There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life

Religion was used as a tool to control the masses by using fear in the middle ages, fortunately most people have wised up to this and stopped believing in fairy tales and myths, just not the religious nutters :D
I personally find it really odd that Atheism is like a religion in its own right. Why should you need to advertise?

Or are the Humanists recruiting, now?
Religion was used as a tool to control the masses by using fear in the middle ages,

No some religions where used as that....

Wehen you look at the abrahamic religions, formed in a harsh climate and difficult enviroment, very strict laws, especially about hygene etc,

Then look at the greek/roman etc gods, in a relitivly easy enviroment, plentifull food etc good climate, the gods there where more of a soap opera to entertain people, constantly having fueds, weddings etc.
I am not sure it is like a religion per se. It is certainly trying to get an alternative opinion into the public domain. After all they are not saying 'Come and pray to no god with us', they are just saying, it is alright to be an atheist and just live your life. I am all for it.
Why should you need to advertise?

Because they believe that getting rid of religion will improve the world, just like jehovas wittnesses believe that they are trying to save you from damnnation, and thus improve your life, same whith christians etc.

of course it's been shown time and again even when everyone is united under one religion, that religion fractures and then fights it's self.

Same will probbably happen with athiesm if it gains dominance.

The best solution so far just seems the common western view of "I really don't give a ****, I just want to sleep in on sundays".
Well they have an unproveable belief about a creator.

Do you consider a person who belives the world was made by "a" god, religius?

or only someone who follows an organised religion.

That would be an ecumenical question!

In reality it is the belief vs faith vs religion semantic debate to the extent as to what any believer in god falls under.

As for an atheist, for me, my opinion is formed on the basis of evidence before me. So I would say that is it just that, an opinion.
Have to admit having churches advertise is weird too - at the cinema there's usually always a big splash-ad for the local large happy-clappy church. I'd have thunk people already so inclined will already have found it...
Richard Dawkins is as bad as the religious hard liners. He preaches Atheism as much as a Christian or Jew or Muslim preaches their religion.

Anyway, there is always the Goddess for those who don't want to believe in God! ;)
Wow, another example of atheists behaving like the religious...

Preaching doesn't exactly fit in with the BHA's stated aim of 'freedom of belief'...
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Wow, another example of aethists behaving like the religious...

Preaching doesn't exactly fit in with the BHA's stated aim of 'freedom of belief'...

But freedom of belief includes things like this does it not?

Just like religious schools, Churchs, Mosques, relgious advertising, the "God Channel", etc.

People say that this is really ironic but if religious people were to complain about it, that would also be ironic.

Who cares either way basically, just let the slogan run. It would make a nice change.
I personally find it really odd that Atheism is like a religion in its own right. Why should you need to advertise?

Richard Dawkins is as bad as the religious hard liners. He preaches Atheism as much as a Christian or Jew or Muslim preaches their religion.

Richard Dawkins is NOT an atheist. He's agnostic. Atheists are certain that there is no god. Richard Dawkins states that there is no evidence of a god existing and so god 'probably' doesn't exist.

The message from this advert is definitely agnostic.
of course it's been shown time and again even when everyone is united under one religion, that religion fractures and then fights it's self.

Same will probbably happen with athiesm if it gains dominance.
Religions fracture and then in-fight due to different interpretations of said religions.

There can be no differing interpretations of non-belief, so no schisms. Not for theological reasons, at least: Schisms will happen within any faction for any reason.
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