Things I don't like (TIDL) thread

it is actions like this that make me think some cyclists just enjoy holding everyone up.
Of course they do. Rubbish week at the office, meaningless life that's slowly trickling away, bullied at school or whatever. What better way to get back at the world than wearing lycra and needlessly inconvenience people at the weekend?
Tattoos and smokers are the two things that spring immediately to mind. Why you'd ever get a tattoo or start smoking is beyond my comprehension.

Driving. I can't stand it, and I avoid it at all costs, even though it means my life is worse for it.
People who turn left or right at the lights, they then see the light is red and stop, not realising the light was for people coming from the opposite direction.

So much this, it never used to happen, so why has it crept in to general driver ineptitude?

People who stop in doorways in public places to chat, blocking the entrance for everyone else
Ditto for people in supermarket aisles
Chunky (read: overweight) bearded, tattooed 'tradesmen' (numbskulls) who seem to take over any bar they frequent
Smokers, especially in pub gardens. Yea great, I'd love to sit out in the sun but not breath your cancer giving chemicals thanks.
Vapers, especially the ones who have it set to steam engine levels of chuff.
People live for football, its a game you watch, debating it like you have some kind of input on what "your" team should have done and what "we" did last night does my head in.
Middle lane hoggers, there are three lanes and you should probably be in the left one.
People who do 40 everywhere, in a 60, in a 30, everywhere.
People who moan about BMW drivers, yes, of course we all drive the same, we're not Audi drivers you know!

I could think of more :D
Smokers, especially in pub gardens. Yea great, I'd love to sit out in the sun but not breath your cancer giving chemicals thanks.
Vapers, especially the ones who have it set to steam engine levels of chuff.
People live for football, its a game you watch, debating it like you have some kind of input on what "your" team should have done and what "we" did last night does my head in.
Middle lane hoggers, there are three lanes and you should probably be in the left one.
People who do 40 everywhere, in a 60, in a 30, everywhere.
People who moan about BMW drivers, yes, of course we all drive the same, we're not Audi drivers you know!

I could think of more :D

Oh here we go. Not happy with driving smokers out of pubs, you now don't even want them outside. Unless you're sitting bang next to them, you're unlikely to breathe in second hand smoke.
Bad Drivers
People that do not use common sense in certain situations
Fake accident callers
People believe in everything they read on the internet
People walking too slow in front of me
People standing in aisles blocking the narrow path in supermarkets
People not paying attention when crossing the road
Apple's business practices
Social Media
All those stupid condiments such as cranberry sauce, mint sauce, apple sauce, tartar sauce etc. They don't complement your meal they ruin it!
People who constantly ask for favours
Rainbow coloured RGB lighting
Waking up
Social media especially facebook
Can you lend me a tenner to buy a rainbow RGB case for my iPhone please? I need something to look cool with while I browse Facebook, but I spent all my money on Golden Virginia.
Cyclists are *****.
I walk to work and these mofos do their best to race around bends, come up behind when you cannot see them and act like they own the pathway. Cyclists tend to deserve and warrant any abuse from motorists they get since they're all entitled *******.
Psychiatry is something I don't like.

It's a false science.

Many behaviours that are normal for many in modern UK society are pathologies in their eyes.

The template they have for a "normal person" is just a fiction based on their own personal life views.
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