Are you masturbating?
I am love a hairy pussy.
Are you masturbating?
It's cheaper than salt.
Yeah, she's mine. I've got a second one around here somewhere, and my mum's visiting with her big, black werewolf-looking thing - bigger than my little girls put together! Plus she's brought her two dogs to add to my sister's two dogs, so the house is a bit filled at the moment.
So cute!
For a moment there I was wondering what Freefaller was doing on top of your cupboards
BB x
That is just awesome.
Waiting for someone to photoshop it into a ceiling cat now.
Does that not mean there's hair/other stuff all over the kitchen surfaces?
no it doesnt... guess u never had cats if you think they leave hair all over.. they arent dogs....
the bench surfaces obviously have to be cleaned if your going to prepare food on them but most people have a kitchen spray + kitchen roll anyway
Well I'd better tell the cat owners I know that. Their cats leave hairs, mbe something wrong with them... It's not like loads of people have issues with their hair either.
No need!
Just crop it...
*It really needs interpolating and maybe adding stuff round the edge but meh...
Are you masturbating?
I'd be willing to bet there's a higher percentage of clean cats in the UK than there are clean peopletheres nothing more hygienic than a cat in the kitchen great stuff
it amazes me what people will accept in there kitchen yet expect standards to be high of restaurants and take aways and would be the first to complain about stomach problems
1 word
I'd be willing to bet there's a higher percentage of clean cats in the UK than there are clean people