Things I don't like (TIDL) thread

People who don't know how to hold a constant speed. Sat in a 50 zone with cruise set to 51 as it's either that or 48, and they go past me then slow down then go past me again... Argh
The combined opinions of certain age groups who are convinced they know everything but in reality haven't got a clue.

'Improvements '
Over complicated road junctions with poor signage.
People who drive way to fast for absolutely no reason.
Smokers, I mean why would anyone with half a brain smoke? It makes no sense.
People who cycle over 2 miles to work, are they mad?
Ohh, another one, motorbikes that sit 2 inches from the back of your car before they overtake and then when you pull up behind them at junction they want a whole cars length of space behind them.
Noisy eaters. At it's worst in my workplace, which is often quiet and where there is frequently a symphony of crisp munching from all angles. Earphones in, YouTube on, it's the only way to remain sane. And I'll add to that, people who take their lunch and then bring food (crisps) back to eat at desk.

Tea Nazis. Yes I'll put my milk in first thank you. "But how do you know how much milk to put in". Making 10-15 cups per days for the past 25 years, I can judge that one...

Music bores who:
a) want to make up new genres for the sake of being different.
b) argue the toss over whether something is metalcore, grindcore, thrashcore (insert core of choice - there's always a 'core'). I don't care either way, just shut up and enjoy it, whatever it is.

Tellers of long-winded stories that could have been told within a fraction of the time, omitting irrelevant detail.

The bun-fight to board or exit planes, ridiculous.

Phone zombies.

Losing an earbud pulling the iPod out of a pocket right at the start of a commute. That's a killer.
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Cleaning the slow-cooker - it hardly fits in the sink.

For balance: happy I just dumped most of my smallish library
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People who walk around not looking where they are going with their heads down into their mobile phone.

People who drive and cycle while on their mobile phone.

People who talk about their private matters in public on their mobile phone.

People that eat out in restaurants that are on their mobile phone.

People in the cinema on their mobile phones.

I'm due a new mobile phone, can someone recommend me an upgrade please?
I enjoy winding up strangers by using my phone in restaurants.

Parents who don't control their kids in public.

Doctors since they're all scummy *****.

People who hate contemporary London slang. Look language evolves. It's largely coded racism and they won't admit it

Sjws. Just people who got bullied as kids who never processed it
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Realising I just solved an outstanding Nash problem, but dont have the time or money to buy the time to write the ******* up.
it's just Far West USA designer coffee, that some hipsters or beatnicks decades ago thought was cool.
people whoi think Subway is healthy - yeah, processed meats, fatty dressing, and veg that tastes like plastic is "healthy".
Almost everything about commuting in London - 2.5 miles a day of navigating phone zombies and dawdlers.

In fact almost everything already in this thread TBH.

People who don't clean up after themselves - housemates in the kitchen, and colleagues who leave all the cables and screwdrivers out of their cupboards.
People with no awareness of people around them. Having recently changed jobs one of the good things should be being able to go for a walk at lunch time for a bit of exercise in the sun ... except after less than 100 yards you already want to punch people due to them just not paying attention and just stopping or veering all over the place.

Managers not understanding what you are saying so grasping onto a tiny part of it and making a big deal of that when that's not the actual problem. I'll also throw in managers who sell you a job as one thing and then in reality its something else and then show surprise when they find out you are likely to not stay there long.
The only thing that really get my goat are rude people and angry people. With the latter, I mean the type that find things to angrily moan about other people.

Walking up Snowdon the other day and some snobby women was talking to her friend about how silly it was some people were wearing trainers. She made an equally unduly moany comment later on. Just stfu about other people and enjoy the hill for yourself. Focus on your experience instead of complaining about the experience of someone else (which you are not experiencing).
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