I have Sky in my house, and I refuse to pay for it. I wanted to ditch it, but noooo… The woman of the house said “but I like to watch it”. I actually made a point of sitting down and watching two hours of music, just to see where the £21 or whatever it is now was getting me, as this was her argument. I was told, “but I like to watch the music, and Sky one has a few shows on”. Ok like what? “Well I don’t know, Simpson’s”. I replied “we have those on DVD already”. So, experiment time was needed.
After 120 minutes of the two hour viewing, I’d managed to view 50 minutes of music, the rest 70 minutes in total, was just adverts, jingles etc… Hardly value for money IMO. I wanted to cancel the useless bit of tat right there and then, but after the ensuing argument I basically transferred the bill to her, and went for a drive as she’d bitched at me long enough.
She’s been paying for a few months, and already she is now saying – “Well we don’t watch it really do we..?” No..!!!!! Really, now you think it’s a waste of money do you? Now YOU are paying for it. So, I think this is now where I win, and we ditch the system, and about time too. Sky TV is not worth the money. A television set is just basically a device to allow me to watch a few movies, as that’s all I do.
For those who are hardcore watchers of shows, music, documentaries etc it might be worth it, but Sky is mostly full of old tat, and I just can’t believe how much they charge for repeats, and useless broadcasts. Most of what is shown is so old, and boring it should actually carry a health warning.
If you are thinking of cancelling Sky, just do it. I’m sure if you are considering it, then once it’s gone, you will not miss it. Since I stopped paying the bill a few months back and cancelled the payment from my account I’ve used the money to buy DVD’s and my collection of re-watch able, when I want to watch them DVD’s is growing nicely.