Yes, I think this will do the job. Thank you.Inflation calculator
Use our inflation calculator to check how prices in the UK have changed over time, from 1209 to
Any good for you?
Yes, I think this will do the job. Thank you.Inflation calculator
Use our inflation calculator to check how prices in the UK have changed over time, from 1209 to
Any good for you?
Yeah mine did this a couple years back. I managed quite well with removing the email and just having a link to OWA but now OWA requires 2FA with a random 2 digit number... More and more incentive to not check stuff on my personal phoneGreat, work have implemented a policy where only managed devices can access resources, including O365. I completely understand why, but I lose Office apps from my personal phone and laptop. /rant
We can still access emails and calendar via Workspace One Boxer, I guess they are able to manage the application and lock it down more. I know it's a terrible habit but I'd check emails after work to make sure I'm not coming back in to a **** storm and aim off accordingly.Yeah mine did this a couple years back. I managed quite well with removing the email and just having a link to OWA but now OWA requires 2FA with a random 2 digit number... More and more incentive to not check stuff on my personal phone
New product arrived that will be launched with our new website next month. Been a long time in the works but it's here. Performance is unreal
100W charging in a single Power Delivery slot too. I've had 2 macbooks and ipad and iphone running off the one plug. Passed with flying colours
What are the output stats?
Suppose you'll need to send out some testing units.
You do EU ones?Testing already done Thanks for the "offer" though The testing plug (in pic above) was brutally tested. Hence it's covered in scratches and fingerprints. Don't think I've dropped a plug down the stairs as this poor chap was lol
You do EU ones?
@subbytna I need your help man. My Mercedes is SO sensitive on what cable it accepts for Android auto that it is hard to tell what rules it plays by. Often its the garbage bundled ones from god knows what that seem to work - but then they only last 5 mins.
Can you shed any light on why? And is there a god like cable I can buy from yourself that would fix this?
S22+/USB C to USB A...
I'm not a top revenue earner so unfortunately do not have an iPhone - however I had considered something like this a while back for Android.Check out
My mother in law has a GLA and hers is equally awkward. Often with it looking like the screen is broken, however the above works for her and is awesome to avoid needing to use a cable. Usually have a deal on too, although FX rates might've screwed the price a bit. Think i paid about £75
@subbytna I need your help man. My Mercedes is SO sensitive on what cable it accepts for Android auto that it is hard to tell what rules it plays by. Often its the garbage bundled ones from god knows what that seem to work - but then they only last 5 mins.
Can you shed any light on why? And is there a god like cable I can buy from yourself that would fix this?
S22+/USB C to USB A...