No idea, could have been but I wasn't really willing to mess with my system given that other games ran without any issues.
Also, it wasn't hard locks/blue screens, it was just CTD's with some error messages.
A million times this. Technically I'd say it was the Trials of Obi Wan expansion that was the bad launch, as the NGE that immediately followed it destroyed a lot of what was promised in that (as well as the rest of the game, if course).
The worst launch I have ever witnessed was the NGE for Star Wars Galaxies. Ok, so not exactly a game launch as such, but given how much it monumentally changed (screwed up) things, it might as well have been.
Don't think I've ever had a crash on gta 5 (outside of a bad driver).I remember when GTA V came out, people were saying it was unstable but it just pushed their systems harder than a lot of other games so they had to dial down overclocks, particularly on the GPU.
Much as I loved the game, I'd vote for Freelancer.So, what has been your worst launched games in memory?
Have to say APB was fairly spectacular. The whole cluster story behind the scenes of it's development, was pretty much being told from the off.
Wasn't Hellgate London a similar tale of woe.
Wasn't that just the EU DAOC? I played beta in the US servers months before it came to the EU and it was fine, but then when it launched here it had all sorts of weird bugs due to the work the EU company had done to it - which then cause more problems in patching as they couldn't just take the patches from the US servers directly.
GTA IV is probably the worst launch I can think of, MMORPGs tended to be more reliably terrible though.
Sim City launch, forgot about that one.
Ultima Ascension. A game I waited years for was a buggy mess and a real slap in the face to fans of the series.