The world famous all-nighter thread. Please come on in...

Anyone joining me tonight/this morning ?

I've got two sections to complete for my ICT coursework thats due in tomorrow, I've got no choice but to pull an all-nighter tonight. :cool::o

Ohh it's going to be so nice to be able to go out tomorrow night. :o
Yup :)
Helping a mate out with HCI research anyone help?
its to do with the future of it as he is developing a prototype for future HCI using things like Microsoft Surface / Minority report interface
Ack... Sleep patterns...

I was up until 5.30 am yesterday, working for a meeting I had this morning at 9am (yesterday morning?). Got everything I needed (wanted?) to get done, and it's my own fault that I had to work so late, really, since I went out on the lash Tuesday night instead of working :p

Was knackered all day today as a result, and slept for 3hrs when I got home. Decided to go to bed early, around 11, then had some really good ideas and got back up. Started scribbling and didn't stop until about 10mins ago. How in the hell did it get to 2.30am?!

Anyway, it's all good, as a couple of hours spent on good ideas at the right time is worth a couple of days of hard slog. But, my mind is spinning now and I won't be able to get to sleep for at least an hour or so. So the question, as always, is whether to get up at a reasonable hour tomorrow and try to work knackered (again...), or to just sleep in and further damage my already derranged sleep pattern.

Choices choices... Whisky first though I think ;)
Why is EVERYONE doing forensic science?

No forensic science here... It's all numerical solutions of partial differential equations using radial basis functions for me :p

Forensic science sounds way cooler and far less nerdy though (thanks in part to CSI I suppose...).
Didn't mean to pull an all-nighter tonight, I just cant get to sleep now after an all day library session and it seems stupid to hit the sack 2 hours before I have to get up! :p

Got my last exam for this Uni year (1st year computer engineering) at 9.30am.

Can't wait to finish! Got an Xbox360+GTA4 arriving sometime in the morning and my GF also finishes for the summer in the afternoon. :D

Anyone else up?
Didn't mean to pull an all-nighter tonight, I just cant get to sleep now after an all day library session and it seems stupid to hit the sack 2 hours before I have to get up! :p

Got my last exam for this Uni year (1st year computer engineering) at 9.30am.

Can't wait to finish! Got an Xbox360+GTA4 arriving sometime in the morning and my GF also finishes for the summer in the afternoon. :D

Anyone else up?

Ha, same course, yours B.Eng (hons)?
Just got in from work, and don't know what to do...I'm an insomniac anyway and don't feel like going to sleep yet....and dont have to go in till after lunch tomorrow...may just have a whizz at Texas Hold'Em against the PC...

...will report the gain/loss balance sheet shortly :D

edit: just noticed 2 posters on this page have given up...light-weights :p
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Just staying up all night cause I can't sleep, probably due to all the caffeine and other substances i've had tonight, lesson learnt, don't ever drink redbull and vodka together, I bet I will feel awful when this wears off.
I feel with all you guys who have to study/do papers/ or just can't sleep, but remember now, things are always better in the morning!
Ddin't get much sleep, just submitted in my lost assignment.

I've failed about 2-3 out of the 7, not bad going. I gave it my absolute best, so no regrets here :)

This one I've just submitted, I wouldn't settle for less than 80, I'm looking closer to 90 though :)

Time to go party and get this shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz out of my system. Oh wait, got 3 more exams to go! Either way, I'm having today to myself :cool:
Well well well here I am again. It would seem some fool (damn damn DAMN fool) in the University decided to move deadlines from tuesday to monday, and as print shops don't open at weekends, it all has to be sorted before saturday :eek:

Plan of action : work solid until 9am when I shall arrive at the plotting shop, then come home and catch up the sleep knowing I'm atop the print list :)
third semi all nighter in a row here. Dissertation due in tomorrow. Im an idiot and my time management sucks and I wish i could travel back 10 months and slap the **** out of myself :(
Another all-nighter. Getting tired of this crap.

...never had to work this hard as an undergrad.

Not like I'm even getting anywhere, and I still have almost 4 weeks to go.
I'm usually only up this late when I'm doing coursework like you all, but tonight/this morning I am going to make you all jealous as I am only up this late because I just got back from a mini holiday. :D
All nighter

SOOOO, im suprised theres none of these threads up for tonight already.
Anyone else pulling an allnighter?
My dissertations due in tommorow, iv got to do my design documentation for it and my evaluation then conclusion.
Testing should also be done really but its not actually marked, although I plan on doing smoe and putting it in the evaluation, just a little though. More because of damage limitation - trying to scrounge marks.

Im going to do a little more research too since that sections worth 20%.

Got to rewrite my terms of reference really too, and do a GANTT chart, grr i hate loading excel up. Best find some royalty free audio files too to add into my application and pull a few bits of code out to write up.
Im all on my own at uni since we have our own lab room in the main access area, and only people on my course can log on them.. pooor me.
Due in for 4pm tommorow anyways. Needs to be printed and bound with logbook etc and declaration of my own work etc. Aimin to finish for about 12-1, that way i can print it and go wander into town to get it bound and hand it in, then maybes pop to the gym for a jacuzzi woooooo and then for a pint in a beergarden at the quayside while i wait for my mates to drive up(past this beer garden) for a night out.
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