The Wizard of Wolls: Follow the yellow brick gains

Missed a session during the week, so decided to squeeze one in this evening. Unfortunately my pre-workout fuel was an English breakfast followed by a scone with clotted cream and jam. I was holding back vomit half way through the workout if I'm honest!
BW 12/12
20kg 12/12
25kg 12/10/10
BW 10/10/10

Lying French Press / CGBP
25kg / 25kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

28kg 10/10

Cable Push Down Wide
50kg 12/12/12

Cable Push Down Narrow
55kg 10/8

BB Curlz
35kg 12/12/10

Concentration Curlz
12kg 8 (self spotted)
8kg 8/8/8 (much better quality)

Cable Rope Bicep Curls / slow
35kg 10/10

BB Curlz
20kg 12/12
Bit of a weird chest session today. Didn't fancy the usual after a good arm session yesterday.
BB bench
20kg 12
50kg 12
70kg 10
100kg 5/5/5

Incline DB Bench / Incline Flyes
24kg / 10kg
15 / 15
15 / 12
15 / 10

Cable Flyes / DB CGBP
25kg / 22kg
15 / 12
15 / 10
15 / 8

Decline Bench Paused
40kg 8/8
45kg 8/8

Pec Deck
50kg 15
55kg 12
60kg 10
Not exercises id normally do today, but this is what happened.
20kg 15
60kg 5/5/5/5/5

Side Cable Raise / Cable Rope Push Down
15kg / 80kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

DB Front Raise / Single Arm Push Down
10kg / 25kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

Upright Row / OH Rope Ext
30kg / 80kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

Seated DB Press / Skullcrushers (EZ bar)
16kg / 10kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12
Back today. Getting the keys for our new house tomorrow, so might get an arms session in but not sure. No legs this week as my old ligament tear issue has flared up again.

20kg 12
60kg 12
80kg 10/10/10/10
60kg 12/12

Lat Pull Down wide
60kg 10/10/10

Cable Low Row / Wide Row
60kg / 45kg
12 / 10
12 / 10
12 / 10

Straight arm push downs
50kg 12/10/10

BB Curlz
30kg 12/12/12

Seated incline DB Curlz
8kg 12/12/12
Little bit of arms today, because as Bradley Martyn says, every day is arms day!
BW 12/12
25kg 12/12/10/10BW 12/12

50kg 12/12/12

Lying French Press / CGBP
25kg / 25kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

Single Arm Tricep Pushdown
15kg 12/12/12

BB Curlz
35kg 12/12/12

Seated incline Curlz - slow neg full stretch
8kg 8/8/8

Those last curls were beautiful. Slow negative, controlling the weight all the way down to a straight arm, then a strong contraction back to top again. Pure burn considering only 8kg, 10/10 would recommend for bigger guns.
The pump was STRONG today. Horrifically strong in the front delts, beautifully strong in the pecs. Was an enjoyable session for sure and pushed out some decent weight on DB press - haven't managed 3x8 at 42kg before.
DB Press
20kg 12
30kg 10
42kg 8/8/8
34kg 10/8

DB Flyes / DB Press
14kg / 14kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

Cable Flyes
20kg 12/12/12

Pec Deck
60kg / 50kg / 40kg / 30kg / 20kg
12 / 12 / 12 / 12 / 12 / 12
12 / 10 / 10 / 12 / 12 / 12

Tricep Push Down - Wide
50kg 12/12/12

Tricep Push Down - Narrow
55kg 10/10/10

28kg 12/10/9
Nothing amazing today. Incremented weight, hit rep targets, looked awesome.
20kg 12
60kg 12
82.5kg 10/10/10/10
60kg 12/12

Lat Pull Down Wide
65kg 10/10/10

Cable Low Row / Wide Row
60kg / 45kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

Straight arm push down
50kg 12/12/12

BB Curlz
30kg 12/12/12

Seated incline DB Curlz
8kg 8/8/8

BB Curlz
20kg 15
Joocey arm session. Still absolutely loving these DB Curlz at the moment. A slow negative down to full stretch, then a strong contraction up to squeeze, back down to a slow neg at full stretch. The vein explosion is real.
BW 12/12
25kg 12/12/10/10
BW 12/12

Lying French Press / CGBP
30kg / 30kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
8 / 10

50kg / 40kg / 30kg / 20kg
10 / 10 / 10 / 10
10 / 10 / 10 / 10

BB Curlz
35kg 12/12/8

Seated incline DB Curlz
9kg 8/8/8

Cable Bicep Flex
15kg 10/10
My knee is still recovering so thought I'd do some deadlifts and trap work instead.
70kg 8
110kg 6
150kg 3
160kg 3
170kg 3
180kg 1
190kg 1
200kg 1 ish - dirtiest rep ever
130kg 3/3
70kg 8

Snatch grip shrugs
20kg 12
50kg 10
60kg 10
70kg 10
80kg 10
70kg 10
60kg 10
50kg 10

Seated Cable Y Raise
7.5kg 12/12/12

I think my grip is too narrow on the sumos. The 200kg came up, but lockout was a tad weak, and I almost slipped the plates off one side of the bar. Few imbalances there to address I think. Still, was a fun workout!

150kg triple side angle:

160kg triple rear angle:
Sumo is a hard technique to master, so I wouldn't beat yourself up too much. Why are you doing Sumo now anyway? I must have missed something :p

How are the shrugs also?
Been doing sumos and semi-sumos for quite a while now, I prefer the more upright posture you get during set up, takes the strain out of the lower back.

The shrugs were decent. Maybe not as much of a pump as I get from DB shrugs, but decent workout out of them. Tomorrow will tell, if they're aching like a bitch, they're good to go :p
Cool beans. Now I think about it I remember about your back being daft now, hence your sumo approach. It may be something I look at long term, for the time being though I'm just not lifting.

Your traps should be on fire eventually, perhaps try doing more of a high pull? That usually gets them going
Just a quick shoulder session today, as I'd normally do traps with shoulders.
Seated DB Press
20kg 12
28kg 10
36kg 8/8/6
32kg 8/6

BTN Press
40kg 12/12/12

BB Front Raise / DB Side Raise
20kg / 8kg
10 / 8
10 / 8
10 / 8

Cable Rear Flyes
10kg 12/12/12

DB Press is getting very strong.
Surprised myself with it to be fair, may have just been a good day :p

Arms today, as got the day off and was training early.
20kg 12
60kg 12
80kg 10/8/8
60kg 10/10
50kg / 40kg / 30kg / 20kg
10 / 10 / 10 / 10
10 / 10 / 10 / 10

28kg 12/12/12

BW 12/12/11

BB Curlz
35kg 12/12/8

Seated inclined DB Curlz
8kg 8/8/8

BB Curlz - slow
17.5kg 20
Moving house and the personal life has been absolutely draining me the last week. You know it's a bad sign when Chest Monday's is postponed until Wednesday! :mad: :p

Workout wasn't up to much, strength wasn't quite there. Decent pump and shifted some weight, so won't cry too much.

BB Bench Press
20kg 12
60kg 12
100kg 5/5/5 (last rep spotted)
80kg 8/8
60kg 12/10 slow reps

DB Flyes / DB Press
16kg / 16kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

Cable Flyes
20kg 12/12/12/12

Cable Push Down Wide
50kg 12/12/12

Cable Push Down Narrow
55kg 12/12/12

Pec Deck
50kg / 40kg / 30kg / 20kg
10 / 10 / 10 / 10
10 / 10 / 10 / 10
The exhaustion continues. Really struggling this week despite eating plenty, and my forearms are absolutely wrecked from doing work at the new house. Can barely bend my wrist and certainly can't weight bear on it from a press up position.

Anyway, less whinging, more lifting.
60kg 8
100kg 6/6
120kg 6/6/6

Machine Pull Down / Machine Row
35kg / 30kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

Cable Low Row
50kg 15/15/15

Straight Arm Cable Push Down
50kg 10/10/10

BB Curlz - slow full ext
25kg 10/10/10

Seated incline DB Curlz
8kg 8/8/8

The deadlifts were just a bit of an overall workout being doing some pulling, and wasn't meant to be too heavy. Using a wider grip during the sumo stance now, seems a LOT more stable, and was able to get some impressive hip drive.

Wrist issues meant Bicep work had to be a bit lighter, but really focused heavily on full Bicep extension, powerful contraction, and a very slow very painful negative.
Are you doing sumos as just a means of shifting some heavy weight and incorporating some strength work in to your routine? Or are you doing them for mass?

As obviously for building a bigger, thicker back, sumo deadlifts are pretty poo due to the amount of leg work involved
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