keep up their mandatory "boobs per episode" option and, in the 2 episodes we've watched so far, the answer is yes.

My missus said each episode needs a Geralt bath scene..
I have to say the storytelling is so unbelievably poor this season. Considering how loosely they seem to be sticking to the source material they're completely over egging certain narrative strands. The whole thing feels so cloistered with dull side plots and boring characters they seem so desperate to reference for future storylines. Got no issue with them taking as many liberties with the original books as they want, but keep it simple! It's at it's absolute best when it's doing it's 'monster of the week' thing. There's so many side plots at the moment that it feels completely at odds with itself and it's supposed central characters.
The first season was hardly a blueprint for sublime screenwriting and it had it's own issues, but at least it felt it was heading somewhere cohesive.
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