theHunter: Primal

No password on server, but I just closed it because of all the disconnects peeing people off big style.

Will be back on in 20 mins and have it set to dino as password.
just been after a trex again on my own for hrs with the bow :p

got him down to 9 percent nearly dead then another t rex turned up :eek::(

he ate me :D

had about ten raptors though. rex hunt continues later.
Just seen this on Steam, and after reading this thread Ive bought it.

It looks fun :)

*edit* Had a quick go and got killed by a TRex, who was walking with a Raptor
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Can anyone comment on how this game is coming along?

Vowed not to put any more money into early access or pay as you go games but this one looks good.
they patching it regular helps if you played theHunter for the bows ( take a bit of learning to be good with them )

they are also adding a new dino soon.

raptors travel in packs are very dangerous , t rex are very hard to kill and on your own they will kill you a lot .

i have killed 4 on my own now.

over a hundred raptors .

key is to go to high yield boxes areas and get shotgun or rifle. then move around finding ammo. when you have enough ammo stockpiled then go for a rex. :D

its a good game very atmospheric.
Thanks DG for your input. I played Hunter for a couple of seasons but once I realised my subscriptions had totted up to over £60 stopped paying, then stopped playing.

How buggy is it? I understand it isn't a subscription game which I like the sound of, but have kind of got up on a high horse over paying for early access games after numerous disappointments (I just want them to come out ready, with maybe a patch).

its not very buggy at all pewdiepie did a peetake video on it when the servers were down and he couldn't connect.

its like this click start start game you in the prehistoric running from raptors :p

if you played theHunter it will help as you will understand it isn't arcade ;). thing is when you do get the dinos down especially a t rex you will feel like a boss :D

also the triceratops attack now in a recent patch.

latest details are here
Do you have to pay out the ass for temporary hunting licences like the base game?

pay out the ass :p (theHunter you buy one license per year for about 23 quid) its one pay thats it. which is 14.99 maybe cheaper elsewhere.
Quick heads up this game is finished and on Steam for £19!

Downloading now :)

Ploughed over £50 into the Hunter before abandoning my licence renewal, this one could be fantastic..
the Quetzalcoatlus added today are awesome but brutal if they catch you and they are quick they take you up in the sky animations awesome :D

did get one earlier doing a bit of recording also got eaten by a t rex :p
the Quetzalcoatlus added today are awesome but brutal if they catch you and they are quick they take you up in the sky animations awesome :D

did get one earlier doing a bit of recording also got eaten by a t rex :p

Teehee :) Don't give any more away Dg I've been purposely ignorant of this release ;)

Come on Steam, downloading at a paltry 288kb tonight :(
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