This Business and Moment...

Hold fire on the email.

Sit on it for a week. Calm down, collect yourself. Then ask if its really worth it?

It sounds like you are valued there considering your current path, but it seems like they find you more valuable/impactful where you are rather than the path you want to persue.
Hold fire on the email.

Sit on it for a week. Calm down, collect yourself. Then ask if its really worth it?

It sounds like you are valued there considering your current path, but it seems like they find you more valuable/impactful where you are rather than the path you want to persue.

I appreciate that's a good thing but I really am tired of the role I'm in, I want a new challenge, I'd like to stay with the company but if my position is holding me back from pursuing other avenues here it's at my detriment to be good at it?

Did you mention to your line manager that you had sent that email before Christmas?

Yeah, he was CC'd in..

It's not official news of yet anyway, I guess I can sit on it until it is. I would never in a million years treat one of my guys like that and if I did I would expect them to be looking for jobs elsewhere.
Certainly seems like you've been treated unfairly, as an internal candidate they should at least acknowledge that you applied and have the decency to let you know if they're not considering you for the role anymore. This sort of thing (the rejection) perhaps ought to also warrant a meeting with your manager perhaps to discuss career goals, progression etc.. and for him to manage expectations. They've managed this badly and you're right to feel aggrieved!

Do you ever chat with the MD or any of the directors socially, like having beers after work sometimes etc..? Could be worth mentioning something informally then. More formally perhaps e-mail your manager to arrange a meeting and have a chat with him about career progression, tell him that you're grateful for the recent promotion but that you'd eventually like to transition into a role doing X etc.. and ask how you can work out a plan to make this happen?

I think you do need to make it clear that you're not happy with they way you've been treated and that you have certain ambitions/goals. They're obviously aware that you applied for the job but presumably if they've just promoted you to a new role 6 months ago then they perhaps had assumed that was you sorted for the next 2-3 years.

Is there any overlap between your role and the role you want or would there be any way for you to create some? Perhaps you could do some project work for that other team etc..?

Ultimately if that role is something you're really interested in then you might need to consider an external move yourself - in fact even if you're otherwise happy for the moment and not necessarily considering moving it could be worthwhile to apply for and have an interview for such a role elsewhere regardless. I know it sounds silly to apply for a job when you're not looking to move but you gain some benefits from doing so. You get an idea of whether a third party would consider you for that role (your current company has other interests like you being useful in your current role), you get a better idea of your current worth in terms of salary, how easily you could move if you wanted to, you get some interview practice and also, though you don't necessarily intend it, you might get a surprising offer and find yourself deciding to move after all. Not to mention that attending a job interview when you're not necessarily looking and when it doesn't matter much if you don't get the job can be a relatively stress free experience.
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Told the boss last week I was going to be accepting the offer as soon as I had the contract, just to see if they had been calling my bluff and might come out with a counter or some kind of desire to keep me. No dice :p So contracts are signed and in today's post. Very excited and not even a shadow of doubt that I'm making the right decision. Looking forward to a 5 second commute into my home office with a sea view.
I feel really disrespected if I'm being honest, not blowing my own trumpet but I'm well respected here (well, I thought I was!) and well thought of here in my current role (3 promotions in 3 years). To be treat like this is a real kick in the nads.

I don't know if they think it's easier keeping me in this position for recruitment purposes, the role they have filled is easier to attract folk than the one I currently occupy. I'm considering sending an email to them expressing my disappointment, it's not about not getting the role, just how I've been treat, It's plan rude/disrespectful. What do you guys think? A simple email saying I wasn't right for the position would have been perfectly acceptable and I would have known where I stood, to receive nothing just doesn't sit right with me.

I can relate to this completely in my current situation. I've been here 5.5 years and gone from office junior to one of, if not the, busiest person in my department despite not being at any sort of senior level. I put in a huge amount of hours last year which were noticed (MD personally commented on it before breaking up for Christmas) and formed new business relations which should see us take in close to 100k of extra work over 12 months. I've billed more than my head of department this financial year... All of this self-supported so at considerably less expense to the firm than some of my colleagues who have one or two assistants as well as being on higher salaries themselves.

And yet when I tell them I've had a job offer I don't hear a word from anyone, it goes totally ignored. I was going to speak to the MD about it yesterday but they weren't in and won't be for few more days so I thought to hell with it, it wasn't going to actually change my decision so it's their loss. They'll be lucky to only need to recruit one person to replace me IMO and I highly doubt they will keep the referral arrangement I sourced. Utimately they've proved all the reasons I went looking for a new job in the first place and why there are likely to be a few more leavers in the next 6 months.
First post in this thread, so be gentle :D

I've been having a few interviews over the past few weeks, at 2nd/3rd line level IT support roles, been in my current role just under a year (5 years total in 1st/2nd line with 2x MSP's) and to give you some idea of the company I'm at, on acceptance of my job offer I got in writing in the offer letter and contract that I'd get a pay review after 6 months - not a pay rise, just a review. I'm now 8 weeks away from being there a year and this is yet to happen. I've been told it'll be March now before I get a review. Probably to be told I'm not getting a rise.

So, I haven't applied for anything since before Christmas but my phone has literally been ringing non-stop since I the new year, averaging 1-2 calls every day. Had 2 interviews this afternoon which could not have been more different. The 2nd was a big, big no for me - from the first impression, hell even the car park and the office location, which was then confirmed by the interviewer telling me stuff which really didn't help their cause!! :rolleyes::p

However, the 1st interview this afternoon... oh god please let me get this job. It's (as far as I can tell...) perfect and EXACTLY what I'm looking for. Large company (600 people) but in a small office of 30-40 people, proper server level support, no end users to deal with, a massive infrastructure vs my current place (1000+ VM's vs 10 servers in our own data centre and numerous customer servers which have been adopted by us), nice new offices with brilliant facilities and numerous other companies in the same building, a 3 mile commute, good money - around a 30% pay increase if I get what I'd want, but tbh I'd drop a couple of grand from my perfect salary without a second thought to secure the role which would still be a 20-25% increase. No commuting increase costs either as I'm doing a 2 mile commute as it is.

Even the glassdoor review rating is at 4.3/5 which is the highest I've seen for a while, and the people there have been there for years (12+ years, 4+ years) which points to it being a very good company to work for.

The role is a little bit of a push for me and there's some areas where I have gaps and would need to learn a lot of stuff (which was covered in the interview), but they were aware of this. I think the interview went really well, met with the manager and 2 of the guys in the team afterwards, did a technical questionnaire and I'm pretty certain I did very well on that too... And it looks like there's only one other candidate in the running.

I hate the waiting after and it being completely out of your hands, that feeling afterwards of 'could I have done that better' and 'I should have mentioned that, dammit!'. Just have to wait now and keep everything crossed!!

In the Interim we have a Project Manager xxxxx who will join us on Friday 1st February to help us with the ERP project, whilst we recruit the FTC ERP Project Manager.. We are also looking for an interim Business Analyst to help with the ERP Project, again whilst we find a FTC ERP Business Analyst.

This kind of stuff, just riles me up no end.
Good luck @TallPaul_S , I'm sure you've smashed it and should hear back soon.
Don't worry about not fulfilling the criteria, candidates rarely do and we're continuously learning and developing. Plus it's good to be put outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself :)
The role is a little bit of a push for me and there's some areas where I have gaps and would need to learn a lot of stuff (which was covered in the interview), but they were aware of this.
Maccy is right, never overthink this part.

I interviewed for a job in the summer that I 99% ticked every box for and didn't even get an update until I chased for one.
I interviewed for a job a couple of months later that I ticked about 75% of the requirements and got offered the job a couple of days later.

There's no such thing as the perfect candidate, it's a unicorn. If you have got to interview stage then there's a very high chance that you are in the ballpark at the very least.
There's no such thing as the perfect candidate, it's a unicorn. If you have got to interview stage then there's a very high chance that you are in the ballpark at the very least.
So much this!! Completely agree. They will always just list of everything under the sun they can think of in the ideal world. Likelihood of that person existing is neigh on impossible most the time.
Maccy is right, never overthink this part.

I interviewed for a job in the summer that I 99% ticked every box for and didn't even get an update until I chased for one.
I interviewed for a job a couple of months later that I ticked about 75% of the requirements and got offered the job a couple of days later.

There's no such thing as the perfect candidate, it's a unicorn. If you have got to interview stage then there's a very high chance that you are in the ballpark at the very least.

When hiring I actually prefer candidates around the 70-80% level of requirements as it gives them a chance to learn and develop which tends to keep people around a bit longer.
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Cheers guys :) I don't think I'll hear until the middle of next week at the earliest, I've got a couple of voicemails/emails from recruiters that I need to follow up on already this week, I can't take calls during the day so it's tricky to keep on top of them!

Got offered a 2nd interview for the terrible interview I had yesterday, politely told the recruiter 'thanks but no thanks' :D

I'll start being a bit more selective over the interviews I attend I think, I've had 4 interviews over the past 4 weeks, 2 of which weren't exactly what I'm looking for.

It's a nice position to be in, I'll admit :p
This still available? I have the samsung duos charger to charge my mate 20 pro and galaxy watch. Could do a comparison to that if you want?

Did the tester arrive?

If so can you time how long it takes to get to half charge, 3/4 charge and full charge. I have found that with wireless charging, the closer you get to full charge the longer it takes to get the last 20% charged up. The wireless charger I sent you is around 73% efficient approx. This is being addressed inhouse by the manufacturer to try and get it to 80+

Try it with a phone and try it with anything else that's got QI wireless charging as an option. See how you get on :)
@subbytna sorry I never got round to ordering one of your kits with the discount code you kindly offered, I don't suppose there's any offers available still for forumers?!
@subbytna sorry I never got round to ordering one of your kits with the discount code you kindly offered, I don't suppose there's any offers available still for forumers?!

Braided USB Type C lead- included
Braided iPhone Lightning lead - included
Micro USB lead- included
- These are 30cms leads to make it easier and less hassle to use the power bank charger. 1M cables just get in the way too much.

Free UK and Ireland delivery - Delivery is signed for so someone will have to sign to get the package

Anyone wanting a free 1m iPhone lightning lead? Just pay postage @

That's all I can offer forum chums just now :)
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Braided USB Type C lead- included
Braided iPhone Lightning lead - included
Micro USB lead- included

and free UK and Ireland delivery

Thanks, you have order!

One thing to mention, the order confirmation page is a bit blank - maybe it should have a bit more on it?


Oh and let us know when wireless chargers are available, or if you need a tester ;)

EDIT - oh and clicking on the 'view your order' link in the email takes me to that blank page too...
Got the order, thanks.

I'll have a nosey at the confirmation page. Haven't looked at it much since I set everything up. It does look a little "sparse" thanks for the feedback squire. Will get that fulfilled and dispatched in the next 24 hours :cool:
The PM Manager who I spoke to recently is in Libson today....

Bumped into the PM I met with who told me about this. Lets see if I can arrange a coffee with him :cool:
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