They actually PAID for this site..?!

Beansprout said:
How do you know he isn't? I for one am fairly sure that he is...
I get well paid to work on just two sites full-time (one web-facing and one extranet-based) for one large US telecomms company. It can be a little less exciting than having numerous external projects but I've been there seven years and the work is never going to end.. plus it means I can put some serious effort into making the sites as good as possible 'cause I have a vested interest in doing so.

At mrdbristol, I can totally see what you're saying but I wouldn't "go and do better" unless they were up for paying for a new site, and judging by the site of the company (one small family-run shop) they probably won't want to stump up for a (to them) needless re-design :)
I suppose what you've got to balance up is whether this just "an online presence" to communicate an address and phone number. Or, is it designed to bring in new business from outside their normal catchment area.

I think it's the former.
blade007 said:
I suppose what you've got to balance up is whether this just "an online presence" to communicate an address and phone number. Or, is it designed to bring in new business from outside their normal catchment area.

I think it's the former.
whatever it's purpose, it could still be 100% better with relatively minimal effort.
Mr_L said:
I think the balloon image is clipart. Infact, I'm pretty sure it is as the website has been made with Front Page.
You're probably right. ;)

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
That is HARDCORE, props
Whether they paid for it or not, the fact that the PCMartin site advertises "Website Design" and pumps out Frontpage-induced levels of work is still a tad shocking..
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