There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life

23 Oct 2002

'No God' slogans for city's buses

Bendy-buses with the slogan "There's probably no God" could soon be running on the streets of London.

The atheist posters are the idea of the British Humanist Association (BHA) and have been supported by prominent atheist Professor Richard Dawkins.

The BHA planned only to raise £5,500, which was to be matched by Professor Dawkins, but it has now raised more than £20,300 of its own accord.

It aims to have two sets of 30 buses carrying the signs for four weeks.

As the campaign has raised more than anticipated, it will also have posters on the inside of buses as well. The BHA is also considering extending the campaign.

The complete slogan reads: "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

Professor Dawkins said: "Religion is accustomed to getting a free ride - automatic tax breaks, unearned respect and the right not to be offended, the right to brainwash children.

"Even on the buses, nobody thinks twice when they see a religious slogan plastered across the side.

"This campaign to put alternative slogans on London buses will make people think - and thinking is anathema to religion."

Hanne Stinson, chief executive of the BHA, said: "We see so many posters advertising salvation through Jesus or threatening us with eternal damnation, that I feel sure that a bus advert like this will be welcomed as a breath of fresh air.

"If it raises a smile as well as making people think, so much the better."

But Stephen Green of pressure group Christian Voice said: "Bendy-buses, like atheism, are a danger to the public at large.

"I should be surprised if a quasi-religious advertising campaign like this did not attract graffiti.

"People don't like being preached at. Sometimes it does them good, but they still don't like it."

The buses with the slogans will run in Westminster from January.


Although i dislike religious sorts forcing idealogical beliefs on me and anyone else, this article brought a wry smile to my face :p
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Good grief. Richard dawkins facing off against christian voice. Of all the people to be arguing their entrenched, bigoted rhetoric...

I've no issue with them advertising their beliefs. We christians have been at it for ages, so it's time they caught on.
Can they hire a few people to stand outside Stratford station as well, please?

There's always people telling me that I'm going to hell there. A pair also once asked me what by religious views were. They gave me blank looks when I said "agnostic" and asked what it meant. One of them was wearing an Arsenal jacket. Typical gooners.
I must say it's rather disturbing the amount of people who allow religion to literally rule their life and dictate most of the things they do.
if the signs were to say "there is no prophet Muhammad", the advert campaign would be shut down in seconds.

To be fair, I think there is a certain amount evidence that there was a Prophet Mohammed. Whether he talked any sense is another issue altogether.

Anyway, all Jews, Christians, Muslims basically have the same God as it all comes originally from the Old Testament. Not that they would agree with that.
[TW]Fox;12739749 said:
I must say it's rather disturbing the amount of people who allow religion to literally rule their life and dictate most of the things they do.

at least they're committed! So many people in this country have the 'can't be bothered' attitude and expect the world to do them so kind of favour.

I admire committed religious types as long as they don't try to convert me :)
To be fair, I think there is a certain amount evidence that there was a Prophet Mohammed. Whether he talked any sense is another issue altogether.

Very true, there's also plenty of evidence that Jesus did actually exist, whether he was the son of God however is a completely different matter, as is the existence of God him/her/itself.
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