They actually PAID for this site..?!

Man of Honour
15 Nov 2005
Basingstoke, UK
I went to a local balloon shop yesterday to get a load of helium balloons for my other half's 30th party last night, and thought there may have been some potential for making a site for them (hey, it's always worth looking out for potential freelance jobs).. I just checked to see if they already had one and.. well, check it out:

Check out the designer's site, they have some other excellent portfolio items.. I am in awe, wish I could produce to such high standards :(
Its alright laughing at the quality of the site.

But the thing to remember is that someone has paid for this site, and if you could do better ( which i'm sure you could ) why aren't you ?

It's easy to sit back and pass judgement , but to do is a different matter.

Thats money coming out of your " pseudo " web design company.

Less talk and smugness and why not do it ?
blade007 said:
to ^^ .... yeah man ... I do better than that, and will continue to do so. Why are you defending stuff that looks naff?

I am not defending the poor quality of the web site.

You missed my point , if it is that easy then why aren't you competing and producing better ?

The ability to create a web site is one thing, to do it commercially is another*.

* Basically someone has been paid to produce ****, if you can do better then do it, don't sit around sniping at it.
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mrdbristol said:
if you can do better then do it, don't sit around sniping at it.
why should we? what is the motivation here? :confused:

edit: oh, wait... you're saying it's commendable to create rubbish, as long as you're paid for it.
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I think anyone with an ounce of skill can do better.

This goes to show that the market is still much open to those who offer good service and a decent sales pitch.
seek said:
why should we? what is the motivation here? :confused:

edit: oh, wait... you're saying it's commendable to be paid for creating rubbish, as long as you're paid for it.

A laughable comment.

The motivation is money. Judging by the posts anyone here could do better but the originator of the **** web site has been paid for it.

If your artistic/coding pride is above that , then someone else is taking money you could be earning.

The site maybe **** but it's earn't money for someone . And i'm sure that someone isn't too worried at the mo.
mrdbristol said:
A laughable comment.

The motivation is money. Judging by the posts anyone here could do better but the originator of the **** web site has been paid for it.

If your artistic/coding pride is above that , then someone else is taking money you could be earning.

The site maybe **** but it's earn't money for someone . And i'm sure that someone isn't too worried at the mo.
in my experience, making websites for such companies is usually more hassle than the (relative) pittance you'd get for it is worth.
mrdbristol said:
A laughable comment.

The motivation is money. Judging by the posts anyone here could do better but the originator of the **** web site has been paid for it.

If your artistic/coding pride is above that , then someone else is taking money you could be earning.

The site maybe **** but it's earn't money for someone . And i'm sure that someone isn't too worried at the mo.

If you look at all the websites the pcmartin guy has made, they are all local so I reckon he's friends with these local businesses and they all help each other out but I see what you're saying
publicly ridiculing a company is not such a good way to getting work from them.. you may be poking fun at their publisher but don't you think that also reflects on them? and if it just happens that the publisher is a friend of theirs, you could make the mother of all site's but you may still get told to have a nice day.

anyhow how much did they pay or is that just speculation?
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