Things I don't like (TIDL) thread

German car drivers

People who don't like German car drivers :mad::p

People who continue to moan about things but do nothing to help themselves, especially when you offer them a solution/help

People who keep repeating themselves. "Oh must do this" 2 seconds later "oh must do this"
Ok just do it then or stop talking about it :rolleyes: (my mum is the worst for this)

lack of common courtesy from the majority of people these days

People who have their head in their phones instead of enjoying the moment.
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Bad drivers are my number 1:
  • People that dont indicate (oh you're only going left, you dont need to indicate mate...)
  • People that cut corners when turning into roads - they've no idea if a cars coming to the junction but hey who cares..
  • People who get up your arse when you're already doing 48 in a 40?
  • People who drive at 40 in a national speed limit, then when it drops to 30 outside of a school carry on at 40
Oh, and cyclists (in general), but in particular on country roads when they are slow and you have to wait a while to safely overtake them, only for them at the next set of lights to decide to come around all the cars and make you do it again. ****.
Oh, and cyclists (in general), but in particular on country roads when they are slow and you have to wait a while to safely overtake them, only for them at the next set of lights to decide to come around all the cars and make you do it again. ****.

This is literally the worst. Just wait in line! It is ridiculously stupid and adds more risk to make all the cars that just overtook you have to overtake you again.

It is actions like this that make me think some cyclists just enjoy holding everyone up.
This is literally the worst. Just wait in line! It is ridiculously stupid and adds more risk to make all the cars that just overtook you have to overtake you again.

It is actions like this that make me think some cyclists just enjoy holding everyone up.

I enjoy holding up 4x4 drivers :)

Didn't think it would take long before cyclists were mentioned.

For me its non indicators, mainly at roundabouts. When you come to a complete stop on a bike, then have to get going immediately again all because you could have carried on if the person had indicated properly.
People who walk around not looking where they are going with their heads down into their mobile phone.

People who drive and cycle while on their mobile phone.

People who talk about their private matters in public on their mobile phone.

People that eat out in restaurants that are on their mobile phone.

People in the cinema on their mobile phones.

I'm due a new mobile phone, can someone recommend me an upgrade please?
People who turn left or right at the lights, they then see the light is red and stop, not realising the light was for people coming from the opposite direction.
Drivers of German cars, Germans driving cars, Or Germans driving German cars? :p

just the drivers, or the race as a whole? cos that sounds racist to me.

I used to not like not being able to multi-quote. But now I've sussed it!

Apologies for the ambiguity, I of course meant people in the UK who drive German-manufactured motor vehicles.

I can now add some more things to my original list of things I dislike. Those being double negatives, ambiguity and incorrect comprehension of the word 'racist'. :p
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