theHunter: Primal

It's really hard :)

On Hunter apart from the odd bear there wasn't too much to be worried about, but not on this planet, wherever I am! Even the plants are trying to kill me! I've gotten killed by everything I've encountered so far, even these little dinos about the size of a large dog. They ganged up on me and I couldn't escape.

I love this came :)
no word of a lie i been trying to get to top of volcano for four days now :p

damn flying :mad: get me everytime :D

killed a massive pack of the smaller dinos like in Jurassic park. :D was like 10.

when you only have a bow it gets hairy :)
no word of a lie i been trying to get to top of volcano for four days now :p

damn flying :mad: get me everytime :D

killed a massive pack of the smaller dinos like in Jurassic park. :D was like 10.

when you only have a bow it gets hairy :)

sounds epic killing that pack of dinos!

What I didn't realise is there was some stuff in the landing capsule at the beginning. Got a machete and a 303 with ironsights.. And 1 round.

This game is amazing!
Got 4 .303 rounds into a Triceratops and it wouldn't go down! Tracked it for miles following the blood and got shots in at very close range and it would just take off again with 70-80% health. I guess something with more stopping power is required.

Had my first encounter with a Tyranasaurus today :eek: Needless to say I didn't take it on, just watched it go by from the bushes.

It had the bones of a human hand in its poo :D
killed a tri with a bow heart shot other day :D you can kill them one shot if accurate.

t rex another matter :p
Is it actually possible to reach the top of the volcano?

yes there is a base with good gear up there. you have to get near one of the sides and gradually work your way round and up.

the flying quezt are to get guns before attempting it.
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Gonna get about an hour on this later, can't wait :)

I've not bothered opening ports to allow others to access my game, what is the online aspect of this game like?
pay out the ass :p (theHunter you buy one license per year for about 23 quid) its one pay thats it. which is 14.99 maybe cheaper elsewhere.

What are people on about then :confused: I've heard that each animal costs a few quid to buy a licence for and the licences only last a short time :eek:
you can buy individual license if you want just for short periods of time just for one species .

but that isnt that common most people buy 3 months/6 months /12 month license.

3 month is 9 quid, 6 month is like 15, 12 months is like 23 quid.

if you play regular its just as cheap as normal game . it is always updated/upgraded. basically 2 quid a month.:p
you can buy individual license if you want just for short periods of time just for one species .

but that isnt that common most people buy 3 months/6 months /12 month license.

3 month is 9 quid, 6 month is like 15, 12 months is like 23 quid.

if you play regular its just as cheap as normal game . it is always updated/upgraded. basically 2 quid a month.:p

Plus any weapons/equipment you need. Buying all the animal callers and a gun or two will cost around £20
i gave up on getting up volcano went elsewhere to get some gear then try and get up there :p

got a shotgun now a magnum killed a few quetz and now ready for next challenge. rank 14 now :cool:

for those that don't know you unlock as you rank up the ability to buy gear on respawn. this is funded by killing dinos which give you in-game money.

looking for the 50 cal sniper :D
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