The world famous all-nighter thread. Please come on in...

Trying to do economics coursework. Bored ending up finding some hot girl on youtube to perv over for baout an hour, after listning to steven frys hour podcast. What can i do to actually make me want to do this coursework?
Trying to do a presentation for a seminar tomorrow morning. It isn't even hard work but I've been putting it off and now I've got 4 hours before I need to be getting up to go to uni. I don't even think I'm going to be doing the presenting, I feel sick at the thought of standing up in front of a room full of people. I'm afraid I could have a panic attack to be honest. :(
Well, I am in work on nights so I have an excuse!

Although tonight was Resident Evil 5 launch night - and as night shifts are generally quiet we snook the plasma out the boardroom and have been playing RE5 (My shift partners little sister dropped it off for us) :p

Not feeling very well, due to get up for work at 5 but i've had to ring in for the first time in nearlly a year, my stomoch is doing backflips and the toilet smells like a sewage plant :(
Well, it's my usual "first day off shift" whisky night, so here I am.

Damn the lack of interesting input to threads at this time!!

I tend to sit here on thursday nights watching random movies while I drink, refreshing the forums.
Got a business meeting tomorrow morning where I need to do a speech about me and the firm and sell myself to 35 others...and I've just got in from my night out with my mates.


Ah well, better start writing the speech :)
Got a business meeting tomorrow morning where I need to do a speech about me and the firm and sell myself to 35 others...and I've just got in from my night out with my mates.


Ah well, better start writing the speech :)

"I am ******* awesome. My firm is ******* awesome and will bring all you ***** into such megabucks money you won't know what to save and what to wipe your ***** with. In short, we deserve every ******* minute of your time and expertise because we are the ******* monkey's nuts. Thank you."

Copy. Paste. Print.

There you go. Enjoy the rest of your night, dude.
That's great pestilance, I don't think it'll read write...

"I am star star star star star star star awesome"

Gonna get annoying :p
man, i been ownin the hell out of a uni project which is due in this afternoon.

had to design a system/interface for a hospital ward monitoring system and im pretty much done now =D

thing is i only started at 12am this morning. been workin non stop till now and i must say im pretty impressed with what i've churned out xD

especially since everyone elses looks really bad
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