This Business and Moment...

AND, how cool is this? On the left you have the UI mockup we did and on the right you have the real thing...


The guy is awesome, everything is just spot on how we wanted!
I'm going to pick this up and read it over the weekend :)
Still on preorder, but you can preorder it :D I'm going to push up the release to earlier in Feb but wanted some time to do a bit more proof reading etc. I finished it yesterday, but now need to make sure it actually flows well. I got a bit blinded by letters at the end.
Still on preorder, but you can preorder it :D I'm going to push up the release to earlier in Feb but wanted some time to do a bit more proof reading etc. I finished it yesterday, but now need to make sure it actually flows well. I got a bit blinded by letters at the end.
If you want a 2nd set of eyes for proof reading/feedback then I would be happy to. (I'll still pre-order it regardless)
Feeling deflated and down at the moment.

  1. Found out last year that a colleague earns £10-12k more than me for the same job (even though I've won 5 of the last 8 awards in Europe)
  2. Before Christmas had a call with a senior manager in Switzerland and told I couldn't get a pay adjustment
  3. The owner of our sister site is not renewing their contract which means the employees at the sister site will be TUPEd over.
  4. No announcement has been made officially but as we operate the site for the same owners, we same expect this to also happen to us
  5. Ex-wife has taken me to child maintenance despite me always paying on time and in-full.
Thanks guys! Was really funny feeling really, I was like :o it's on amazon!? haha

@EVH that's a bummer, but were you unhappy with your salary before you knew? How long have you been there now? Less than a year isn't it?
You don't know what will come, no point worrying about any transfers until it happens. Can't control it, don't worry about it.
As for the wife stuff, that's always a pain. I just got hit with a 1500quid elec bill (good old french sent all my bills to my old house), as well as 2.4k school tuition fee bill. January has been the longest thing ever, especially only getting paid for 1 week in Dec due to holidays. I'm tiiiiight.
Thanks guys! Was really funny feeling really, I was like :o it's on amazon!? haha

@EVH that's a bummer, but were you unhappy with your salary before you knew? How long have you been there now? Less than a year isn't it?
You don't know what will come, no point worrying about any transfers until it happens. Can't control it, don't worry about it.
As for the wife stuff, that's always a pain. I just got hit with a 1500quid elec bill (good old french sent all my bills to my old house), as well as 2.4k school tuition fee bill. January has been the longest thing ever, especially only getting paid for 1 week in Dec due to holidays. I'm tiiiiight.
I always suspected I was underpaid so this just really hurt. Been there coming up 3 years :mad:

Reason I'm worrying about transfers is I could be moving from a global company of 300,000 to a company of <100 and that will kill any and all hope of progression. Not to mention benefits are likely to evaporate after the TUPE period, so I would rather jump ship than go down on the Titanic! (so to speak).

My wife and I got married over Christmas so I know the feeling... my December pay is all but gone and there's still a week to go.
My wife and I got married over Christmas so I know the feeling... my December pay is all but gone and there's still a week to go.
Yea, I'm clinging on like **** :D

I'd definitely explore the options, and I know you were abroad, but have you considered UK contracts and stuff as well? Fling out some CVs
I got a ping back from the PM Manager this morning saying "Hi Jake, sorry I am way behind on emails right now due to other project escalations. I'll get back to you when things calm down a bit"

That's not a no :)
Feeling deflated and down at the moment.

  1. Found out last year that a colleague earns £10-12k more than me for the same job (even though I've won 5 of the last 8 awards in Europe)
  2. Before Christmas had a call with a senior manager in Switzerland and told I couldn't get a pay adjustment
  3. The owner of our sister site is not renewing their contract which means the employees at the sister site will be TUPEd over.
  4. No announcement has been made officially but as we operate the site for the same owners, we same expect this to also happen to us
  5. Ex-wife has taken me to child maintenance despite me always paying on time and in-full.

Sounds like new job time to me!
Feeling deflated and down at the moment.

  1. Found out last year that a colleague earns £10-12k more than me for the same job (even though I've won 5 of the last 8 awards in Europe)
  2. Before Christmas had a call with a senior manager in Switzerland and told I couldn't get a pay adjustment
  3. The owner of our sister site is not renewing their contract which means the employees at the sister site will be TUPEd over.
  4. No announcement has been made officially but as we operate the site for the same owners, we same expect this to also happen to us
  5. Ex-wife has taken me to child maintenance despite me always paying on time and in-full.
Guys, what would you do in this scenario..

I work for an MSP (around 50 employees) and I have been here over 3 years. Early last year an opportunity arose for me to move sideways within the company, I applied and had an interview but in the end was unsuccessful and another internal guy got the role. I wasn't massively disappointed but it was a path I'd like to pursue in the future.

In June I was promoted from my role into a Service Manager, overseeing support, managing 20 odd engineers etc, etc.

The same role I originally went for came available again just before Xmas, I sent an email to the MD and a couple of directors expressing my interest, acknowledging I wasn't chosen last time but my stance has remained the same and it's an avenue I'd like to go down but had no expectations just because I'd applied before. I received no response or acknowledgement at all which was disappointing. The beginning of this month my line manager in passing mentioned he had spoken to the Director advertising the role and it was perfectly acceptable for me to apply and once they had some external candidates applying they can then benchmark me against them, fast forward to today and I find they have appointed someone to the position (not internal).

I feel really disrespected if I'm being honest, not blowing my own trumpet but I'm well respected here (well, I thought I was!) and well thought of here in my current role (3 promotions in 3 years). To be treat like this is a real kick in the nads.

I don't know if they think it's easier keeping me in this position for recruitment purposes, the role they have filled is easier to attract folk than the one I currently occupy. I'm considering sending an email to them expressing my disappointment, it's not about not getting the role, just how I've been treat, It's plan rude/disrespectful. What do you guys think? A simple email saying I wasn't right for the position would have been perfectly acceptable and I would have known where I stood, to receive nothing just doesn't sit right with me.
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