Thinking of doing the un-thinkable

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Well, the previous owner of my 1098S Duke traded it in for a Multistrada 1200S...

'IDIOT' I hear you say? Yep, I cried that too.

However, as some of you know, I am a fairly capable rider and a mad man. But, after the recent weather, the 1098S feels a bit... Pointless. The only time that bike shines is when it's bone dry and the road surface is good. Which, when it does happen (such as 'the road' (mother of god...)). The 1098S becomes a god and simply blows my mind.

But riding through towns, social riding, anything below me pushing the bikes limits and my own limits (mine before the bike!) simply ruins the bike for me. It really isn't designed to pop out for 20 mins on to go grab a packet of smokes. Nevermind have a pillion on the back.

SO, I am thinking of doing the un-thinkable, doing as the previous owner did and exchanging the 1098S in for a 1200S Multi...

Thoughts? :D
Going for a 'quick' blast in a second, let's see what she can soon a road I know very well :)

Dry roads and sun, yay yay!

Also, test ride for a multi next week haha
Well, my mind is made up, it's a superb bike (1098 S), but only on the perfect day on perfect roads. I enjoy riding, done my time with superbikes. It's time to try something different.

I enjoy just getting on a bike and going somewhere, done with getting to my personal limits. And with the 1098 S, I will either die or lose my licence trying to push my self any further.

So, going to make a few phone calls tomorrow, see if it's going to be possible to do a straight swap for a multi :)
Ok, quick update.

Tomorrow is a test ride of a demo Multi 1200S touring. I am going down on the 1098S and they will give me a trade in value when I come back from the test ride.

I am hoping to walk away with a smile on my face after the demo ride, and if it goes well, walk away with a new bike!

Just hope they give me a decent offer for the 1098S, if not, will have to sell it privately.
Wowwww! Loved it! so much fun. I got lost in Winchester, awful one way system, 20 mins trying to leave hell! However, stuck the bike in urban mode, smooth as butter and bloody fun. It knocks down the fuel mapping and reduces hp from 150 to 100, so you can thrash it between lights and chuck it all over the place.

Did 2 junctions on the m3 in touring mode, bloody fantastic, smooth throttle response, easy in the gears.

Then did a couple A and B roads in sport mode, bike stiffened up, throttle response sharp and aggressive, front pops up without breaking a sweat and handles superbly for the size of the bike! Grinning from ear to ear.

Did a little farm road off a A road, endurance mode, dry mud, bike increased in height, soft suspension, TCS off, easy as pie and confidence inspiring through the feel of the bike.

So yes, I am getting one. Can't wait!
Hahaha, hopefully. Sadly won't e the nut job t the next meet though. Sensible... To an extent.
Do it Dave!!! Has to be done :D

I have to either look at refinancing or simply selling the 1098S privately and use the cash from that to purchase a Multi... Bit naughty though as I would still have the finance on the 1098S running.
As for finance, unsure, need to see what the settlement figure is. I think I can sell privately and buy privately, will be much cheaper for me. Maybe 500 quid extra from my self?
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Whats the update agnes, you got one yet:)

Yea, Multistradas are awsome, but expensive for what I want.

I am now looking at other routes of adventure, see here:

My mind is racing with ideas at the moment, I want the most smiles for buck.

So, I am thinking (actually, still trying to sell the 1098S), picking up a KTM EXC 250 and also a 2006 R1. Best of all worlds then :D Other half can go on the back of the R1 easily without too much fuss unlike the 1098S, cheaper to run, more reliable. Then, the KTM for when the urge arises!

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