Things that make blokes proud of themselves

Piggymon said:
I moved into the Pigmo Pad with more tools than Desmo so ner!

Yeah but we saw the Tools you let him buy to do up your current place. I seem to remember a very large (read Dangerous) power tool being wielded by a mad man ;)

Flibster said:
but all the tools a bloke needs at maximum are..

1 Phillips screwdriver
1 Flathead screwdriver
1 large hammer

You forgot the can of WD40 mate ;)

Classic thread nice one!

What about nailling jam jar lids to the underside of a shelf? For holding jars of rawlplugs, self-tappers and those white things that keep your doorbell wire tidy.
Panzerbjorn said:
You forgot the can of WD40 mate ;)

And the duct tape... you can do everything with WD40 and duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't use duct tape, if it doesn't move and it should, use WD40:)
Flibster said:
But all the tools a bloke needs at maximum are..

1 Phillips screwdriver
1 Flathead screwdriver
1 large hammer

They solve pretty much everything. ;)


I disagree. You can hammer screws in if you hit them hard enough, reducing your bulky, effeminate toolkit of three items, down to a man sized toolkit of one item.
Visage said:
I disagree. You can hammer screws in if you hit them hard enough, reducing your bulky, effeminate toolkit of three items, down to a man sized toolkit of one item.
How do you get them back out? noob.
Street said:
And the duct tape... you can do everything with WD40 and duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't use duct tape, if it doesn't move and it should, use WD40:)

And if it should sometimes move, you use velcro!
I'd like to add 'not having to ask what your mates want to drink' - they'll have a beer, none of this 'wait, can you get me a Bacardi Breezer' rubbish.
Street said:
You can do everything with WD40 and duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't, use duct tape, if it doesn't move and it should, use WD40:)

Major lolage at that, its just sooooo true!
dymetrie said:
24. TAKING A NEWSPAPER INTO THE LOO - A visual code that says that's right, I'm going in there for a huge, long man-sized poo.
it is a great feeling when you nuke the toilet and someone has to use it straight after :D

great thread... have some stars :)
Street said:
And the duct tape... you can do everything with WD40 and duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't use duct tape, if it doesn't move and it should, use WD40:)

Neither needed:

If it doesn't move - hit it with the hammer till it does - if it doesn't - try a bigger hammer...

If it moves and it shouldn't - use nails and hammer the bugger home. :D

Amateurs really shouldn't try DIY.... ;)

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