My current employer’s confrontational attitude towards it’s seafarers, engineering officers in particular, has come back to absolutely bite them in the ****. Literally, whenever any issues with pay or our terms and conditions have been brought up in the past, the response has always been a smugly delivered “well if you don’t like it, leave”. So now people are, in droves, and it’s getting to the point that they’re becoming unable to relieve people on time, which is in turn ******* more people off who are then leaving, thereby exacerbating the problem.
One way round it would be to either improve our work:leave ratio, increase salaries or reduce trip lengths, which are currently 3 months +\- 30 days, or a combination of the above, but they stubbornly refuse to do so so far, meanwhile rival companies are making far better offers, meaning they also aren’t attracting new recruits, but they somehow expect us to still work for them, despite how they’ve treated us in the past.
What’s worse for them is once a seafarer goes past the 3 months + 30 days point, and they don’t agree to sign an extension, then the company cannot legally keep them onboard, and the ship will be detained by port state authorities if they attempt to do so, so there’s coming a point where ships that should be being chartered for $150,000+ per day may well end up sat off hire, with the company paying out of their own pocket because they don’t have engineers to run them.
Makes you wonder how people with such terrible decision making skills end up in management.