This Business and Moment...

Cheers! What kind of field is it that you are in over there by the way? Don't think I saw anything about it here yet?
I currently am on a contract as an Application Service Manager for, what started out as just an application they called Trams. Does all their shipping, so pretty big, but awful application. Then I took on ASM for Amberroad, an application that does denied party screening. Want to ship something to Bob? Screens the name and address and company, and tells you that Bob is on a known terrorist list. We don't ship to Bob. It's a super easy job, I could train a small child to do it. I only took it as I needed a contract at the time tbh haha
Since last week they've also asked me to take on ASM duties for an application for SciQuest and deputise for another one called BSR. On top of this I do some business analyst stuff on the project which is replacing Trams. None of it is a challenge and I much prefer working on products. I've been trying to get more involved in that side of the business where I am. They're doing a whole massive IT re-org at the moment, which I'd like to be a part of but it's really hard as a contractor to break into the FTE fold. Still, I try... Why full time not contractor? Rates are getting hammered, I'm getting older and I can't be arsed to jump around the world chasing contracts and Basel is a small pond. Nice benefits at Novartis where I am.

I still do fun things on the side. Built emotuit (, got some work trickling in there but not enough to live on. Built Cheezus ( which is awesome. Need to develop some new features for it soon, but user base growing (over 500 active now).


That's me haha
I currently am on a contract as an Application Service Manager for, what started out as just an application they called Trams. Does all their shipping, so pretty big, but awful application. Then I took on ASM for Amberroad, an application that does denied party screening. Want to ship something to Bob? Screens the name and address and company, and tells you that Bob is on a known terrorist list. We don't ship to Bob. It's a super easy job, I could train a small child to do it. I only took it as I needed a contract at the time tbh haha
Since last week they've also asked me to take on ASM duties for an application for SciQuest and deputise for another one called BSR. On top of this I do some business analyst stuff on the project which is replacing Trams. None of it is a challenge and I much prefer working on products. I've been trying to get more involved in that side of the business where I am. They're doing a whole massive IT re-org at the moment, which I'd like to be a part of but it's really hard as a contractor to break into the FTE fold. Still, I try... Why full time not contractor? Rates are getting hammered, I'm getting older and I can't be arsed to jump around the world chasing contracts and Basel is a small pond. Nice benefits at Novartis where I am.

I still do fun things on the side. Built emotuit (, got some work trickling in there but not enough to live on. Built Cheezus ( which is awesome. Need to develop some new features for it soon, but user base growing (over 500 active now).


That's me haha

Breadth of experiences hen! At Wightlink where I was for 8 years we had contractors in all the time, some would be there for years, others just the 6-12 months their contract was set for. What was clear was that contractors generally raked in £££, some were taking £600+ a day and they could simply work 6 months a year and take the rest off to do whatever or do smaller jobs here and there. I tried my hand at IT contracting before starting there though, did it for 2 years but the constant moving around every 6 months minimum got tiring and eventually I wanted job security. It's true as you get old you just want a challenge but at the same time that level of comfort knowing you have the security and paid annual leave and other benefits. With this new role I'm lucky in that my weekends are free so I can use the time to properly focus on my personal business (photography) and really push on marketing and projects once this Covid19 is out the way..
That's exactly it to be honest. Not like I'm old (35 this year) but I have 3 kids, and want to enjoy my time. I've been contracting 11-12 years and money has been good, but no proper holiday in that time. I never took the time off, just earned more :D but now I'm like ugh. I need to readjust that. As contract rates out here are getting lower, I'm hoping as I've gained experience moving to a full time role won't be such a drop in salary as it would have been say 5 years ago! Now days I tend to value my time more than the money associated with it... to a point! :P
Well my salary / pay review saga with my employer has finally come to an end. Its taken 12 months to get it over the line, and I'll admit to feeling pretty disgruntled at times, but they've finally delivered on everything they promised me and more.

20% pay bump, £5k over the top on my expectations, backdated to the start of the year. Structured development plan with dates/milestones to bump me up to the next grading within 6 months, just in time for bonus season.

At times over the last 12 months I've really regretted turning down the other role I was offered, but I think it all worked out for the best. The company I would have moved to has really floundered as a result of COVID and its likely I'd have found myself subject to redundancy had I moved.
Hot dog or not? :D
Basically, but more complicated than that haha

At times over the last 12 months I've really regretted turning down the other role I was offered, but I think it all worked out for the best. The company I would have moved to has really floundered as a result of COVID and its likely I'd have found myself subject to redundancy had I moved.
That's wicked that they have done that. You see it so much where promises are not followed through, so great that they've done that. I know it was a ballache!

Haven't mentioned it on here, because I hate to jinx things lol but had interviews for an internal role over the last few weeks. Last one was yesterday. I should hopefully find out more Monday on final decisions. Mentioning it now as there is **** all I can change, I've done all my side and nothing more I can do. Will see what feedback I get. The role is Associate Director for Product Excellence where I am at Novartis in IT. I think the interviews went well, but no idea what the outcome will be. It's such a hard place to get your foot in the full time role door. I love working in the product management space, but a lot of all I have done has been outside my contract roles, so it would be really nice on the CV to have a good product role front and centre there.

I can at least relax now though, all process from my side is over. Did interviews, case study reviews etc. now relax.
I can at least relax now though, all process from my side is over. Did interviews, case study reviews etc. now relax.
I've had some feedback that I really impressed everyone. I just need to get a sign off from the CIO (hiring freeze, so need to get top sign off for strategic hires) and do a quick interview with an HR rep about values and behaviours and then then want to get an offer to me. Be nice to get something official through and not feedback by message, but still!
I've had some feedback that I really impressed everyone. I just need to get a sign off from the CIO (hiring freeze, so need to get top sign off for strategic hires) and do a quick interview with an HR rep about values and behaviours and then then want to get an offer to me. Be nice to get something official through and not feedback by message, but still!
Good old corporate. I spoke to HR yesterday and they said they wanted to push forward with a recommendation to hire, but need to put a case forward to show they don't have the skillset internally to do the role, and then justification on this being an essential hire (due to hiring freeze). The HR guy was really sound and said that they know there isn't anyone internally who can do it, and it's an essential role but it's actually got to be signed off by about 4 of the C suite, inc. CIO/CEO and CFO, so a real pain and I just have to wait.
They said that if they can't get sign off on a full time position, they would opt for a contract if I'd take it, and look to internalize it after but didn't want to as they felt the impact wouldn't be as great.

Looks like it should be a go though, whether it's as a contract to start or perm role, that's to be decided! Now I just have to try and be patient. Fingers crossed it all works out anyway!
HR departments never fail to make what should be simple infinitely more complex.

I got a massive bollocking last year for not offering one of the my roles internally. They repeatedly insisted we had the skillset internally, despite this being a niche industry specific thing with only one person in the entire business who had more than a high level understanding of it - me. After a while I got quite blunt and told them that if there was anybody in the company that could do this they would already be working for me. They ended up complaining to the CFO about my conduct, who promptly told them to do one.
HR departments never fail to make what should be simple infinitely more complex.
Yea, seems it's company politics as well which is a killer at the moment. So much justification required to hire, as they have let some people go, so need to be politically astute. Pain in my arse though! Now it's just this weird limbo **** as well, and I can't tell anyone at work about it lol it's all a bit odd.
Got told last night, it had been signed off by the CFO & CIO and just needs to pass through the CEO now. Final approval and I should get an offer. I am hoping it will be this week... and I'm hoping it'll be an OK offer lol

I know it'll be less than I'm on now, but I don't know how much. My contract rate isn't that good at the moment (it's not at all bad, don't get me wrong, but has gone down about 20-25% in the last 5 years) and this role is a few steps up the org chart than this current role, so I'm hoping that evens it out a bit. Also, 15% yearly bonus, 8% employee pension contributions, decent holiday pay etc.

Anyway, hopefully it won't take all week to pass through his desk and I can have some closure on all this.
I recently went for an interview at a school much closer to home (3-5 min drive traffic dependent). Its a school I actually went to as a child.
Will be a part of a two man department and been asked for my input on what to teach and when.
Moved up the pay scale as well. Around £250 better off per month when taking into account the pay scale and lack of fuel expenditure.

I've also started a little local 3d printing service. Had couple of dozen orders for little objects. Toys, prototypes and things like that.
Good news. Surprisingly quick considering the hoops that needed to be jumped through.
Thanks! Got the figures and formal offer notice today which I was prepared to be disappointed with but it was actually higher than my expectations, which I'm mega happy about! I formally accepted and notified my manager too... want me to start 1st August.

Moved up the pay scale as well. Around £250 better off per month when taking into account the pay scale and lack of fuel expenditure.

That's wicked news! Better work life balance hopefully being closer and more scope to have your input, plus better off! Win win!
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