This Business and Moment...

Ha thanks TC.
I was worried as I heard nothing back from them for a few days so was thinking I'd jinxed it, but heard from them over the weekend, so here's hoping it's all good still.

So many time you get nothing for being loyal. I found if you want something you have to ask for it. At least they then know your expectations, and you know what you need to do in order to get it. It'll never (or rarely) given to you out of love.

I had an initial conversation with a sales guy on Friday. He's currently regional director at a company we are integrated with, so he knows all of our customers. He was really interested in what we're doing so we're going to set up some time to do a demo etc. I'd love someone like him as a Senior VP Sales, then work out how to pay him. We're really missing a pure sales guy now we're at the point where we can sell. I just can't do a good enough job over here.
Ha well if you need someone doing reporting or MI ask.

Seling, I'm afraid that's not my forte - done it before lol, my first job was B2B Car sales fro Alfa lol
I've just co-developed a Sharepoint site for Diversity & Inclusion that's aimed at the whole EMEIA business, and possibly even the US.

It's D&I week, and whilst it sounds trite I am actually proud of my company for what they are doing around equality.
Found out today that there is a big company announcement on Friday morning, and all staff have to be in for it, even those who were previously booked to be on holiday. I don't think that sounds too good. Fingers crossed it's just a restructure of the company rather than a sweep of redundancies or something like that.
Haha I'm just building a SharePoint Training Program for my "day job" and doing a wonderful PPT supporting documentation at the moment. It's about as fun as it gets. FML. This place has killed SP for me.

Edit: Hope it's not bad news Davey. What sector are you in?
I had to have a one to one with one of the interns we have as he'd done nothing in like 2 months and it got beyond silly. He's supposed to be working on the UI, but did nothing and it's what the customer sees, so it's kind of important!

I like our simple UI:

But there are changes I want, for options etc. where they need to be updated, so he's started getting those sorted finally today. We will see how it goes...
Edit: Hope it's not bad news Davey. What sector are you in?

The company's main sector is finance, but I work in IT. I think even if the worst is confirmed it'll be at least a year before things wind up here given the nature of our business. I personally think it'll be something more like a restructure of management, and perhaps even a complete change of management. My company is actually a subsidiary of an international firm, who aren't happy with our performance in the UK. I suspect that we may be taken over by the consultants who were brought in to help improve things about 6 months ago. Things have improved but not enough yet.

If I'm right, it could potentially work out well for me as I get along really well with the consultants, and I know they think highly of me (as they've told me). I'm trying not to speculate though as no-one knows anything at the moment, and guessing won't help me at all.
I'm half expecting a similar announcement from the company I work for, funding we receive has been cut by 23% and although small mitigations have been put into place already I can't see it being enough.
lol I've just heard my day job contract is looking like it'll get the chop. Which is a bit of a bitch. Might need to find a way to pay myself until the start up brings in any money. Or maybe it just puts some serious pressure on actually making some sales... :p

Ah well, you can't stress about these things.
Thinking about heading to bed, as I've been working overnight. Client is in Melbourne, so matched their working day so we could have a meeting and immediate availability throughout... but will be going back to normal hours as of... today. LOL.

Might just try to power through with gaming and coffee.
Ouch Davey :(

At least being for warned means you can get on the hunt early and hopefully onwards and upwards quickly?

Wonder how random's got on with the Bill gates pitch?
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Well, the last time I was forced to leave a job I ended up in a "better" job with more pay. At least in my current job I've been promoted to network management, so that gives me more experience on my CV, and another job type I can apply for.

I don't want to jump the gun too much, everything still needs confirming on Friday, but if nothing else at least I'm mentally prepared for whatever news may come up.
I was made redundant once from a public sector role, actually took VR as the place was closing down anyway so would have been given it anyway a few months later.

But as writing had been on the wall for a good while before (all knew that particular bit of gov was going) already had a new, better job lined up.

Looking back best thing that happened to me as made me leave my comfort zone and push on to much better things.
Still heard nothing. I even woke up like 3 times in the night to see if I'd got an email. Ugh.

Will try and be cool and just see what happens.

I did get an email this morning, which was a great buzz...

And we have meetings with Arizona State Uni and Utah Valley Uni next week. These long sales cycles are killer though.
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