I will never support these episodic/tv show games, the price is just too high for two or three hours of gameplay.
Two to three hours per episode, and you buy the whole season at once. So yeah, more like 9 - 13 hours by the time the release them all for 1 payment, which to be honest is very well priced.
They are easily capable of finishing the game in one go and releasing it at full price. So why the episodes? How do we, as gamers, benefit from this scheme? We don't, it's a blatant cash grab, similar to the way they're splitting book inspired films into two or three parts in the film industry.
I therefore refuse to support them, even when the product is finished and priced fairly.
Telltale have a proven history with episodic content with Sam and Max, Back to the Future and The Walking Dead. It's pretty safe to say it's not a "blatant cash grab". Also, they are not forcing you to play the game in episodes. If you don't like playing one episode at a time simply wait until all the episodes are out then play them, problem solved. The movie comment is, well... would you sit through a 10 hour long Lord of the Rings film? or a 7 hour Hunger Games film? or how about a 7 hour Bourne film? if that doesn't take your fancy, maybe a 20 hour long Harry Potter movie?
The Hobbit. The latter was split in three(!) which is quite amusing considering it's lighter than the first LOTR book which fitted perfectly into just one film..
Heads up guys - EP 4 is out today woohoo! I still can't believe this thread isn't booming.
Just finished it. Thoughts here- http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=26684364&postcount=1281